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Everything posted by Fly4victory

  1. Exactly! SHE did it and people have done the VF-4 in legos. Yamato needs to borrow from SHE's catalog. VF-11, VF-4, VF-5000. Just remember for the longest time SHE was the only YF-19 with fast packs and now look at the beautiful 1/60 Yamato made.
  2. The YF-19 even back when she was the clunky 1/72.
  3. Yeah, The 19 kicking the 21 is the worst. I had over looked it when I did the others and had to go back to do it after I thought I was done. Hope your Revy's show up quickly so you can join in the fun.
  4. FOR THE HONOR OF YAMATO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...mp;#entry614656 Not really, GN-U's are still second in flexibility. Edit: Yamato needs add a 360 joint on each leg just below the hips.
  5. Lack of a dedicated stand made the last photo more difficult than it should have been... that is why the next kicking the YF-21 has the YF-19 free standing. On technical note: how do people post photos so that they are visible without having to log in?
  6. The 1/72 models in the curio have now been replaced with 1/60 toy. My finished models will remain packed since I will be moving again in less than a year.
  7. Wicked Ace, the beer companies need to sponsor your ad campaign.... Nothing makes alcohol more attractive.
  8. For the move, I had over 260 boxes. Macross toys only: Twenty 1/48 One 1/55 Three 1/65 Twenty One 1/60 Seven 1/72 Seven 1/100 Toynami Seven 1/144 Two+ sets Chara-works 1/144 Two sets Yamato 1/200 Eleven Revoltech Nine CMS Figures One VB-6 Two 1/48 GBP-1 Twelve 1/48 VF-1 Fast Packs One Wave SDF-1 3+ sets each Toynami SP's (Robotech/ Macross/ Battlecry) One Matchbox Zentradi Nousjadeul-Ger One unknown Zentradi Queadluun-Rau 1/200ish So many more models. For those that are moving in the future one Large box will only hold four 1/48 "non-super" VF-1's if they are still in the Yamato box. The Macross room is together but I still need a TV and there are goodies already waiting in the closet. Found the 1/60 Nora in a non-Macross box and had to do some repairs on my Minmay Valkgirl.
  9. Should be easy the low vis battroid and gerwalk in my set have not tampo markings. All you need to do is change the color. Does the fighter have any markings?
  10. LoneWolf, I will recreate the ad and post it in the GN-U section. When I do I will put a link here. Mr March, Awesome job with the sneak peak and shooting. Those poses were in the second or third episode. Makes me want a CF VF-1J. Really love the Battle Pods. Bring on more enemy mechs.
  11. Currently, unpacking and re-inventorying. I know what I don't have and that is my 1/60 SV-51 Nora. She is MIA, the first Macross victim in this move. Why couldn't they get Ivan or my busted Garland. My wife is so happy when finished there will be a "Macross Room" for display and basement for the boxes. Every time before the toys and models were in the living room and dining room with the boxes taking up a bedroom. This same room is where my PS3 and X-box have been sequestered. Other than sleep, work, and hockey, I'll never leave that room. The only thing that sucks is the I cannot set up my airbrush so modeling and customs will be limited over the next year.
  12. This is not the end of Raiders or the opening of Crystal Skull... This is how my Macross collection currently appears.
  13. Do we get the deck plating? Perharps the deck plating is part of the cardboard box.
  14. Just the figures and the edge of a table.
  15. No stand, No String, NO TAPE!!!!! Yes the YF-19 is on the edge of a table. I think the Yamatos can hold a pose.
  16. The Revoltechs were freed shortly from their boxes. The Revoltechs are painted while the Yamatos for the most part are molded in color. One of my two Revoltech YF-21s has two very bad paint spots... nothing new... the same thing happened on one of my Patlabors and VF-1s but much worse than the overspray on my Yamato YF-21. The Revoltech VF-21 is much darker than the Yamato... which is correct do not know. The hands of the GN-U YF-19 are Dark Gray paint over white plastic. The first time inserting the gunpod and some paint was rubbed off. The articulation of the Revoltech is better but I do not like the hip joints. The wide stance and only fore-aft movement reminds me of the old Toynami SPs. No problem with the VF-1 but the M+ leaves something to be desired. The best thing is that the pinpoint barrier and Fast Packs from the Revoltech YF-21 fit great on the Yamato. Like Graham recommends, might end up using the Revoltech stand with the Yamato. For the best of both worlds Revoltech joints on the GN-U. While I ordered two each of the Revoltechs and only one each of the Yamatos. I wish I had ordered more of the Yamatos.
