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Everything posted by Fly4victory

  1. My Beta is bigger than your Beta.
  2. Yeah, I wouldn't notice a Toynami sticker cover the name of the original manufacture.
  3. If TMA has it for $80 and free shipping what is the issue with BBTS not honoring the same price?
  4. I fell asleep during the first Hulk. I wonder if the Comanche will be dusted off for this one.
  5. Ace Combat 6!!!! There is a game I would pay full-price to get. I got Gundam Cross-eyed at Walmat for $10. I fell sorry for anyone that paid full-price. After sometime the game becomes enjoyable unlike NHL 2K8... the store should have used a handgun to get my money on that one. I hope NHL 2K9 has the controls of 2K7 and the new sweaters that should have been in 2K8. Still no word on the Blue Ray DVD's when the ten days are done I will pay a visit to the local Best Buy. I did find that Canada no longer has the mail in rebate "fraud" that is still running in the US.
  6. The Macross Zero F-14 was a reboxing of HSGE2 Low Vis F-14A. http://www.hlj.com/product/HSGE2 The M0 F-14 has the same instructions as the original kit with a special sheet of decals and an additional sheet for the decal placement. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/models...f14/hasef14.htm EDIT: The pilots are the F-14 pilots not the M0 pilots. I hope if re-released the kit has an improved F-14 and the correct pilots.
  7. I think these are trading kits. Clever putting 10 in a box, no matter how lucky you are forced to buy two boxes for a chance at a complete set.
  8. That's a bit off!!!! Buzz has a laser, talks, and his helmet does that "woosh" thing.
  9. I'll be happy with two normal pilots or will we be stuck with the DYRL pilots from the old weapons upgrade kit?
  10. That is why I like the movie edition. They gave her a very "HO"ish scene.
  11. Too late for my taste, I canceled my pre-order partly due to the wonky landing gear. Looks like I am joining the club hoping that the toynami will be produced.
  12. For those that are holding out for stickers with their MH Stick from HLJ chances are you will be SOL. At least I was. Yet, what is up with both MH's now listed as unavailable on HLJ???? Was this a limited run to increase future demand?
  13. Perhaps ride but not fit in.
  14. More reason not to buy. Looks like the Tread will continue to be on the wish list.
  15. Thanks for the post. Those are great photos. So where and when do we start looking for those 1/144 Ace Combat aircraft???
  16. I am all about the "HO" step.... even more so if she is like Lucy from M+.
  17. The nose on the VF-17 is too long. So how the unlucky few outside of japan get these? Really hope that Hasegawa and Yamato are watching IHP for ideas.
  18. Next up Virgin Road VF-1D?
  19. Remember how upset everyone was with the crooked skulls on the tail fins when the VF-1S first came out in 1/48. I would hate to think what would happen when the "NO STEP" is tampo'ed not parallel to the trailing edge on the wing. It would bother me to no end. Yet, it would be great to have all marking right out of the box. I wonder if anyone is trying to get a set of the shot glasses and then selling the Valk.
  20. HLJ is finally processing my MH Stick. What is up with Ray going straight to "Discontinued" on HLJ? Looks like if you didn't preorder then you are not going to get it. Plus who else is tired of getting an order from HLJ only to have one item shipped three days later!!!!! Does HLJ have stock in EMS?
  21. I bought my PS3 in October. Best Buy customer service connected me with Sony and surprise no record of the request. Sony asked for ten days and then they will get back to me. Looks like I was too patient before I went sniffing about. Who would believe that I was being patient.
  22. Exercise care like I said the Toynami is not exactly 1/100. The forearm armor and chest plate do not fit well.
  23. Anyone else buy a PS3 and not get their "FREE" Blue Ray DVDs?
  24. IMAI 1/100 Armored Valkyrie Kit
  25. What a GPB.... Make one of your own. The problem is the Toynami's are not exactly 1/100. This is a custom that may never be finished.
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