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Everything posted by Fly4victory

  1. Correct external stores increase the radar cross-section. There is also the doppler phase shift due to the spinning rotor blades which may have been solved by absorbent material. I just didn’t like the shroud around the PC links, internal weapons stores on a folding wing and then you have a hang-fire.... So much money down the development drain. As for my model no mods….just build it gear up. I plan to do a couple of paint schemes on the hellhound but just plain gray on the Jigabachi for now. I do have an old 1/72 58D and think the Jigabachi would look good opposite it in OD green as part of a scout attack team.
  2. Try to get the "Falcon board" as listed above. Look at the manufacturing date of the console and get what works. You can always buy a bigger hard drive. Best thing is ask to inspect the 360 before you purchase it to see if it matches the info listed on http://kotaku.com/gaming/cooler/xbox-360-f...nded-305370.php Edit: Provided by Mike from the post above THANKS!!!!!
  3. Yes, That is a custom. Increased surface detail. Change of color...close to the new release and some excellent weathering. That really is worth $120 now.
  4. Great job filling the center line seam. The mod looks nice with the larger rotor disk but the visible PC links will increase the radar visibility. The Jigabachi had a shroud to cover the PC links like the now cancelled Comanche. My model is still sitting waiting to be airbrushed.
  5. This thing made by Vivid!!!
  6. Will the Robotech girls get live action enhancements like Shadow Chronicles? "Uniform reaching structural limits....cannot contain chest."
  7. Keep quiet or the Curse will get you too. Is that the title of the new Indiana Jones movie "The Curse of the RROD"?
  8. Doubt that it is any bigger. The colors are lighter, the finish does not look as shiny and those little squares are painted on the hull. Thanks for the better picture. Looked at pictures of the first one on Anymoon and can not see such details. Hope they will make it to the production model.
  9. Apollo Leader DW gundam is what had my system RROD. Hope your system does not go the same way. What was the date of manufacture for your system? Mine was a first release 05 What was odd is that the first problem I had was errors saving the game, then freezing during game play, and finally RROD in 15 minutes. Have had NHL '07 and Ghost Recon 2 on for over six hours straight without any problems before that. Are newer "more complex" games making the 360s run hotter??? Wonder what if operating temperatures are lower with an origional Xbox game in the 360?
  10. First one was too shiney and expensive. This one kind of dull.
  11. Mini's!! Like the strike fastpacks and the Elint. Very Nice!
  12. Third on that thought! So what will become of Captain Harlock/Herlock since it has been sold by both Geneon and AnimEgo?
  13. Rather like a directors cut. AKA second try. I would like to see a movie edition if it guts the last two episodes. The ending of the OVA was horrid and get rid of the magic/mysticism. But the way things work we will get more fruitiness and tree hugging.
  14. He is at it again! Looks like a great idea.
  15. The armor is attached with pins. One for the fastpacks, one for the leg armor on the back of the leg, and two on the bottom of the forearms.
  16. I turned a new Low Vis II into a two seat VF-1A and was worried about having to super glue the cockpit together and some of the cutting that had to be done for the heatshield. My VF-1S Max was a used VF-1S Roy that I got off ebay for almost half a new one. Was really worried stripping the paint off the heatshield and still keeping the skull on the front. I did do a Bandai Miria VF-17 and was disappointed that the paint scratched off so easy. Used that Krylon for Pastic. It is natural to get that little jump in heart beart. Guess it is part of the fun and keeps us honest.
  17. The Super VF-1J sets are great. I have the first release and wish I had the funds to get a second set just to steal the custom fastpacks. The Max VF-1S looks awsome with the Blue VF-1J fastpacks. Edit: I forgot about the extra hands and the TV figures. Its the little things that count.
  18. Intake covers would protect against FOD and can regulate the amount and velocity of air entering the engines. As for underwater???? That bothered me in the OVA standard jet engines would not work underwater. Perhaps the VF-0 had a pressurized 02 system for the engines at allowed for high altitude and .... underwater operations???? Just write that off as future tech. Either way I would expect the SV-51 to have covers for FOD protection just like Soviet aircraft operating from poorly maintained airfields or roads. The engines would need protection. I doubt that the Anti-UN would have the nice airfields like the UN just like the Anti-UN didn't have aircraft carriers.
  19. Here is the little guy with the new friends. The "joke" fast packs are a bit off but do not mind the big gun pod. VF-1S...VF-1A bring them on. Also had record fast shipping from Japan so that was a great way to end the work week.
  20. Wow, That is amazing. Toy stores on-line need to include that feature.
  21. The "homemade" tread looks better than any of the prototypes seen to date. Great Job!
  22. It might be the more the factory makes the better the final product. That would be true if Yamato is screening the Macross World QC Board for feedback. Luck or Better QC that is a great suprise to find something better than expected.
  23. Fly4victory

    VF-1A Kakizaki

    91% isopropyl alcohol, same stuff you can buy in a pharmacy. You can use toothpicks and Q-tip cotton swabs as tools for strategic paint removal.
  24. SV-51 arrival!!!! Other than the wing hinge it is a great looking aircraft. I was suprised that my wings did not droop with two rocket pods. I guess the booster and missles push it over the edge. Want the Russian paint scheme and how about Israeli desert scheme.
  25. Great news! Too bad my X360 is in the hands of Microsoft hope to get it back before the release date. Thanks
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