  17. You may want to try Doyusha 1/144 die-cast. They are kind of expensive and will have to search. Here is a link to Hobby Link Japan. http://www.hlj.com/product/DYSDMM-1 There is also Chara-works collection 1/144 plastic. http://www.hlj.com/product/HAP81058 Finally the new Yamato 1/200 but this has non-transformable Battroid and Gerwalk in addition to Fighters. http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00077 Hope this helps.
  18. I was reading bits of "The Making of Indiana Jones" and it seems that George Lucas had the alien idea back before "Independence Day". He was able to get Harrison Ford to agree during the filming of "The Mystery of the Blues" but with the release and success of I.D. Lucas shelved the project. I wonder what kind of movie we would have had then because there was no character of Mutt.
  19. The YF-19 and YF-21 were at the post office today. First impression WOW are they small. They are packed in the same size box as the VF-1 series and appear to be the same height as the VF-1. The YF-19's armor is in fact the wrong color. The Yamato's are larger and I guess more in scale with the Revoltech VF-1 than the Revoltech M plus releases. Better photos in the next few days.
  20. I ordered two boxes from HLJ and each box had a complete set of the publicized VF-1J, VA-3, and YF-19A. The only one that will be difficult to get is the mystery low-vis releases. I got the battroid and gerwalk and will stop there until version two are released just hope they continue the mystery repaint and not release a mystery sculpt. Graham please keep up the effort to have Yamato release the GNU fighters.
  21. Got one of each from HLJ. There was some over paint on the YF-21 canopy. Surprised, the wings on the VF-11 fold out wish they did on the 19 and 11. They are held together by friction. I took apart the chest and one leg of the VF-11 and disassembled the YF-21. Parts of the internal skeleton are used but it is not complete as shown in the magazine post before. Really hard plastic and should be easy to customize and modify.
  22. In Eureka 7, what do you do to keep Renton on top of the ladder with the kids rocking it. I have not been able to figure out the controls for that part.
  23. Very prophetic. This is where I support Lucas revisionism. Since the Young Indiana Jones Chronicles were released on DVD minus "Old Indy" I hope that Lucas forgets/ignores the fact that Indy loses an eye. Yet I have read that the next Indy movie might have Harrison Ford in a supportive role rather like Jones SR from Crusade and pass the torch. Either way, I will avoid the future movie until released, give Lucas my money, and hope for the best. The Stars Wars did improve after episode one perhaps it will be the case with the future of the Indy Franchise. If anything we get Lego Indy and a new Video Game from Lucas Arts.
  24. Much better plan. Especially if it is a Blue-Ray box set of all the movies. Wonder if that will be be release this Christmas? Edit: Are the new Indy figures same size as the Disney Theme Park figures from a few years back?
  25. Problems with the movie without discussing the plot. 1. The first three movies and Young Indiana Jones were filmed around the world. Not only did you see historic places... there was a sense of wonder when a historic site was incorporated with the fiction of Indiana Jones. Copan in Honduras, one of the three Mayan cities in Belize, or the ruins in Guatemala could have been used in Crystal Skull. Yes the opening of Raiders was filmed in Hawaii and the temple was a sound stage but the end of Crusade was the combination of a historic site and fictional stage setting. 2. The opening of the first three movies had a mini-adventure and a separate treasure, fertility idol, remains of the first Emperor of China/diamond, Cross of Coronado. OK so it is close to the plot but highlights the departure for the structure of an Indiana Jones movie. 3. The truck crash and explosion and destruction of the Well of Souls were real stunts. Sadly there were digital effects in Crusade but after all these years the effects in Crystal Skull are still fake and look it. 4. Understanding the desires of the Producer and Director are important. Steven Spielberg wanted to make a musical so the title sequence for Temple of Doom was a musical but not the entire movie. 1950's were Sci-Fi and that was Lucas' thought here but should not have been at the expense of the movie. Again close to plot. I had just finished viewing Masks of Evil the night before. There isn't a worst example of Young Indiana Jones than Indy vs Dracula so watching the movie should have been an enjoyment and parts. When were can cover plot without the shadow boxes we can discuss how the movie was "too American" when compared to the first three.
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