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Everything posted by Fly4victory

  1. Japanese version of the game costs almost twice as much as the North America version on Yes-asia. After getting japanese PSN cards that will be quite expensive. Edit: Even more expensive on Amazon.
  2. Can't forget that she is the one that told Rick that Shane was dangerous. If Lori wants to get mad at someone she needs to look in the mirror. All I can say is prison time, Baby!
  3. Now that they have finally left the farm. Did Hershel inadvertantly protect the farm by having a barn full of walkers or was it just a matter of time?
  4. Excellent find Omega. "only their own utter stupidity got in their way at any given moment." Spot On!
  5. Amazon had a 50% off sale.
  6. I read the comics after season 1. The two walkers are her boyfriend and his buddy. May not be the same on the TV. Having two walkers to cover the secent is inventive but the image has a profound impact to people. She can't psyc-out walkers but people would sure enough want to stay away. At this point of the story... not the most wholesome people are alive and a single girl needs to protect herself.
  7. Michonne, That charater is straight from the comic. Quite cool but an example of comic direct translation may not be the best. SIlencers are not the hollywood air gun sound but they do work and help. Did not see the discovery channel program but caliber, powder load, type of silencer, and type of weapon are all factors. The sound of the weapon isn't just the discharge either but the function of the action and many other things. Yet, seeing how a gunshot is ringing the dinner bell they need to do something about it.
  8. Do you think they will have learned to silence their weapons and improve the defense of their positions after tonight?
  9. Model section in a Santa Rosa comic book store in 1984/85. They had an Imai 1/144 VF-1A that had four models in one box.
  10. Wooden aircraft models can be very attractive depending on the artist. Almost always panel lines and other details are painted. The problem with e-bay is you can't see the piece until after you purchase it. Custom work you may not be able to return at all. Get a chunk of balsa and have a go at it yourself. Most people given time could produce what you show in those photos.
  11. Interesting traffic pattern for a wave-off, even more excitment if one bolts off the wire. Cool looking though. 64 in honor of the USS Constellation?
  12. Cheeper than HLJ. They only it at 5% saving for pre-order. http://www.hlj.com/product/ALT20808 And its about time we see these.
  13. Now there is a reason I'd buy ACAH and it wouldn't work on my machine. The screen capture does look great.
  14. http://video.search.yahoo.com/search/video;_ylt=A2KLqIBsrENPvxQAgpP7w8QF;_ylu=X3oDMTBncGdyMzQ0BHNlYwNzZWFyY2gEdnRpZAM-?p=playing+dead&fr=moz35&ei=utf-8&fr2=piv-web&n=21&tnr=20 So the debate will be book vs show vs game. High point Glen is in the game.
  15. With the books being translated into english, there may have been a slight increase in demand but the longer alter waits the less people will think about it. I was able to get the Bandai electric camoflage mave model last year so all I really want is the flip knife.
  16. Is the Replica Prop Forum down again? When I try the full name.com I get a data base error.
  17. The second reason people do things power, money being the first. We are the biggest and best English voice of decent and some individuals here have direct links to the industry in Japan. Hobotech.com had some rumblings of decent a few years ago and were quickly quelled. Easy to figure considering who owns the website. The only thing that really keeps us for being a threat is that the Macross model, toy, and animation industry doesn't care about the North American Market. They don't need the fight because they already have the moral high ground and legally all the rights everywhere else in the world. Why, the most dangerous question.
  18. You can try to get it done but don't hold your breath, I'd like to see it on PS3 but as has been said before buy a PSP and play those Macross games. If you want it on the big screen buy the PSP cable. Kind of old-schoolish but they look great on a 32 inch Sony Bravia. Also, I have always been worried that too much Hummny-Mold talk and those criminals, based on the Japanese court ruling, would try to shut down Macross World since they believe wrongly that Macross is theirs.
  19. Live action???? Thought Lucas wanted everything digital to include his actors, less royalties and easily changed performances.
  20. Have the VA-3 so impressive that Graham is willing to help set-up the meeting. I hate web-based exclusives but even that would have a more reduced cost to the consumer compared to a limited run 3D printing with all the hand finishing involved. A garage kit license could be bought for a convention but that would require Jason to have an initial outlay of capital. Having a finished prototype and going to Yamato, the worst thing is the cost of a plane ticket to Japan. This is not that far fetched an idea.
  21. What a train wreak. The Atlanta story needs to be made. Guess the cuts explain the extended stay on the farm. Couldn't afford to change locations.
  22. Work hard and think big. Once complete sell the digital file and a second 3D prototype to Yamato or Bandai. I know this is a labor of love but that it could be a production/marketing success. You have the satisfaction of the design, did all the work for the companies, and others can buy them without you having licensing worries.
  23. Gald someone applied it to the 1/60 because that's the same thing we did with the diecast 1/72 VF-11 with a light blue paint sample from Lowe's and aircraft gray spray paint.
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