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Everything posted by Los

  1. I just added pre-orders for this guy. I have a feeling this will probably my favorite of the Revoltechs that I actually opened (Prime, Megatron, Magnus, Ingram 02, Griffon, & Mazinger). Mazinger is pretty sweet, but trying to get him to pose with some of the accessories can be a pain. The VF-1J looks pretty easy with the fast packs parts on or off.
  2. Finally watched Disc 3 of Gunbuster last night. To be honest, I wasn't really into the first 2 discs but the last one was pretty cool.
  3. LOL! It will be interesting to see how this movie turns out. A sports car loaded with weapons and AI doesn't really sound as cool as robots with AI, large human-piloted mecha or transforming aliens. No matter what, I will be going with my father to see it.
  4. I hope there is a scene where KITT saves a drunken, half-naked Hoff from eating hamburgers in the bathroom.
  5. Review of early script at LatinoReview... http://www.latinoreview.com/scriptreview.php?id=65
  6. I still not opened our Military Garland for display yet. I will have time to do it next week. Nice review Jenius! I just referred a potential customer to your review since he was asking about the shoulder joints. It is nice to see that Yamato is sending free joints to customers. I may try to get some from our Yamato rep for the last two we have.
  7. Looks like a December release date with a high retail price of 17000 yen.
  8. That is a concern...so just like white plastic I would recommend that people keep their stands away from direct sunlight.
  9. The things we are addressing in 2007 include a lower retail price, screws in the cover plate (a more clean look) and the clear bumpers on the rods. The biggest concern is cost...how to bring down cost without ruining everthing we like about the stand. Right now we believe that we have a new design that would solve these problems but even if we went with the design today, the stands would not be ready until Fall 07. FYI we do not manufacture stands in increments of tens or hundereds, but thousands! So manufacturing time takes a few months. For those that are waiting for a new stand, we should have something for you by the holiday season. What I can tell you is that clear bumpers are in and round bases are out (for now). More details on the look of the stand will be revealed this summer. As far as selling just parts or stands ala carte of the current model, we will look more seriously into this after our move to Dallas this month.
  10. Still waiting to hear back on the clear tips...will let you guys know what I find out. Just so you know BigBadToyStore has them up for pre-order. http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/menu.aspx?menu=1388 Brian's Toys will also have listings up very soon.
  11. Actually we should have an answer to that question soon...
  12. We are looking at possibly sell parts but probably won't happen this year...but yeah mix and matching rods is fun. Check this out... Also took this today to show off the 6' stand...
  13. Nice setup Dante74! I may have to borrow that Roy pose from you.
  14. Since we took over the manufacturing of the stands we have not brought back the round base for the same reasons that Roy's Blues mentioned. So if you are looking for the round base now you may have to look the the For Sale Thread. Anyone wanting to buy stands this week, make sure you use the YEAR1 Coupon Code at check out for 10% off. BTW we also give away a free stand with every valk purchase.
  15. HLJ did want any right now but if you guys ask for them, they will ask us to send them some. BTW if you want your local hobby shop or toy retailer to carry these, just send them our way.
  16. We do not advertise that the stands can support a standing battriod, but I have seen pictures of it done by mixing and matching rods.
  17. I was waiting for some to spot that! We sent HLJ some stands last month to test the international market. It is cheaper to buy from us if you are in the US (www.LAFtoys.com), but for all you long distance international fans who buy model kits or yamato toys on a regular basis from HLJ, it will be cheaper to order from them.
  18. Sweet! This Revoltech line is catching more people's attention with every release. Glad to see them give Macross some luv too.
  19. Check it out... LINK
  20. I told a friend that I wanted to take this picture since we got our MP-05s, but I have been too busy the last few days to do it! Anyway, he was able to do it today and I thought I would share...
  21. Nice pics Kevin! Looks like our modded MP-05 shipment will be the same.
  22. Very cool, but very expensive! Seems like every new 1/60 valk coming out is going higher and higher in price.
  23. I can seem to find any 2007 detail on the Good Smile Tachikoma. Apparently this figure has been on the table for release since 2005. Hopefully more details will pop up soon. Anyone know which Tachikoma this one is? http://youtube.com/watch?v=myTQxCqOUus
  24. Los

    1/48 Vf-1s Roy Custom

    That is pretty amazing. Nice work!
  25. Nice teasers! Can't wait to see more.
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