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Everything posted by Fly4victory

  1. Wow, that was really good. Too bad don't have Disney XD. I'll have to trust that the good quality will continue and buy the DVD set.
  2. Not available in your country!??? WTF. Welcome to the 21st century, thanks big brother you're #1 too.
  3. Yes, Thanks for the post areaseven. Thats some good old fashioned campy-ness more from Adam West's Batman or the Superfriends. Certainly not the Cap beating the enemy to a pulp and then feeding whats left to the Hulk.
  4. "Menace of the Mole Man"? It doesn't takes the Avengers to keep a golf course safe.... just Bill Murray. Is that in Tagalog or English? If in Tagalog could have used that a few years ago.
  5. http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fan_fic/news/?a=55120 This sums up the new Captain America uniform pretty well.
  6. Yeah, the Coulson designed suit wasn't as cool as the Rescue or the WW2 uniform. Thankfully no pirate boots or fish scale chain mail. But the Cap is cheesy and naive for modern multi-corp everything is a shade of gray US. That is why I still like him and enjoy his increase in popularity from the Marvel movies. I recently looked back over the comic years and it seems that writers really enjoyed killing the Cap and trampling on him in the process.
  7. The only thing that I can say remotely bad about the Avengers was too much time on the Helicarrier. The big missed opportunity was in marketing. Jeep Chrysler really missed out. The Acura contract may not have allowed it but Jeep would have done well to highlight the Shield J8 Jeep. Chrysler needs all the help it can get and missing out on an Avengers tie in was really thick. AEV was working with Jeep to get bodies so civilians could put in their own engines and transmissions, since the military ones are not street legal, but that deal fell off. I mean Jeep did a Sahara tie in....Bad movie and the jeep really wasn't featured as well as the Avengers or say Terminator Salvation. Oh, and could of had more Captain America.
  8. Fine Bifröst or Bilröst Bi being better than a rainbow?
  9. http://www.foundrydx.com/joints2.html Here is a good source for joints.
  10. Larger than 1/60. Try bionical ball joints wrapped in cling wrap. The cling wrap will give out over time but they work. Got the idea from a variable VF-1A that was about 1/48, it had cut up bionical joints to make what was needed for the shoulders and hips. Yes for the purist cutting is taboo but oh well. Not my idea and I didn't think it would work either. edit: solved the Engrish problems
  11. The best joints are from the bionicals and some of the technic bricks/pins.
  12. Agreed.
  13. Sorry for the bad news. Yes on your approach to the group of targets the game expects you to close combat so you really don't control your flight path and in the middle of low level flight it cuts to the close ups of stuff blowing up and splattering. Not the best time for distraction. That was when I had to walk away. Unlike hard games or levels in the past you had a sense of satisfaction when complete but with ACAH all I got was frustration. …So much that I went back to flying the AC PS2 games with my thumbs.
  14. Thats the biggest problem with remapping the Hotas-X.... can't yaw left and right at the same time to activate the close combat feature. To be honest I haven't played ACAH since the start of April. The rail shooter ground attack mission sucked the life out of the game. How can you ruin an A-10 mission? They found a way. Just went back to AC5, AC0 and got a cheep copy of Apache. Finally a decent helicopter game.
  15. Has anyone tried the Hori PS3 flight stick? http://www.amazon.com/HORI-PlayStation-3-Flight-Stick/dp/B006IOAJHG/ref=sr_1_56?ie=UTF8&qid=1336398360&sr=8-56 According to one review it has L2/R2 and L1/R1 one touch for ACAH. More importantly, wonder if it works with AC5 and AC0 when played on the PS2 games are played on the PS3.
  16. Sounds like the start of the Ultimates, except for the antigonist winning. You can always consider Shield as an antigonist, they stole Jane Fosters research, put Tony Stark under house arrest, and lied to Captain America. Bring on some Civil War darkness because the underlying currents are there.
  17. Master Folgie, glad I could help. Like most have said this is a frustratingly good looking rail shooter with oil splotches. It really does feel like Rebel Assault. Not using the close combat and still get the stupid oil splatter, sometimes have no choice but to use the close kill on leaders. I really wanted to like this and only got the cheep NA version to test the Hotas before getting the Japanese version for the VF-1S F-14. I swallowed Another Century R for the VF-25 but can’t do it with ACAH. I know that you cannot disable the close combat and I haven’t tried on-line but the game may be better on-line if everyone doesn’t use that close combat function. Edit: Yes, on seemingly all flight games I'd have the pin switch off for all the crappy radio chatter.
  18. Yes, should have been more specific. That is why I want Roxy so the "programming" can be saved and re-loaded to the stick based on the game you are playing.
  19. As Shiroikaze said ACAH sees the Hotas X as a regular controller. The Hotas X doesn't work at all with PS2 games on the PS3. Again no luck for the old Ace Combat fans. I concur with Chronocidal. The layout is stupid and could have been easily fixed with giving the player the option to assign button functions. Really happy that I didn't pay full price or import a Japanese copy. Now if Thrustmaster came up with Roxy on the PS3, I'd never touch a dual shock again. The thing that gets me is Apache Air Assault hasn't dropped in price at all. I thought the reviews were over inflated, plus the name assault equals UH-60/CH-47 not AH-64, but I guess the market still likes it. Just have difficulty paying full price for non-Japanese games.
  20. This is what the "optimal" control setting ends up being on the HOTAS. There is an "original" control setting, don’t know if will improve anything, but that is it for options. Not impossible.... just not fun....and sadly makes HAWX seem better. Edit:This is jet only and Excellent photo, Dave.
  21. WM need to change your callsign to Old Dog 6. ???? I should be able to test A.C.A.H. with the T.M. HOTAS X tomorrow. http://www.amazon.ca/Thrustmaster-2960703-T-Flight-Hotas-Flight/dp/B001CXYMFS/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1333493432&sr=8-1 I used the HOTAS with the helicopter demo and it was enough for me to wait for a serious discount before buying the full game.
  22. A news story with a rumor doesn't confirm the lost ability to play used games. http://www.news.com.au/technology/gaming/codename-orbis-playstation-4-gets-a-working-title-and-other-rumours/story-e6frfrt9-1226314594410 If this is the way the industry is going, server based, heavy DLC, and no used games.... Looks like the old PS3(PS2) will be the last system I have.
  23. 4 in-board and 2 out-board, that looks right. To make the down-load US trademark safe. I wish they could remove the white from the kite since the side is Navy and not UN Spacy.
  24. Thanks. I thought there had been a slight up-tick and wondered if the DLC had increased demand. In my search found that Europe has a 50% off sale on ACAH downloads.
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