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Everything posted by Fly4victory

  1. The connecting pins on the dark gray rail gun, parts C21 and C30, are visible from the front and bottom. File down the front female connector on C21 just enough for the front pin on C30 to still engage and hold. Cut away the second and third connectors on C21 and C30. I used wire cutters and a knife. Be careful not to remove the interior line details. Some minor sculpting will be required where the connectors and pins were. The front of B15 and B16 have a depression where the opening of the bore should be. Remove the depression with a knife and then file the edge to match the interior contour. Remove the "cap" from the first hole in B15 and B16 and sand smooth. Glue B15 and B16 together. File the seams flush between B15 and B16. Three panel lines are missing on the bottom of these parts. Once you have finish sanded use a hobby knife and cut the three panel lines on the bottom of B15 and B16. You can also use a hobby knife and square file and remove the large post inside the back of B15 and B16. Edit: Added photo showing view down the modified rail gun and new panel lines. .
  2. Once the fin is trimmed and fitted everything should fit together like this. Please note how the landing gear door is still long. This helps keep everything lined up. Now glue the fin to the inside of the exterior leg panel. DO NOT GLUE ANYTHING ELSE. Once the glue is dry the two halves of the legs should separate. Edit: Added photo of two halves separated.
  3. Thanks, Yeah his models are excellent. Those recasts were made almost four years ago if not more? If Samurai Monkey has these for sale again please post a link here.
  4. Cain, glad that your has all the markings. I have to wonder how many are missing the nose markings. Either way, I canceled my order for the second one and replaced it with a Ride Armor and some DVD's.
  5. You don't need two kits exactly. What you need is to replace parts B7 and B8 with something else. 1. Can use lots of putty to shape the exterior part of the leg and figure out how to install the aft landing gear door A10. 2. Recast A3 and A5 with the internal attachments and the fins from B7 and B8. 3. Manufacture A3 and A5 with polystyrene sheets. 4. Find the B-club kit or a recast. You will still need to keep B7, B8 (minus fin) and A4, A6 to make the SAP leg armor. I hate shaping putty, do not have the materials to recast, polystyrene sheets are being shipped, do not have the B-club kit. It boils down to the Time, Money, Skill formula. I am sacrificing money (cost of a kit that I already have) for the time it would take to do the other options. No matter what, the panel lines on the exterior of the legs will need to be carved or painted and the project will require Styrene and putty even if you had the B-club kit since it is for Battroid only. Edit: bad typing.
  6. The exterior white parts of the lower legs are made from the interior parts of the donor kit. The first thing to do is remove the outer Green SAP part from the leg, if your model is already assembled. You will need the lower fin, aft landing gear door mounts, and engine housing hinge mount as one part. The other two mounting points: engine foot hinge and leg center post can be used as couplers to connect the two white out parts of the leg. Since I have two sets of Green parts I butchered one for the fins and internals with a hand saw. The plastic used on these kits is very soft and melts as opposed to being ground by my drumel so the tool of choice is now replaced by files, knives, and a hand saw. Once the fin has been removed and the excess trimmed away, use a file and expand the opening of the landing gear well on the white outer leg half to fit the new part. The base of the Green fin will fit flush with the exterior of the leg then modify the two pins to attach of the Green couplers. When the two halves of the legs fit together the aft landing gear door will be too long. Simply sand the edge to match the contour of the leg. The landing gear will not fit in the wheel well. A small part of the interior hinge and mount for the aft door will need to be cut to make room for the wheel. The cut in the mount should be a semi-circle only slightly larger than diameter of the tire. THE ONLY GLUE USED up to this point has been ON THE MOUNT for the aft landing gear door. Edit: Photo showing the Fin part cleaned and instructions.
  7. Start off with the new verses the old. New on the left, old on the right. The kits, decals, stickers and instructions are identical. The only difference is the new box has a glossy finish and slightly different printing on the front and side. The older box has a dull finish and is lacking the 25th anniversary sticker. You can tell you have a old kit because the water slide decals will be an ivoryish yellow thanks to age. The stickers have not changed color but I wonder if they will stick.
  8. By your command. http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=26951 I will dump my updates and photos here.
  9. Another Bandai product is falling victim again but unlike last year's project the VF-17s: http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...=21567&st=0 this years project is the old VF-2SS just recently re-released for the 25th Anniversary. B-Club released a modification kit to have the Battroid without SAP(Super Armor Pack) http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/models...f2ss_486%20.htm I do not have this but wish I did since they would have already solved some of the problems and having the kit would save an additional model.
  10. Bandai's 1/100 VF-2SS SAP. Trying to make it so the SAP will be removable. I will put up a how to like the Bandai VF-17 modification last year.
  11. Don't have the B-club parts so this will be all Bandai and scratch parts. Not much too look at yet.
  12. MaveRick, That LV2 looks great in completely in gray. Now just need the completely grayed out aircraft. You have just photographed the new LV3.
  13. Fly4victory

