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Everything posted by Fly4victory

  1. Enterprise doesn't fit the continuity of the JJverse unless you ignore their Mirror-Mirror 'Defiant' and Borg episodes. Next Generation fits the JJverse if you remove the episodes "Relics", "Yesterday's Enterprise" and the movie "Generations"....but you still have to ignore "All Good Things" for Next Generation the series to fit with Next Generation the movies. Or rather like Captain Harlock don't try to tie all the individual works together but enjoy them seperately.
  2. So who else voted with their dollars and preordered the blu-ray/DVD/phaser set?
  3. I was thinking the same thing....perhaps a future family relation to tie things together?
  4. The larger ships in Starfleet are the easiest part of the timeline to accept. The USS Kelvin was overwhelmed by a giant ship. Starfleet: Need bigger ships so we get the JJprise. Then the giant mystery ship destroys Vulcan and almost destroys Earth. Starfleet: Need even bigger ships. When the intelligence shows that it is a Romulan mining ship from the future and not even a warship. Peter Weller comes along with: need bigger ships and the will to use them. Starfleet could figure out they needed bigger and better ships without Spock Prime.
  5. Duke is correct and I do know how lucky we are. How can people forget the Crew Uniform Kilt? Roddenberry gave us the Motion Picture, worlds longest TV episode but I liked it, and he hated what saved the movie franchise.... Wrath of Khan.
  6. The message is quite clear, if you live in North America you're SOL!
  7. For those that want to read the JMS version, you can use the wayback to still get it.
  8. How is this going to fix the problems with the production version of the game? Oh, yeah, it won't! This is just a cash grab.
  9. When MacrossWorld gives it a good review I'll change my mind but until then its a no go.
  10. The only way to stop the production of garbage is to stop spending money on the movies. With IM3, Oblivion, Man of Steel, Wolverine and World War Z all this year, all the bad spoilers about Into Darkness is not making it a must see movie... no matter how much Carol Marcus they show in the trailers.
  11. We agree. It is just your way of saying it isn't as harsh as mine.
  12. The only problem I see with a western movie compared to the OVA and books is most movie goers will expect an explanation of the JAM and an ending that answers all their questions. The romantic subplot in the OVA and books may have been between Rei and Yukikaze but the romantic tension in the OVA was between Rei and Booker. That aspect may be dropped from the movie as well as the idea of forming a disposable force of socially unattractive people and exiling them to fight a stagnant war in another dimension.
  13. Not only trigger discipline but muzzle discipline, only point at what you intend to shoot, even blanks can be deadly at close range. I am gald that Andrea was traded for the Governor. Keeping him means they don't need to introduce Negan.
  14. Sad to see that Christopher Eccleston is pulling a Tom Baker. Baker eventually came back maybe Eccleston will also.
  15. Ugh! So you don't like Nick Fury or the Black Widow since the people that play them are big libs, also? There will not be many movies or shows you can watch. But,Yeah, the Carrey video is really bad but he has the right to be a dumb-a$$.
  16. Serious plot point spoiler with that one. Just show the whole movie.
  17. Good trailer but a good trailer doesn't equal a good movie. Zombies on a plane! That has my ears up. Little worried about the increased budget and having to rewrite the ending. It makes me wonder how far into the war they will get or if they just stop with the initial outbreak and early investigation.
  18. WTF, the trailer has already been pulled by Paramount?
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