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Everything posted by Fly4victory

  1. Pre-purchase permission from the wife!!! Wow the SV-51 will be something special. My wife would love to see my Macross stuff on Ebay.
  2. Let us know if the table top method works. For the mashing did you use a stack of books?
  3. Not a fan of the digital camoflage. Great paint jobs on all, really like the white VFERR display. Yamato could do the same with the 51, 0 and make a 1/60 F-14.
  4. That is great news and big suprise expected YF-21 or VF-11 first. How long will it be before we see photos of the resin model and the CAD drawing in the hobby magazines? Money from promotion will just go directly to Yamato.
  5. The armour "sun downers" mini helmet is a great touch. Really fills in the set.
  6. There can not be too many concerns about the Ghost, both the Drone and Shin combo are now "order stop" on HLJ until release and HLJ can confirm supply. That has to be a lot of pre-orders. None of which are mine.
  7. There are different colors for live ordinance and training ammunition. Live High Explosive (HE) 2.75 inch rockets have an Olive Drab (OD) warhead with white rocket body. The training warheads are blue with a white rocket body. The rocket pods themselves have been locally repainted with tan or gray. Original colors were OD. Training hand grenades are blue. Live OD. 20mm training and live ammo is also different. Army Hellfire missiles and Marine Hellfires are painted with different markings but both are OD. While they look the same they are different. Marine missiles are certified for ship board ops. The Hellfire captive flight trainer is OD with inert painted on the side in yellow. The Pave knife pod laser designator has been painted both white and OD. The biggest differences in ordinance colors has been training and live. There are cross service differences but Yamato’s rainbow bright wing stores is artistic license. Acquisition costs alone would prevent individual customized wing stores. Control surfaces, seeker heads, and electrical connections do not like paint… plus paint adds weight so other than the odd chalk job the flight line is pretty standard.
  8. Wife's eyes is the reason I won't put a dollar amount.
  9. It looks like a keychain now! It is to scale if you drive a Humvee.
  10. Poor Man's YF-19 Armor!
  11. Is that from the Hasegawa YF-19 Model? If you want a Yamato have to get the pilot from the 1/72 VF-11 Fast Pack version. The Yamato 1/72 VF-11, YF-19 and VF-19A did not have pilots.
  12. Please make replacement shoulder joints for the Zero's. I would order three sets. Edit: Molded in color?
  13. Thanks for the heads up. They are not funky. I have two of the better ones just would prefer hard plastic. The gunnies are clearer with a thin coat of future... it is just the flexing part is kind of weird.
  14. The hot water or hair dryer should work. Since yours is an unfinished kit I would figure out a way to reinforce it with metal after the parts are true. My VF-4 is finished and I don't want to re-do it since I used the decals from a Hasegawa 1/72 and an old Imai 1/100 and have no replacements. Two things I learned. First the VF-4 did not fit to great from the start and I thought about reinforcing the wings but did not because I was lazy. Didn't want to cut a channel, lay a piece of wire, fill, then sand. No more than three days including drying time? Second, scan all decals even if you can not reproduce them yourself so you at least have the file and can email it to those that can. Also helps when people want to reproduce it, just send a jpeg with all the markings. Only have four resin models finished and they are fun / interesting in the shadow of Bandi and Hasegawa. Also the model masters here are a great help. The is no such thing as a stupid question just stupid people. After a quick laugh the answer presents itself thanks to their help.
  15. Yeah!, A Mod just might make that your custom name!!!!
  16. The collection staged for packing and move.
  17. It Arrived! Another great model. Thanks.
  18. Fly4victory

    VF-0A poll

    Hope that I am not holding my breath too long considering that Hasegawa released the VF-0S reactive armor before the VF-1 GBP, with no production date yet for the GBP. If the model's sale numbers were good we should see armor from Yamato. Besides armor will sell more VF-0's unlike the urban Ghost.
  19. The model section needs some completed photos. Have you considered contributing some photos? Hats off to a great display and so clean for open air.
  20. I have the hobby fan 1/72 VF-4. It was completed a year ago and under glass out of the sun. Getting ready to pack it up and have noticed that the right wing has warped up and now has a slight twist! This was my first resin model. Is it common for thin resin surfaces to warp over time? Can it be corrected without ruining the paint? Equally important, is it a function of cheap resin? Can I expect my unbuilt S.H.E.s to do the same when finished.
  21. Fly4victory

    VF-0A poll

    I would get the Shin for the package deal, cheeper shipping for a single package and possible limited release. Standard 0A and 0S will be on ebay for sometime.
  22. Use Future acrylic liquid floor polish and an airbrush. Have also read that some people have brushed it on.
  23. That's got to hurt! Wonder if there will be an increase in 1/72 customs with more on the market at lower prices?
  24. Sorry but no sheet for the stripes. You must mask. Besides to get everything white for the base color the valk will have to be disassembled. It will be a great custom. Please post pictures when done since your's will be the first.
  25. NB4M Great job! Those are the only fast packs we will see on the toynami.
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