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Everything posted by Fly4victory

  1. ??????????????? I know you could easily get $30 USD for the YF-19 and it would pay for an entire set of Charaworks but those diecast aircraft are so beautiful it is blasphemy to recommend replacing them with plastic. I have the VF-19A. Back then I had bought two and would have done a repaint thankfully was able to get the YF-19 when I was in Haiti from a guy in China.
  2. Fly4victory

    Thunder Hammer

    :lol: So that people like me can look at the video and wish they had the parts.
  3. October will be an expensive month for games. Ghostbusters on PS3 and Macross Frontier on PSP.
  4. Are these available in Australia? A quick check of US ebay none and ebay.ca one YF-21, one Hikaru VF-1A, and one Roy VF-1S.
  5. Fly4victory

    Thunder Hammer

    Seeing the armor on the valk is one thing but to see the kit in bags is another. It is amazing to see how clean and finished the parts are prior to markings and paint. It is great that you not only made the first but reproduced it for sale.
  6. I wish I had pre-ordered two of the VF-11 and not just one. They are all great little figures so I doubt that they will be discounted again anytime soon. The only thing keeping me from ordering a second is the hope to see a fast pack version. We should also see fast pack versions of the 19 and 21 but Yamato needs to include swing wings, few extra hands, and a stand along with the fast packs.
  7. Yeah but they craped out one hell of a mech with the -1. A 1/72 model is not too much to ask for.
  8. I don't think the license is exclusive to Bandai, the Helldiver is available as a Revoltech. I would not mind seeing the Hannibal as a Revoltech also. If the series of models does well hope to see the command and control Spider Tank, the improved F-16 and F-15s from Patlabor 2.
  9. Fly4victory

    Latest custom.

    Mert!!!!!!!!!! I was hoping that you had discovered a new type of color printer and were making your own. Can it print white? Seems more like a abstract philosophy debate as opposed to a serious hobby question. Yet that is all I can think when looking at new color laser printers.
  10. Quite right, I was slow to get the Eureka Seven models and the Nirvash Spec 2 seems never to be found.
  11. Wow that looks great in color. Two of those and there goes that months model budget. Edit: Hope to see the helldiver in the same scale.
  12. Mom!??? Wait until you get married and see what happens.
  13. "AH" Attack Helicopter????? No Dude, "UH" Utility Helicopter the only thing it will ever kill is its crew. Now I am being a AH. :lol: Those exposure/flash delay photos are great. The one with the straight line really gives the illusion of motion. I can see beer booster commercials during the next super bowl. They can do a flyover during the Bud Bowl.
  14. http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...4293&st=540 Sorry dude, month and five days late but yes really cool feature wish it was also on the YF-19 and YF-21. Great YF-19 photo line-up. It is a stairway to heaven.
  15. Fly4victory

    Latest custom.

    That is a mean looking aircraft. "666" sends opponents straight to He11. Your customs are always a sight to see but where are you getting you decals now?
  16. This series looks like it is dead in the water, guess we are not going to see any aircraft models from it.
  17. Thats a good question. I have a feeling that I am the only one that bought the first one I hope it is selling so more are released.
  18. Is it different than the one for the VF-0A model? http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/models...f-0a/Decals.jpg
  19. I just wish that the old macross games are released as a best of collection on PSP UMD and PS3 Blu-ray then I don't need to worry about warranties and modifications. I see the new Battle Gundam game is up for order but has anyone found Macross F Ace for pre-order at a US importer yet?
  20. Clouds are cotton balls. The only time I have seen that many feathers flying near an aircraft was a bird strike. The VF/YF error was with my typing. So I was a D.A. while being a S.A. Whenever I have to edit a post. I put Edit:..... then whatever the error was so people can see what was changed.
  21. You put your YF-21 in feathers and then qoute Conan.... Sorry Dude, the quote for that series of photos is from "The Producers" "Keep it light, Keep it happy, Keep it GAY!" Edit: It is a YF not a VF.
  22. Wow, that set looks great. I am glad the VR-41H Blowsperior has the Gallant. Now I need to figure out how to get the Wolverine and Sal-9.
  23. How Yamato improves the display-ability of Toynami!
  24. Not only the VF-171 but the electronic warfare variant, also.
  25. Not a silly question. I seem to remember that happening to Bandai and then Yamato a few years back.
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