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Everything posted by Fly4victory

  1. I have the "old" PS3 60 and more PS2 games than PS3, the only PS2 game that looks like crap is "Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb" everything else looks great. I am using the standard cable with a 30 inch Philips flat screen. So day I will get a better TV and then I guess things will go to crap. How longs has it taken for Blue-ray disks to arrive?
  2. It sounds like win-win. If Hasegawa makes it then it is a detailed model kit in 1/72 that will go with any models in that scale.... With Bandai it will be a toy kit in 1/60 to fit in with the new Yamatos.
  3. What was old is new again. When I PCS'ed I sold most of the legos.
  4. Nope!!!! Your the only one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought the same thing until I read the posts.
  5. First on the boards with photos gets credit.
  6. Between 200 and 500 yen more for new box art? At least improve the VF-2SS so it can be made without armor.
  7. Gundam Battle Chronicle arrived today. WOW does it look great. I bumbled my through to the first tutorial.... does anyone have a translation of the menus and instructions? Thanks to the tutorial I can figure out the controls but other than that I worried about saving and that password page????? It is great looking game too bad I am stuck learning Tagalog and not Japanese. Edit: From the Bandai Namco website here are the passwords for the "extra missions". Hope you know when to use them.
  8. So who in Hong Kong will be selling Region 1 DVD's of the 25th Anniversary Special?
  9. You are a much better man than me!!!!! Wait six months I can not wait for HLJ to process an order and ship EMS.
  10. The Roo I had kind of gamey taste to it and was more expensive than beef. Is it just for the tourists? Nora arrived late yesterday but is still the the box. Looks nice to bad I have run out of display space. Cast stones but the Revoltech was the first thing out of the case. Really hate what the dollar has done internationally, things from Japan are now even more expensive.
  11. I was wondering when we were going to see any news. Great find. The folding wing stores and rotor system are nice. Bad choice of colors to highlight a new product. If the model really is lacking detail as opposed to hidden by the paint job... Kotobukiya will have set the modeling industry back about 25 years... but then that is true to the period the anime was made and I guess the line art. I will still be buying a couple of them. Wonder if they will continue the helicopter trend or will they produce the "improved" F-15 and F-16 from Patlabor? Edit: Here are some more pictures and better lighting to see the detail. http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10066083
  12. I have only seen the end of the series and am now seeing the beginning of the series on Adult Swim. Hope that the middle ties things together but other than Renton being a whiner I prefer the opening of the series. I can really relate with the surfing community that is the Gekko State. The end just seems weird like the end of Macross Zero but that was without seeing the road that leads up to it??
  13. First 14 "Modified" 58D's could have a 50 cal on either weapons pylon. The later production models could only have the gun on the left. Rather odd but true.... Also equipment needs to be "troop hardened" which can limit functions. Back on track. The new YF-21 looks great. Really like how the nose and back compress/slide.
  14. Smaller boxes, with better packing for protection, and sealed with hologram tape or special shrink wrap plastic.
  15. The Revoltech VFs look great next to the Yamato VB-6 Monster 1/100 but are small next to the Toynamis. So the Toynami VF series are much larger than 1/100??? Guess that is why the 1/100 scale models look so far off when trying to combine them with the Toynami.
  16. Be careful not to Jinx yourself. My 360 was a launch system that RROD shortly after I posted that "My launch system still works". What pissed me off is the replacement that Microsoft sent out RROD right out of the box They would not fix mine and sent out one that did not work and was dirty. Their answer was that they got three tries to fit it. Well it was not the original system that was sent in, replacement is a rebuild with an unknown history so how can they justify three tries,I was without a functioning system for almost two months. Went up and down the management of their customer service and repair. All I wanted was my system repaired and returned or a new system. A new system was not a stretch since an editor of a computer magazine had a 360 RROD and he had a new system in three days from his Microsoft Rep. Why should accept reconditioned junk as a general consumer but people that work in the industry get better treatment. I am very happy to give Sony my entertainment money and hope that Microsoft continues to loss money. Also the PS3 plays the PS2 version of Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb. X360 cannot play the Xbox version of Indiana Jones. So that should be the last nail in my Microsoft coffin. I hope that your X360 continues to function and you never have to deal with Customer Service.
  17. I got the PS3 because I was sick of Microsoft's bad customer support for the X360. Second reason is that PS3 games and blue ray are region free. If Sony wants to make PS3 a winner. Give it the capability to play PS2 import games and convert PS1 and PS2 games to PSP for storage and play from a memory stick. Sony will not do this because of pirating but have the PS3 convert DVD's to UMD or memory stick Mpeg4 movies for easy download to PSP. Sell the UMD recorder with an additional cable that will connect a VCR to PS3 and then the consumer can convert VHS tapes to PSP also. Make the PS3 a hub for PSP. Currently you as a PSP owner have to use all these differing types of software and hardware... it is a pain... to put movies on your PSP. Yet it is very satisfying to have Macross and the Indiana Jone movies on my PSP.
  18. Its rather old but half way down the page you can see the GBP Gerwalk. http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...mp;#entry406535
  19. I have bought parts from HLJ.com and received replacements from Yamato USA. The parts from Yamato USA were for the Garland... do not know if they will be able to get Macross parts. Some people part out Valks in the for sale section here and on Ebay. I recommend writing HLJ and Yamato USA. Excellent work! The results look well worth the effort.
  20. Will that be recast in resin or vinyl?
  21. Negative Ghostrider! Looks like no VFX-2 on my PSP. I am happy to say that I was able to get all of my Macross DVDs minus Mplus due to conversion protection on the memory stick in the PSP. Also converted all my music from WMA to MP3. Have the first episode of Tales of the Gold Monkey...yes I am that old and still have one G left on a four G stick. Truth be told Media Manager Pro was a pain to convert the DVD's it took almost eight hours before I did it right. I took the plunge and bought a protection plan for my PSP so there will be no hacking in my future. Looks like my only hope will be Macross games on UMD. I have been digging about Play-Asia looking a Gundam Games.
  22. I have a copy of VFX 2 and a US PS3. How do I put VFX 2 on my PSP???
  23. WoW! Thanks for the better photos. Can see the handle of the whip has changed and Indy now has a backpack. New market for the Indy costumers!!!!!!!! Wonder if the same companies were used for the costume and equipment. Yet, I think I will stay stuck in the Raiders TOD period. This is going to be a fun movie just for all the fans to dress up. The fellow with the poncho in the background brought back memories of Bolivia. Edit: Does Indy finally have a watch in this movie?
  24. Will Sony PSP Media Manager convert WMA files to MP3 format? I have Max Media and it only transfers files, no conversion.
  25. So what is the new revolver? That is not the Smith and Wessen, Colt, or Webley revolver that we have seen in the last three movies. The new revolver likes much older when compared to Smith and then the Colt that Indy had in Raiders and then Temple of Doom, respectively.
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