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Everything posted by Fly4victory

  1. Dude! If they are right....then that is so wrong ruining an established design. It has to go back.
  2. Where's the face hand plant emotion-con. What next Sam Jackson, "Keep these M.F.ing dwarfs off my set". Edit: Sorry, I forgot he is in Robocop. So that means we can have Robo as the Tin-man in a remake of the "Wizard of Oz"
  3. It would do better if they called it "Snow White and Thor".
  4. No worries. If you don't want to discover, then don't sniff around.
  5. Got to have something for his enemies, or is it friend, to steal.
  6. Chewie, if this is correct, WOW! What a way to tie things together and completely in tune with the nature of the individual. Also the biggest spoiler of all time.
  7. Thanos. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thanos And I had no idea who he was either.
  8. What's wrong with Tony... he's a fun drunk. Banner is the one whose the angry drunk and busts up New York, hence the Hulk Buster armor.
  9. Interesting theory and a good tie in to IM2. When I see articles about a movie so early in production and with such anticipation on the part of fans I wonder if we are being subjected to a Blue Harvest moment.
  10. Driving past Cinema 8 yesterday noticed that they had MIB3 on five screens, Battleship on two, and the Dictator on one. Not much choice there. Plus Amazon already has MIB3 for sale.
  11. http://www.geeksofdoom.com/2012/05/19/the-avengers-blu-ray-and-dvd-release-date-set-extra-features-announced/ Can't forget the all important digital copy.
  12. Most theaters have moved Avengers from their Imax screens to regular "real" 3D screens. Smaller screen, cheeper price, and the theater here only had MI3 in the Imax. Kind of an artificial boost for the dollar total.
  13. Good find on the future plans for the progression of the story. In typical Macross World fashion, THE SKY IS FALLING! Continuing tie-ins in the individual movies bad idea if the stories are written so the viewer is forced to see the others. If the tie-ins are minor "easter eggs" fine but if they do a Matrix 2 and 3.... It will most likely suck more than a vacuum leak. Edit: I read that they won't do it but I'd like to see CA2 with some WW2 flashbacks to fill the gaps after Stark starts developing the equipment/suit and the final days of Hydra.
  14. I don't remember for sure but I think you are correct that the guns are just capped. Wanted to work in Turret #3 but the space was deemed to hazardous at the time since it still had asbestos so I helped restore the flight ops control room. It would be a sure bet that the asbestos removal continues today.
  15. Haven't seen the movie yet. Saving it for DVD. Don't know about the coms, radar or main guns, the aft flight deck and flight ops right now NO yet BB-63 Mighty Mo could be underway in two to four days. Engine room is off limits to the general public and has been maintained by volunteers.
  16. Blu-ray may be region coded seems that not all are. You are in the Europe/Australia/Africa/Greenland region B. I am in the Asia/North America region A. Sometimes it worth the risk trying it out to see if the maker region blocked the disk based on the different release date or prices. I rolled the dice on a UK copy of Downton Abby and it didn't work on my North America PS3. There are software work-arounds but I don't want to mess with my PS3.
  17. Yes, the details are that important if someone is considering building a SHIELD YF-35B. YF models are getting hard to come by. Dave, you take me back. Fond memories of "its not a coolie hat and its not a Stab switch...." I always hated alpha designations in addition to block numbers.
  18. Would have helped if the advisors hadn't quit. http://www.wired.com...ngers-military/ Real world stupid crap and bad command relationships all the time.... Hollywood first sign of confusion in the story and bolt out the door. Edit: Just a minor point but the lift fan intake covers were from the prototype YF-35 and not the pre-production F-35.
  19. 119 in Canada, 99 in the US, and 19 in the UK???? Need to get a British PS3 so can get this and Doctor Who on the cheep.
  20. Thats if you ignore Superman 2. If you include 2 before Returns then the Lois isn't that bad since Superman wiped her memory at the end. Rather not think of a loose Lois.
  21. Thanks or maybe the disk used against Master Control from the first movie kind of a tie in like the white lightcycle. What did you think of the prequel game and on which system did you get it? From what I read the initial impression wasn't too great. Might have to get it if it helps fills in the story.
  22. Read only if you don't watch the rest of the series:
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