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Everything posted by Fly4victory

  1. The SAP looks better now that the cannon is lower and the engines are closer to the backpack. The engines are a very tight fit inside the cavity behind and under the cannon and the white (sensor???). This is the finished assembly. Now I just need the rest of the fighter.
  2. More so that the builder did not paint them. The model looks really good and any problems with the Gerwalk can be a mod. Glad that I order but then it was only one.
  3. Upper legs and feet masked with the lower leg sections glued and puttied. Next will be primer, putty, sand and then re-primer.
  4. Same here. Those new joints on the stealth look nice. Talk about needing to steal parts to improve the first releases. After Rook I wonder if we will see a MH cannon fodder?
  5. :lol: Look at the little VF-1 on deck. Wow!!!!
  6. Yeah, for $11.95 over twenty years ago. Who would have thought after all this time there would be new toys. LowVis thanks for the review. Too bad I canceled my pre-order for the blue one long ago. C'est la vie or C'est la morte if the toynami turns out to be crap.
  7. Don't do the expensive way when making a VF-1S Max. Just buy a VF-1S Roy and repaint the yellow blue. Plus, making the Max VF-1S is a great excuse to buy an airbrush. Edit: I think you will also need to swap the wing doing the VF-1A conversion to get 001.
  8. OOOOOHHHH You have the big one!!!!!! Very nice. As you see I have the little one that came in the two toy set. Never got the larger better looking one.
  9. Sam, those are the tires my Stick came with. Just like you I am still waiting for Yellow. I am also waiting for the Robocrap rebox of the MH Rand. Should have just paid the extra money and got it from HLJ.
  10. Didn't know that Gakken reboxed their toys under the Robotech label. They were fun for the time. Now they just make the MH look so much better.
  11. :lol: :lol: That picture proves that Macross is bigger than Gundam.
  12. That LAV looks awesome. Makes me want one in-scale with the new Yamato destroids.
  13. The first part is actually finished! The head has been weathered, future'ed, and then dullcoated. All the other painted parts have been future'ed and are waiting dullcoat. Ran out of that also so I broke down and ordered the Tamiya paint and more dullcoat. Tried to get away without the future since the model was painted with all flat colors. It scratched too easily and the weathering rubbed off so I had to future it to protect the paint. This is all that is left, the back half of the fuselage, fighter backpack, engine nacelles, vertical fins, and assemble the lower legs. The upper legs and feet are finish painted and will be masked, after the future dries, for assembly of the lower legs.
  14. Thanks of the support. It is so required when you start breaking the parts as opposed to manufacturing them. Plus, truly amazed that there have been over 1,400 views.
  15. Still listed as future release also. Order has yet to be processed. Wonder if HLJ is about to do some website maintenance?
  16. Did a lot of painting and finishing today. Added a second panel to the backpack and sanded it to match the profile of the fuselage. Broke the bottom mounting tab. Made a side panel for the one top engine pod. Installed a 1/4 inch magnet on the battroid swap/swing bar. The polarity with the magnets in the fuselage locks the chest and legs to the back.This replaces the lock plate that was removed when the wings were split and sanded down. Other setbacks today, Broke the interior pin on one leg engine. Ran out of Tamiya Flat White and had to replace with Testors.
  17. Thanks. Glad you like the progress. Cannot wait for your two seaters to hit the street.
  18. 1/72 Hannibal is up for pre-order at HLJ. http://www.hlj.com/product/KBYKP-51
  19. Panel lined the outer part of the leg. Draw the lines on masking tape then cut through the tape with a knife. Use the tip of a file to widen the lines.
  20. Really didn't have time to work on any of the new parts. Just been painting here and there on what was ready. Sadly this will be pushed to weekend work only. Edit: Bad Typing
  21. Nice discovery Jepoyako but can the 1/60 hands hold the 1/48 gunpod without modification or force?
  22. Way to ruin a good thing... but the price is to be $75 cheeper?
  23. YEAH!!!! Your work is better than what we will see from Revoltech. Now get back work and paint it. but don't forget to pull a mold first.
  24. Started to make the vertical fins and a flap for the styrene backpack. The wings work.
  25. Great news that CM's making Macross figures again. Sure that the larger figure looks good but am disappointed it will not be the same size as the older ones. Swapping parts is part of the fun.
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