    Thunder Hammer

    These are all valid questions, Solscud007. The LV-1 was a Hasegawa model that was later produced by Yamato. Didn't the LV-1 start off as a Model Graphix custom? I have wondered why the Yamato stickers for the AngelBird are different than the marking of the Hasewaga model? The Minmay Guard Moon Act has also been made by Chara-works in their Series 2 with the same markings as the Hasegawa. So why not a Yamato? Unfortunately it might be one of those damed exclusives. While you own a Thunder Hammer and may not want to see it mass produced. The question for that also true. Give credit to all involved and make it. It will still be a masterful work of engineering art for those that own it.
  14. No need to wait. We all have the parts to make a VF-25.
  15. Fly4victory

    Thunder Hammer

    Looking at Rohby's custom all command of the english language disappears. Sexyer....Sexyest Either way Big Sexy!!!! Yes it needs the ruby visor. I say that only in jealously.
  16. Look at all the photos. That has the best Gerwalk stance for an unmodified Valk. The easy to swap heads is great. Now people that are afraid to disassemble their toys can do customs. So many open screws holes on the inside of the legs. Pilot is too far forward for my taste. My favorite skull crooked on the vertical fin. :lol: :lol: I did the math and shipping from Japan of my last order from HLJ was over $65. Looks like I will be in a holding pattern without expect further clearance time. In other words if I get this it will be on the second or third run due to cost. Just happy that I have a first generation example for now.
  17. I thought about that and it raises the question at what depth did she sink in and how much of the evaporated oceans would have returned as rain during the time the SDF-1 was gone. Yet, It does explain why part of that underwater city had become visible. Oh well, it is anime and they had a storyline to advance. Looking at the beginning of the DYRL game the support personnel are wearing naval uniforms. In the TV show they look like air force. So which do you use in a diorama Deck Crew or Ground Support?
  18. These are some great photos. Great to hear that Yamato finally improved the decals. I cannot remember who did this but I saved the picture. If Yamato comes up with the upside launch arm then I will have to up in the new 1/60 pool. Is it just the angle or is pilots seat too far forward? Will Yamato shoehorn a second seat in there?
  19. Bravo Zulu David! You were spot on before your edit. The bombs are GBU-10B Paveway II L.G.B. with MK 84 cores. The others goodies are AVQ-10 Pave Knife Illuminator Pod and AGM-78 A.R.M. on a LAU-77A adapter. The wings stores are thanks to Hasegawa and the reason why I hate Yamato going with 1/60 again as opposed to staying 1/48. 1/60 is an odd scale for modeling accessories. I have a two seater because I made it. Thanks to some parts from the Captain America's VF-1D kit, some interior parts of a VF-1J Hikaru, the LV2 with some parts chopped others replaced, Anasazi37 VF-1D water slide decals and some decals I made myself. The Captain's kit is well worth its weight in gold. I cannot wait until NB4M has his two seater kits fielded, I only have one two seater kit left.
  20. Difficult questions from the Master. I normally default to Hasegawa but that seems to be the source of error. TV Roy's VF-1S minus Fast Packs Prometheus. The SDF-1 was not in service prior to the attack in first episode. Roy's squadron would have been serving on Prometheus prior to the launch of the SDF-1. The SDF-1 had yet to be tested or flown. It really pokes holes in the storyline because the ship should not have had a full crew or complete stock of ordinance at the time of a test launch. DYRL Movie Roy's VF-1S SDF-1 or ARMD. Misa and Hikaru find the remains of the Prometheus beached even though she was at sea when sunk at the beginning of the video game. So the game must have departed slightly from the movie story line. It is a question of command structure and the Table of Organization for equipment. You would have to see which ARMD was used during the movie opening for the launches. That is assuming that the command and complement of each ARMD remained independent when docked with the SDF-1. DYRL Game Roy's VF-1S Prometheus. As EXO said and the video shows Skull Squadron launched from Prometheus. Hikaru's VF-1J Prometheus. The Prometheus and Daedalus were docked with the SDF-1. The carriers seemed to have differing operations that were coordinated/directed... but were they commanded by the SDF-1? They were referred to by name. Yet unlike the ARMD, the carriers could not operate independent of the SDF-1 in space. If each command was killed during the fold, it might be unreasonable to have each respective command and complement remain separate of the SDF-1. TV Max VF-1A/VF-1J Prometheus. All flight operations were from Prometheus when he comes along. TV Miria VF-1J ?????. Didn't she get her own aircraft after the SDF-1 was in a pond. Prometheus wasn't being used for flight operations. What was the name of the airfield they were flying from? All maintenance and support was from the hard stand or in a hanger not ship based. Canon source!!!??? Wish we had one. I'd like to know myself.
  21. Ouch! That is a heavy hog!
  22. MacrossMan, Nice ground crew. They can service my Two Seater LV2 until you get yours.
  23. Great find. I will remember to get the Asia not the Japanese version.
  24. http://www.ghostbustersgame.com/ Thats what I thought, I was in the airport few months ago on my way to Toronto and there was a magazine, black cover with a huge Ghostbuster symbol on it. It covered production, had some pre-production art and an interview with Dan Ackroyd. I bought the Sega Master System just for the Ghostbuster game. I hope that Macross F has some English at least more than Eureka Seven and Gundam Battle Chronicles. It would be such a small market but an after market english players guide and manual would be great.
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