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Vic Mancini

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Everything posted by Vic Mancini

  1. Are those ground crew figures 1/60 too?? That would be cool if Yamato starts making some 1/60 ground crew for the diorama folks around here.
  2. Determining the size of things relative to each other in an anime is pointless. How many times did we see a VF-1 in hand to hand combat with a Zent soldier the same size? They climb out of their Regults, which don't look nearly large enough for a VF-1 Battroid pilot, and then all of a sudden they are just as tall as a Battroid. Yet according to cannon a Zent soldier is supposed to be much smaller than a VF-1 Battroid. I don't ever recall a VF-1 in hand to hand combat with a Zent soldier half the size. Just because a VF-11 Gerwalk looks roughly the same size as a YF-21 Battroid when it's catching it from falling, doesn't mean they are the same size. Not that I really care one way or the other, I'm just making a point. It will be interesting to see what the final dimensions of the VF-11 turn out to be. ...Love the 11! No matter how big/small it is.
  3. The VF-1 is a stubby airplane. It's not just the 1/60 rendition. Also notice the placement of the pilot in the anime compared to the 1/60. The forward positioning of the pilot is a big part of why the nose looks stubby. If the pilot was positioned more towards the middle/rear of the cockpit the nose would look a lot longer.
  4. The VF-0 is a beauty. The VF-0A (grey) supposedly has some chemical reaction problem between the plastic and rubber in the shoulder joints. They will crack/explode over time and the arms may fall off. The VF-0S (white with yellow/black markings) is supposed to have the joint problem fixed. Just make sure you get the version that comes with the extra armaments.
  5. Well that's why I italicized the word "somewhat" to preface the word "responsible" You're right, he's definitely not a responsible guy. But he is more by-the-book than Isamu...or at least as you mentioned, he appears to be responsible/by-the-book, which is all I was trying to say.
  6. I think the Revy YF-19 sculpt is way nicer. The head of the GNU looks cartoonishly large, and the overall sculpt looks very non-threatening, unlike the Revy which is just way more bad ass. I actually think the shoulder joints look better on the Revy despite them being large ball joints. The GNU's shoulder joints ain't exactly ideal either and I think the Revy is the lesser of two evils in this case. On the other hand I like the sculpt of the GNU YF-21 more than the Revy. So much for getting a matching set. EDIT: I can't get over how atrocious the Revy 21 is. !! The GNU looks 10x better.
  7. Oh, I see what you're saying. Well the reason for Isamu and Guld going to earth didn't bother me. Isamu loved flying more than anything else. His battle was with the X9. Stealing a prototype fighter and risking his career, and even execution, to go to Earth to prove himself against the Ghost was consistent with his character and the story arc, I think. It gave Isamu a logical reason to be in the same place at the same time as when Sharon was losing her sanity. Guld loved hating Isamu more than anything else. His battle was with Isamu. But he was still a somewhat responsible dude, so being sent on a mission to stop the renegade YF-19 was also consistent, and sets up the final act nicely IMO. I wouldn't call either of those motives contrived. It would be contrived if Isamu won some lottery that had nothing to do with the story and had to go to Earth in the Alpha-1 to claim his prize, and if Guld randomly decided to go on vacation to visit his Mom on Earth in the Omega-1. ...Something silly and random that had nothing to do with anything would feel manufactured and contrived. Both of Isamu and Guld's reasons for going to Earth felt fine to me, but I respect your opinion.
  8. Myung was one of the "good guys" and she figured it out. She knew half of the dirty truth all along: How Sharon's emotions were a sham and how she was the real source. She learned the other half of the dirty truth later: The whole bio-mechanical chip / self-preservation based illegal short cut they took. Once she knew what was going on she did try to stop Sharon. Isamu and Guld didn't know Myung was in danger when they went to Earth so you can't really blame them for putting other priorities ahead of her. They came to her rescue as soon as they found out what was happening, though. Sure, Isamu and Guld damaged a city in the wake of their battle, but that was to communicate how intense their rivalry was. The Super Nova project was the battlegrounds for their grudge match which simmered to a boiling point on Earth. Was it wreckless?...sure. Did any civilians get hurt?...unknown. Was the city abandoned because everyone was at the Sharon Apple concert?...unknown. If so, did Isamu and Guld know this?...and is that why they casually engaged in battle inside the city because they knew nobody would be hurt?...possibly. But whatever the answers to those questions are, I don't think they detract from the narrative. I didn't feel cheated of any payoffs.
