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Everything posted by Fly4victory

  1. No you were correct both companies released it.
  2. Bandai will make the game just like they make the Gundam games. It will be awesome but only in Japanese with no English, the excuse will be Toynami believing they own all things Macross, and just like Battle Chronics we will get to learn enough Japanese to operate the game or just bumble through the menus. Really happy that PSP and PS3 are region free but the way my luck is the Macross 25th game will be a "timed exclusive" for some other system. Either way looks like Bandai will be running the show.
  3. For posts that long you will need to preface with an executive summary.
  4. Thanks for clearing the cobwebs... Imai also had a 1/5000 Macross I remember seeing one about 23 odd years ago. Too bad Bandai is only releasing the 1/8000 model. The only place to find the old 1/5000 models would be ebay. Edit: Here is the only one I found on Ebay. http://cgi.ebay.com/1-5000-MACROSS-ROBOTEC...7QQcmdZViewItem
  5. Here is the pilot line up from 1/48 VF-1 to 1/72 VF-11. Hope it helps the sizing question.
  6. Well if those models are 1/72 then they are in scale with the Hasegawa models and Yamato's old Macross Plus. 1/100 will size up with the Yamato Monster and the variable VF-1 series from Toynami. 1/72, 1/100, even 1/144 are standard model scales while 1/55 and 1/60 are not. I like that they are being made but I hope that I can continue my lineup of models starting with the M0 MIG and currently ends with the M Plus YF-21. How about 1/72 for the modelers and 1/60 for the toys?
  7. http://www.ghqmodels.com/ GHQ has a 1/2400 aircraft carrier. 1/5000 is an odd scale for ships seems the mini-games are in 2400, 3000, and 6000. Here is a photo of the GHQ carrier but do not know what it would look like next to the Macross.
  8. Opps!!! Well I guess I need to use the instructions. Thanks. Edit: Looks even better properly transformed. The plastic hook is to unlock the center of the shoulders.
  9. Beautiful Work! o C'est beau, mon Ami!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...mp;#entry464849 Need to steal the light in the head and a paint job that does not chip plus the weathering from Graham's custom. Hope we see a new sculpt since the VF-171 is in the new Macross F.
  10. The new Ingram arrived today... some disappointment. The paint job is horrid, there are many scrapes and paint drops in the base coat of white, the red for the shoulder lights are outside of the lines, and the black on the forearms is just as poorly applied and does not conform the the molded area. The head, chest, and legs have been re-sculpted. The leg for the new holster option, the chest has two little lights that are sticking up, and the head is now missing the two silver pistons that were on the original. The new one has so many mold lines and pour spots visible. The head, center of the chest, and right leg are the most blatant. I hope that I have the only bad one in the bunch because this new one is worlds apart for the revoltechs that I already have. Looks like a good candidate for a battle damaged custom.
  11. The new Wave SDF-1 arrived today thanks to Sunday EMS delivery. Nothing like the factory fresh smell as you open a package. The "movie" color looks great with the little rectangles of differing gray painted on the hull. Not as nice as the custom on the pages prior but good enough for those that are lazy. The box art and graphics do a great job of selling you the idea that these are indeed the correct colors. The fit and finish is almost perfect, the joint on the right leg, may or may not be a knee, that moves the engine laterally was loose and one of the side engines on an ARMD was glued slightly off angle. When unpacking the instructions be careful there is a small dark gray hook included. It would be easily lost if unnoticed. The hooks use is explained but in Japanese. The transformation was easy and can be done without the instructions. You can cheat and leave the main guns forward to make the Macross look taller. I don't have many capital ships but the Arcadia and Yamato are shown for a sense of size. The little ARMDs are really cool on their own. After getting the Macross I want more ships so be careful or it just might be the fumes from the box. Edited: I cannot type.
  12. WOW! I have the same problem, in all my dreams everything looks better and costs less............... Are we still talking about toys?????????????
  13. Not to ruin the finishing process but I have a good home for them now. They look great.
  14. Should have it Friday or Monday. It will be nice to have the toy before the rest of the world posts their photos.
  15. Here is the only picture of the Lego Monster that I could find. The sheet is to make Macross Mini-figs. Sorry that it is a Jpeg but the Bitmap was too large to attach. Just convert it back to Bitmap clean up the colors and print on a white sticker sheet.
  16. Yes, The parts do not have to line up perfectly in the digital world. Just look at the picture of the YF-19. The red 2X1 plate on the top of the left fin is partially inside the black wing that makes up the majority of the fin. It was a real pain on the monster.
  17. The Shadow was the best of the Toynami's. That CM has two different shades of green??? Look at the nosecone, arm/engines, and the fuselage. How many people are going to buy the Tread and then forget about the Legioss?
  18. The lower right quadrant with the "3D view" in my prior post will allow you to rotate the model. The other three windows have "fixed" but changeable views, top, left, right, bottom... LDview is easier for me to see the model plus I can make better pictures of the model in LDview compared to MLCad.
  19. The CM reminds me too much of the old Gakken that I have plus the MH is cheaper at HLJ. If people in America can get the weapons set then I will be getting the Rei also. HLJ would do well to offer a two for one special with the weapons for international customers.
  20. When you are done with MLCad do not forget LDview so you can rotate you virtual models in 3D. It really helps to find holes that may have been hidden in MLCad.
  21. Hasegawa Models. There is a 1/72 version from the "Space Proving Wing". It is a red and white two seater with standard VF-0 wings.
  22. Stroking a chubby for a chunky That's not right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Yes, loading the program is a pain. But the downloads to update the brick inventory are very easy once the actual program is installed. Sorry but I should have been clearer... finding the correct color bricks is difficult in the "real" world. You can make whatever bricks you want in the digital world. I used Bricklink.com to order individual bricks that were not easy to acquire. Edit: The only Exo force parts I used were the blue and black hair for Max and Hikaru mini-figs. The best parts for odd joints were the bionicles. I am sure that Exo force has some great bits but I stopped playing with the legos.
  24. All lego will have to do is get the rights. Fans have already done all the work. Here is what MLCAD looks like with the Monsters Leg. The hardest part was not designing the model but getting the correct color/shape bricks.
  25. PCS: Permanent Change of Station. That was the book case in my office. They were really easy to build. I did them digitally in MLCAD and then built them with bricks. The one that was a pain was the non-transforming Monster. The way I did the legs did not support the weight very well and would fall apart due to gravity. I looked for pictures of the monster but couldn't find any on my laptop.
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