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Everything posted by Fly4victory

  1. Interesting, if Macross Plus Movie edition had kept Isamu's opening scene perhaps it could be called a "hero" fighter but even then I was colored like all the others in the OVA. That thought also serves to explain why the VF-1A fighters are molded in white or low-vis gray and the VF-1A battroid was white only.
  2. Maybe that is why it was a resident of Japan only sale. You have to be Japanese to understand such a cruel April Fool's joke. I remember someone put forward the April Fool's theory last month but could not find the post. Even if it is a bad employee switching the valks or a mistake at the factory Yamato's refusal to replace, exchange, or refund is very bad. We know they do not care about customers in the US but now they are showing that they do not care about Japanese customers. I hope someone gets what they ordered.
  3. The mustache and sunglasses are to make MAJ/COL Johnathan "WOLF". I know he was a Major in GCM but a Colonel in Robotech. Think the Wolf part is Robotech only.
  4. While it might be pissing in the wind... try writing the e-stores in Japan and ask them to sell the red VF-1J. If enough people ask we may get lucky. All they can say is that Revoltech's answer is NO which is where we are right now. Rather try writing to get them now compared to Ebaying then in the future.
  5. Fly4victory

    Thunder Hammer

    The Thunder Hammer is certainly a tool of the Gods not meant for mortal man. Amazing!
  6. Fly4victory

    2 seater 1/48s

    It is a tool of the Gods. Rather like fire whomever brings it to man will be punished.
  7. Fly4victory

    2 seater 1/48s

    That is not very funny. I hope that your work is produced. Yes so you get credit, VF-1D for the masses, but hopefully Yamato finally sees that there is a market worth fighting for in North America. Yamato won the suit in Japan... Why put off till tomorrow a fight you can pick today.
  8. KHAN!!!!! I was hoping that the license/legal issues was a bad rumor... guess not. To reduce the number of fakes doubt that now everyone who gets a Max will make a Miria...or is Max also special release.
  9. Do the Japanese have a strange sense of Marketing???? Why force international customers to the secondary markets like Ebay and Yahoo? With the dollar being so weak internationally these additional steps to get Japanese toys really hurt more than my pride.
  10. I wonder if we will see the Nirvash and the other mechs from Eureka 7 as revoltech.
  11. that you could re-sell it for $800.
  12. Don't know how it will work after the setting solution but I have tried the hot water with a clean/new #1 paint brush and q tip. Very nerve-wracking but works.
  13. Thanks for the warning. I have the original that I finished a few years ago but the right wing has warped. So much for thinking I would order a replacement recast.
  14. I don't know if this will help but here is the Bandai Metallic VF-19 Kia. Can always try white, metallic silver, and then a clear yellow and red lacquer.
  15. Fly4victory


    Sorry this does not have the Q-Rau but it should help with size. Edit: Replaced BMP with JPEG. Size.bmp
  16. Fly4victory

    2 seater 1/48s

    I blame him for for making me go cross-eyed watching the pictures change.
  17. Fly4victory

    2 seater 1/48s

    Like when new car designs are road tested and the fake plastic panels are covering everything. Trying to figure out the final product is part of the fun.
  18. It would be great if this was a huge April Fools Joke. Is Yamato that funny??>
  19. I have this stuff that really kills the smell of my hockey skates but then it would look like a cocaine powdered Monster.
  20. I guess that was the kick in the A$$ that Graham was talking about. I just hope the boot I get hit with has a Macross Kite on it.
  21. It is interesting that when the price was $80 there was a great deal of interest and pre-orders. Then the price is increased as a result of Toynami's pricing error. I like to give people and companies the benefit of the doubt but it seems that Toynami is trying to milk a cash cow. The situation is questionable since there was an offer and acceptance but no exchange of value...so the distributor and we as the consumers may not have a legal contract. Toynami will say that the $80 was not an offer but an advertisement.....bla bla bla..... Either way... companies like Twin Moons and BBTS are left holding the bag publicly and financially due to Toynami's error or deceit, whichever side of the coin you want to be on. This is the side of toy collecting and being a member on Macrossworld that makes things fun... trying to guess how decisions are made relative to the products we want. The sad fact is that the stores will be the ones left with unsellable items if Toynami's nonsense alienates the customer which will translate into wasted capital and inventory that will only be moved once the prices are dropped. Toynami will not care because they will have already made a profit but Twin Moons and BBTS will be the ones taking the loss. Either way I only want a Blue and Shadow Beta. Perhaps need to revisit the idea of making my own non-transforming version since all I want is it for fighter mode and at the most complex, the Beta version of "GERWALK". Oh and for those that will say "I told you so in the future"... yes I am worried about quality control but will buy one hoping that the wings will not fall off just sitting in a display case.
  22. I actually prefer the Toynami design. Do not confuse liking the design with Toynami's quality control, production schedule, advertising... I prefer the design since the Alpha looks better in fighter and the Beta is larger. Plus the prototype Toynami does not have those strange landing gear.
  23. http://www.monstersinmotion.com/catalog/pr...products_id/134 Hobbyfan.com as had a resin VF-4G but it is no longer listed on the website.
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