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Everything posted by Fly4victory

  1. Doubt it, should have been a different color 'green screen' to remove it digitally unless they like lots of work.
  2. A.) He is Bond. B.) Betters the movie. C.) 50th Anniversary. Logic and a Bond film should never mix. When logic is added Bond films quickly fall apart.
  3. "Even within its own narrative structure Skyfall makes no sense at almost any point." http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/weekend/2012/1117/1224326696161.html Seems the Irish audience this day only liked the Aston. My first though, How can you watch a Bond film and not expect it to be pro-British?
  4. That could be it.... or there is already a thread.
  5. Although there was nothing wrong with the ships in the original series, just the constant recycling of the battle scenes.
  6. If by any other name, it may be a good movie. I do wonder about the carrier battle group receiving evac-ed civilians. Not knowing the cause of the outbreak wouldn’t you want to keep the group clean.
  7. From the pile up the wall, "Attack of the frenzied ant people".
  8. I agree with all but #1. A good thing about Disney owning Star Wars is that they wont try to include Willow in the story line.
  9. "After New York"...."Can't sleep". Yes, easy to understand he flew inside a giant space whale. After the invasion, we all now know why space whales should be hunted. Plus, after 'The Avengers' Stark is going to be a one woman man. That is alot for him to handle and then there is that giant breasted creepy bunny in the living room. Yeah, he has problems to deal with.
  10. I was certainly thinking of the web-episode when he grabbed her. "You better run"
  11. Yeah, Football!!! That writer put more thought into the article than the writers of the show.
  12. It was an ambush. He was a clever walker and you thought all zombies were mindless.
  13. Don't buy a franchise and change the very nature of the story. This is just trying to capitalize on the name "World War Z", should be along the lines of "28 Days of War".
  14. Too much time on the farm killed the mood, Season 2 is what needs to be edited. What sucks is if AMC doesn't post episodes then I'm out of luck. Wish the opener wasn't so good.
  15. http://www.amctv.com/the-walking-dead/videos/episode-301-the-walking-dead Wow!!!! It's about time.
  16. So a couple of Marines go AWOL because they are bored sitting in their barracks as opposed to helping maintain civil rule of law. On their journey, they decide that chaos is too much so they start a militia to maintain order but will also bring about the fall of the US government. The key family, this story follows is attacked with in days of the black-out by a business man. Yet, all the while, an English doctor will walk from Seattle to the East Coast, travel the entire Atlantic Coast, and return to the Mid-West, alone, and without anything happening to her??? What a stupid story up to this point. Simply put, there aren't any boats in Seattle.!!!!
  17. Be warned, The Blu-ray set doesn't include an I tunes file and Ultra-violet doesn't work with I tunes. We got an I tunes with Batman Year One but not this release.
  18. There were more 'Postman' elements last night. What gets me is the behaviors. since everything when to pot in 5 days how could these people survive15 years.
  19. It will be on DVD faster but, sadly, yeah don't see a sequel in the future.
  20. Dust off the catho-ray tubes and start hand cranking the generator. 30 minute warning to the revolution.
  21. 30 minutes!.......... for those that are watching on TV.
  22. Damb! I wish I had seen this sooner. I was just in Orlando but..... you just got the models so would have missed out anyway. Congrats. Will have to stop by next time.
  23. Use Google Traslator http://translate.google.com/ Just input the web address and you should be able to watch US only videos. That is what I finally did to watch the free previews of Tron.
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