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Everything posted by Fly4victory

  1. Got the shipping notice last night from HLJ. EMS shipping! Hope it shows up before the weekend.
  2. I am with you. Checked at lunch on Monday and nothing was there but checked at dinner on Tueday and it is stop order? I guess HLJ only took one pre-order and that person requested one hundred VF-25S to corner the market. From the photo, that shop in Sofmap Akihabara has it all. DVD's, Music, and the VF-25. Wonder if the pile is still that large? Looks like there will be a big secondary market for VF-25's. Talk about a new hit for Valk addicts. Really hope that we see that electronic warfare version.
  3. That SMS VB-6 is hot. Wonder how long before there is a decal sheet released? The modifications shown in Hobby Japan to the front landing gear make the model look so much better. Looks like the origional gear was used as the base and then new parts were glued on. Edit: According to HLJ, my VF-25 just shipped.
  4. Buy a VF-0S and use the head from the VF-0D or C. Scans of the decal sheet are in the model section so you can get the bunny for the tail fins.
  5. And you never will with the way it is already sold out everywhere!
  6. I can't remember if it was last year or two years ago but there was another thread called macross in Hawaii. But like you said being in Japan is better.... except of the few old kits that are hidden on the top shelves in old stores.
  7. Really bad online service but I did luck out and get the macross zero F-14 from them. Toy's and Joy also has a shop over by Pearl. There is two other stores for macross stuff near the one Toys and Joys. One is across the street and the second a block over.
  8. What other website can be trusted to buy Japanese models that will ship to the US? HLJ is saying because I have other items on backorder is the reason I did not get the VF-25 that was order on August 8th. Yet, the only thing that was ordered was the single model without anything else???? Beaching done Nice Photo, The view of the Battroid down the gunpod looks great.
  9. Alright, what is up with HLJ? They now have the VF-25 listed as discontinued. http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN955525 We need to get a spy in HLJ, like we have one with Yamato.
  10. Thanks, that explains everything and now it makes sense. I was wondering about the wing.
  11. Looks like the VF-0C has some kind of third vertical fin mounted on the center of the tail, canards of the VF-0D, and the weapons set from the ghost
  12. Holy Cr.. Kicker, Yamato needs to give you a job in the marketing department. Talk about making people want more. Those OD green fast packs look great.
  13. Get a wife so she can spend your money before you get it. Getting her was my last big purchase... and is what has reduced my collecting.
  14. You got that right. Very underwhelming. Hope it looks better in color.
  15. He used clear blue to tint the canopy. Looking at the feet is that Jet Exhaust or Anthracite Gray?
  16. That is a very interesting idea. The folding scoop "arms" could be used a the launch rail by removing the buckets and some modification. The pictures don't show it very well, can see it a little on the 16 Sept post, but there is a large dozer blade that could be used for the jet blast shield. Just remove the Dark gray head, cannon, and the Zaku arms. Something like this?
  17. WTF! Already listed on backorder and no shipping notice, so much for pre-ordering the beginning of August.
  18. "She can prove it, but I'd have to charge you!"
  19. Mustang1, looking at your photos all I can think of is the zeonic rap, "My Gouf is better than your Gouf". The YMT-05 is done! Can you find the error in the photos?
  20. Amazing MechTech first an RC Daedalus then you are going to build and I guess custom detail the giant Yamato. You must have a big house and not plan to move. Finished with the future, decals, future, and then some mud and rust. Still needs a black wash and dull coat. The photo is too dark plus and it may not be seen on the finished model but I like how the grease seal and rail for the turret turned out.
  21. I use a iwata revolution CR. It is a two stage brush with a fixed reservoir. It is my first airbrush since I could no longer buy rattle cans and it is easier to ship aquious paint. Have had it for two years and am really happy with the results. Never heard of Hasegawa airbrushes before but I really like Hasegawa aircraft models.
  22. The YMT-05 is also in the Gundam Crossfire game. I really wish Bandai would release a 1/144 Xamel. Sprayed the camouflage and did some minor weathering. Some parts need touch up and then everything will be coated with future.
  23. Yes, to GN-U fighters in scale with the battroids. If we get the same variety that is being shown in the 1/200 series, the yamato's would blow the 1/100 Bandai's out of the water.
  24. That looks so perfect, thought it was CGI had to reread and look again to see that it is a model.
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