  9. I have to vote for the OVA, but it's a close race. I liked the pacing in the OVA far more than the movie, but I also saw the OVA first so I may be biased by that. There was just waaaay too much cut out of the middle and beginning of the movie version for my taste. Isamu already on the base when the movie starts? Taking the YF-19 for a flight before establishing the 21's power, (and Achilles heel), to the viewer in episode one with the missle evasion test and free fall incident? Condensed head to head testing scenes? ...Nah. I can't get into that. Bad pacing in my books. I loved the English dub of the OVA too. I thought the voice acting was really good, so that was a bonus for me personally. 2 big things the movie had that the OVA didn't: - Obviously a more satisfying sacrificial death scene for Guld. - More Isamu character development, specifically his motivation for flying and how he's trying to reach that other world, or spiritual plane, or enlightenment, or whatever that white light is that he's chasing. Sharon Apple's motivations are a lot more clear because of this.
  10. I'm pretty sure the 19 and 21's FPs are aerodynamic enough for atmosphere. Both the fighters have their FPs attached for the majority of the episode 4 battle on Earth.
  11. You are not alone. The visible turbines have looked weird to me ever since the first prototype pics. I don't recall ever seeing the turbines in the anime or any line art. The deep black ducts are sort of a signature feature of the 21 for me. I might paint them black when I get mine.
  12. Don't sell yourself short. Your pics are pretty amazing too. Love em!
  13. Amazing pics Swoosh, as always. Not to nitpick, but isn't the "backpack" supposed to collapse forward in Gerwalk mode? (like it does in Battroid.) I always thought that was part of the Gerwalk transformation. Also, can this thing stand in Gerwalk? I'm probably the only one who cares since I'm one of the only Gerwalk lovers on these boards, but I'm really curious. Every pic you've got has it on a flexi stand.
  14. Wow, I didn't think this would happen (since I'm not a fan of non-transforming representations of transforming mecha), but these are starting to look more and more interesting. I don't own any Revoltechs so I don't know...how tall are these things on average? 6-7 inches? I might buy a 19 and 21 for my desk.
  15. Great post. I've never thought about the 21's belly plates like that before. I guess they are kind of redundant aren't they? For whatever reason I still kind of dig them in B mode. Similar to the 19's wings being hinged at the hips, there is just something about that look that appeals to me. As for your second paragraph, I've always wondered the same thing. I don't get it either. Oh well, to each their own.
  16. I whole heartedly agree. I think the positioning of the pilot is horrible and contributes to the stubby nose effect also. If I was a VF-1 fan I'd definitely be irked.
  17. I'm personally not a fan of any of the Mac7 mecha, but Yamato would be wise to listen to you. There seems to be a lot of hope on this board for alternate face plates and canopies and such for the 21 to convert it to a quasi-22. Sometimes I get the feeling that the 22 is even more coveted than the 21. And anything with a Max/Milia scheme seems to be in high demand.
  18. In the movie edition of Macross Plus, Guld is losing his fight against the X-9 Ghost and his last resort is to eject the arms and legs of the YF-21, and to disable the computer which limits the 21's extreme power and maneuverability. (Limitations for pilot safety). Guld unleashes the full power of the YF-21 and ends up crushing his internal organs from the lethal g-forces exerted on his body in a successful kamikaze attack on the Ghost. It's probably the greatest scene in the history of Macross.
  19. LMAO. Wow. Well done.
  20. I didn't know it was possible to not know the answer to this.
  21. Wasn't UN SPACEY printed upside down on the Revoltech FPs?
  22. SDFM: 3 or 4 DYRL: 2 Flashback 2012: 0.5 Plus: At least 10 Plus Movie: 2 or 3 7: 1 Dynamite 7: 1 Zero: 4 or 5 Flantier ep1: 3
  23. I'm not a fan of this scheme, but you did a great job. It looks really really good.
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