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Everything posted by Fly4victory

  1. Thanks Mechfan. The fast packs really improves the look in fighter mode.
  2. I see that TMPanime updated their website to reflect the correct information on the weapon sets. Too bad Toynami has not caught up yet. With product in hand, any thoughts? Thanks for the photos.
  3. I checked YesAsia.com and nothing is there either.
  4. Nice! Some of those CM's are quite leggy Not as cool as mounting upside down from the glass just some dark aircraft gray fast packs and a modified clear robot stand.
  5. The VF-11 has a similar leg construction to the YF-11 except the engine intake cowling is three pieces. Disassemble and remove the lip on the lower two exterior pieces and the joint rotates. I used a Drumel and then cleaned up with a X-acto knife but the plastic is so soft that careful use of the knife will due.
  6. Is that how to listen to your own music playing NHL2K8?
  7. Disassembly without tools. You can see the skeleton is one section of the forearm and the upper leg. The head is glued together and there was glue on one pin in the forearm, everything else is snap-tight. Discovered there is a 360 joint in the leg just under the ball socket for the hip but the engine intake panel restricts all movement and there is a square pin that keeps the internal skeleton from rotating. Even if the cover was cut the proximity of the joint to the hip ball would not allow increased movement.
  8. ruskiiVFaussie, It's like a subway at rush hour!!! Did you give your CMS Misa a mini-skirt?
  9. When it came to Bandai's VF-19 Kia, went for the metal plated model. I hope that the M.F. releases are so nice that I forget Bandai's M7 releases. Work hard Bandai! Macross fans will be extra good this Christmas.
  10. Confirmed! both my VF-1J Battroids have the UN Spacy on the legs upside down.
  11. Nope! The GNU is missing the upper leg 360 swivel joint above the knee and below the hip that the Revy's have.
  12. Two for three.... Neither have UN Spacy, VF or the Kite symbol so paint away to make your own. Edit: Just noticed that my regular VF-1J Battroid has both UN Spacy upside down on each leg. I have to check my other set to see if it is the same.
  13. Master, I seek your guidance in attaining Fast Packs! "Silly Yamato, Fast Packs are for Revoltechs."
  14. If QC doesn't alienate your customers exclusive releases will. Please explain how this is a good idea to sell less and automatically create a profit generating secondary market that will be ripe for fakes.
  15. Completely, understand! This is the only non-Macross, non model purchase that survived the cut backs. I canceled the CMs ride armors, Tread,and that new Ghost in the Shell Gig with the Major figure. I did get the MH Stick but not the Ray. I looked at the bigger Patlabors and they are nice but with price of everything going up so many things have to fall by the way side. The ax almost fell on the FFR-31 also. Thankfully there was time after the release of the 1/60 YF-21.
  16. Gunny, Did you get a bad set? Or is it the fixed poses, gummy rubber like plastic, or that some can not stand?
  17. As long as this is taking. I have a feeling that Toynami has already lost out to Revy and will lose to GN-U. They only thing that Toynami has going for it is these are variable but the "we are releasing this... no were not... we are releasing that... it will be this year... no it will be next year" song and dance is turning into their requiem. I doubt that a quick release of the GBP armor would save them.
  18. If enough people in Japan say make them larger perhaps things will work out in the end.
  19. None of the Macross GNU have the full skeleton, only partial appendages. They are still very easy to disassemble. I save my crying for a rotating upper leg joint and opening wings on the YF-19 and YF-21. The wings on the VF-11 open. Also the both wings on the YF-19 have the Macross kite.
  20. 1/48 scale SDF-1, The main function is as a motion activated security system. The main gun fires the taser at the intruder. Secondary function is to protect the integrity of the MP3 player if Robotech music is loaded instead of Macross, the taser is activated in self-defense.
  21. The colors of the VA-3 may add to clownish idea. I like the VA-3 and it is the reason I bought the set. The only thing is that my battroid and gerwalk can not stand without their support. The only other 1/200 that I have that requires the stand is the YF-19 gerwalk.
  22. Guess mine is a limited edition. I don't mine it not having the yukikaze symbol. I have a second one on the way. I ordered the one I have from HLJ... the second from a different store to see who was fastest. Both were discounted pre-orders as you can tell HLJ was the fastest. I just wish the nose number was not 503 or had someone other than 1LT Fukai as the pilot with the missing symbol.
  23. Agree, I have the three of the 1/144 and really wish this one was 1/72. It would cost an arm... but a 1/48 with opening inspection panels and removable engines would be awesome. I have the digital camera charging and will photograph it tomorrow.
  24. I bought the HDMI cable and hooked up the PS3 to the Sony KSL26S3000. Lego Indiana Jones looks great but there is a "wave" pattern and moves down the screen from time to time. None of my other PS3 or PS2 games do that. Also finally got the Blu-ray disks. They look great but two of the night scenes in "Flight of the Phoenix" has a white signal pattern. I have read that the Bravia TV doesn't do black/night very well but this is the first that I have seen it.
  25. I just got the new 1/100 Alter FFR31MR/D Super Sylph. The box has a magnetic flip cover. The model is as beautiful as the preproduction photos. The paint job is perfect and it has very fine panel lines... except the nose is missing the Yukikaze symbol. All other markings are present, no step, walkway, Ejection Seat warning, pilot names, SAF 503. The aircraft is showroom floor clean, no weathering. The larger antenna on the bottom is removable. Landing gear is lowered by parts replacement similar to Dragon Models. Ordinance is mounted on rails and the missiles do not look removable from their respective launchers. Two detailed pilots in a sealed cockpit. The canopy does not appear to open. The only thing other than the lack of Yukikaze on the nose is the stand is a light purple. Very nice "pre-painted model" for the truly lazy.
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