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Everything posted by Fly4victory

  1. Here are the decals in the model section. Can you get a decal printing kit at your local hobby shop? Still a great looking bird!!!!!!!!!!! http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/models...ic_Option_1.jpg
  2. Well, the LV1 was up that high and higher remember we could get those through sellers other than WF and the Yamato website. The fact that Yamato will not ship to the US will drive up the prices combined with the obsessive nature of collectors. Yes, I am calling myself BLACK! SaveRT: It is a kind offer to pick one up. Sorry that I did not ask yet I am moving next month and the wife will kill me if another box arrives. Funny that two rather large boxes arrived from HLJ today.
  3. I would try looking in the mirror but it keeps breaking.
  4. I thought it was the HULK!!!!!!!!!! How about a tan flight suit?? Yet, What is the CF pilot supposed to look like?
  5. Full Set plus the chase on the first try. I thought I was going to miss out but the last box opened had the Super VF-1S. My extras are numbers 1, 2 and 3 or the VF-1A, VF-1J, and Minmay Guard.
  6. Just to validate the purchase of the PS3 from a former X360 owner. Too funny that the floor display went RROD.
  7. http://www.hlj.com/product/HAP81075
  8. Yes, US sales are not important yet this is a slap in the face to all fans outside Japan. With Yamato focusing on 1/60 scale reintroducing the 1/48th with weathering would be a good way to continue the line and milk the molds. Including side panels, fixed hands, neck covers, and new pilots would help feed the "new hat!!!!" frenzy. Making it Japan only and creating such an easy profit for vultures on the secondary market... that is just insulting. What is to stop people from airbrushing old VF-1S's and voila now it is the new one on Ebay rather like the fake all black Visa special that popped up last year for sale . What a fraud.
  9. I am happy to have it re-released it is better than using the scans I up loaded to try and make the decal sheet. I just wish they would release the M0 F-14 and Mig again.
  10. http://www.hlj.com/product/HSG65768 If you didn't get it the first time and were unlucky on Ebay here is a chance to get the 1/72 Minmay Guard from Hasegawa. It is scheduled for release in March.
  11. Outstanding!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is a real beauty. All that hard work refitting the parts paid off.
  12. As an added bonus we will include an elastic weapons system....AKA rubber band. Why does this remind me of an old Simpson's episode, "look Malibu Stacy has a new hat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
  13. I know that I am sick but is anyone else looking at the YF-21 and thinking with a few cuts it will be possible make a gerwalk and flighter???
  14. Fly4victory

    Valkyrie Girl

    For the cleavage you need a sharp exacto knife and basically shave off the black trim on the top and then hour glass the bottom of the torso to match the lower legs. I used a nail buffer and foam buffing block to polish the breasts and mid-section. These things are super fine and did an excellent job of removing paint and buffing out the knife marks. The only parts that are glued are the chest panel, back assembly and the right hand to wrist. They are glued with five minute epoxy. Getting the chest panel to conform was a ..... but a good fit and wrap around is well worth the effort. Everything else is held together by friction. I cut the legs and arms to have pins that would fit in the holes for the revoltech joints. I liked the revoltech because of the semi deformed gunpod, fast packs, and wing stores. I also thought about using the joints at the knees and elbows. This was not the case since the joints could not be hidden and were not flesh tone. The flexible rubber was just a added bonus. The only painting was the inside of the backpack, dark gray, since the inside is white rubber after being cut leaving a gray border under the wings and the back of her half top to cover up some glue. The legs look sexy and longer if cut below the knees but the end result of the arms leaves something to be desired. She looks like it has been a long performance and she can not wait to get out of her costume. But she is holding the gunpod in without glue and has a "Moon" guard feel. The funny thing is working on this I had no worries cutting up the VF-1J, a more expensive toy, but when it came to Minmay that was when I was worried. Edit: Sorry about the strange motion effects and poor quality photos. New digital camera.
  15. This is old news for people that try to watch the CBC web broadcasts of Canadian Hockey while in the US. The websites can tell that you are in the US and not .CA and the broadcast is blocked. This is bad news because as an American I will be limited to what the distributors of anime want me to see. There are times that the US release is edited or simply not released at all. While consumers will find work-a-rounds it will still take time on our part while companies like Microsoft will profit. It just reminds me about the fair use of intellectual property and how the consumer's rights are always less profitable when compared to those of the media company. Just look at companies like Sony and Macrovision. You as the end user of a product have the right to copy that property for your sole use. You buy Spiderman on VHS. You have the right to copy it to DVD, convert it to Mpeg4 to play on your PSP, or save it to the hard drive on your computer as long as you do not violate US Code Title 17, distribution...exhibition... in other words no copies for friends and family or public viewing. Now try to exercise those rights... you can not do it thanks to encoding, software, and hardware by design. The funny thing is people that are professional pirates will have the ability to defeat the technology and are the ones in violation of the law. The general population, who has no intention to profit for copying materials, is the group that has to suffer. UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My wife is a lawyer. I think it is time to go beat on her.
  16. Fly4victory

    Valkyrie Girl

    The Revoltech VF series are made of soft rubber as opposed to the hard plastic of the Banpesto and Toynami. The fuselage is easily split and hollowed out to make the chest panel more conforming.
  17. It does not have the polycap ball and socket joints of today but has a 1980's attempt with hard plastic pins that fit inside white rubber rings. For the time it was a great model.
  18. It might be lost in translation "Armor" vs "Super Pack" but the 1/48 Super VF-1J is still shown under www.hlj.com/product/YMT00074 with the Armor for sale http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00040 I really like my Super VF-1J for the TV pilot and the TV fast packs. Are there any photos of the Toys R Us Armored VF-1J? I wonder if the Armored Battroid did not sell well and Yamato is repackaging excess stock. If it is the Armor than that will be one big box. Too bad I already have a set.
  19. Pin-striping with paint is a lost art. Wow, Your VF-19 will look great when finished.
  20. Fly4victory

    Valkyrie Girl

    Minmay's upper body is molded in flesh color plastic.... much easier to remove more of her top.
  21. Fly4victory

    Valkyrie Girl

    "I'll not have my daughter entertaining troops on some warship!!!!!!!!!!" What all fathers dread. Kiririth, You can always stick Misa's head on Minmay's body and than borrow some other legs.
  22. Not as nice as your Sundowner but here is my little project. Edit: The black plastic arms were a first try will try again with cloth.
  23. Indiana X-Files? It explains the US soldiers behind Harrison Ford in one of the new photos.
  24. I was warned when I first joined the boards on the model side of the house to stay way from the toys. I failed to listen to the warning and fell victim. It started with buying Gundam models to steal the hands and the final nail in the coffin was the Xenoforce update for Command and Conquer. Now there is a Gundam shelf in my Macross display case. Next thing you know I will start relating to the characters in Yukikaze. Really need Macross F so I have a new fix.
  25. Macross Friends don't let Macross Friends become Gundam Fans!
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