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Everything posted by Fly4victory

  1. Possible Second Source from Hasegawa. Look at the hands on the Armored VF-0S Battroid. They look like Gundam construction. Can anyone with the new model kit verify and show the hands next to the 1/48 VF-1?
  2. Does it come with the gunpod?
  3. Wow! Those are great pictures Thanks. Can any see the helmet markings on the pilot?
  4. I will bow out of getting the hands. Hate to say but a model/book shop in Honolulu had all their Gundam models on sale 50% plus off. Wish I was still there I could get you a whole kit for less than $15.
  5. I have bought Hasegawa 1/48 wing store kits B and C for the F-4 Phantom. Will use the bombs to have a VF-1A II Low Vis in a ground support role. Painted a VF-1S Roy to have a VF-1S Max. Collecting the materials to make a Minmay Guard.
  6. Never seen the original in person but look that the first pictures then the auction had to guess the auction is a fake. The pictures posted from the visa ad show white missiles and white wing store pylons. The one up for auction has the gray missiles of the VF-1J stealth. Were the exclusive three issued with any certificates by Yamato or the bank to prove that the aircraft is one of the three?
  7. Just got the AngelBird from HLJ. Very good Valk. Nice cover on the box. Wish it came with a white gun pod. Also got a set of the Stealth Type Fast Packs. Yamato stickers on back of box art work looks awful. Very realistic and honest example of their stickers on the Stealth. Edit: Just noticed that the floor was not painted aircraft gray it is just the white plastic.
  8. A good reason to have 1/60, not the new releases in that scale, but that is where you find VF-1D, Elint, and Super Ostrich. When the VE-1 is made in 1/48 then that will be a mighty Valk.
  9. Stretching Lucy is not a bad idea.
  10. Wow! You can really pick out the details.
  11. One of three hidden surprises? A set of fixed position robot hands one?
  12. That really sucks that you do not have correct markings on your aircraft. That hurts like a sharp poke in the eye everytime you see it.
  13. Drop Anasazi37 a PM he does custom decals.
  14. The skull launched for the Prometheus at the beginning of the TV show and the Macross DYRL video game. It was later on SDF-1 so you could do both.
  15. Be polite and offer them here first.
  16. That's a good question. The Gray Low Vis started off as a hasegawa model.
  17. That is the A-10 version of a Valk! It is the ugliest thing I have seen even worse than the last aircraft that was balled up.
  18. I already have the Valks for the 1S and 1J guards, the decals are on order for Paris and Moon Act, and have the off-white custom gun pods. The only thing that has me in a holding pattern other than not having the Decals is Graham’s statement about the future surprises. The Minmay Guards and the Max are the obvious choices for new 1S airframes. I will be happy with all three but I will then have a custom Max to find something to do with.
  19. If my past luck is any sign of the future…. the announcement will be made in about three months since I just bought a VF-1D conversion kit.
  20. Termite-suck can be a really bad suck to home owners in Hawaii and Florida!
  21. Justify? Simply recognize that Macross is an obsession…it will relieve the guilt.
  22. I want my new GBP! I had it on order before the lime green was changed to tan. The GBP family photo looks great.
  23. Full size verson of Roy's Jeep/sports car from Claudia's Rainy Night flashback.
  24. There are many things that Yamato can do to improve the DYRL Roy VF-1S and create a TV VF-1S also. The DYRL can have fixed robot hands just a reduced version of the hands that come with the GBP. The packaging already exists¦ the sculpt of new hands would be easy. The first release of the TV VF-1S can be a limited production with TV fast packs, bubble hands, and TV pilots. For those that can not afford it all at once there can be a future release of the Valk with separate Fast Packs. I would be happy to see TV Fast Pack sets for sale. Yamato can even include hands with the Fast Packs. Make future Fast Packs a true upgrade, TV/DYRL Hands based on type, side panels, custom decals. These items exist as a garage industry, just like the VF-1A Kakizaki and VF-1S Max, all Yamato needs to do is package it.
  25. The gun pod was mounted between the external fuel tank and the engine nacelle on the port side of the aircraft. I modified a Hasegawa S-3 Viking to carry the VF-0 gun pod and placed it on the starboard wing with the buddy pod on the port wing, a reverse of what was seen on TV. The mounting of the buddy pod and external fuel tank had to be moved out almost to the pivot point for the folding wings. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...p;p=423309& Edit to add link. Model is in the center photo.
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