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Everything posted by Fly4victory

  1. Yeah my wife doesn't like macross either.
  2. Replace Killzone with Eureka 7 and add Gundam Battle Chronicles and we have the same menu of games. Ace Combat is great and Battlefront is fun. Than SNES mod looks interesting but sony should make a controller that connects to the mini USB.
  3. Love the 1/72 VF-19A and 1/60 YF-19 but vote went to: 1/48 VF-1A Low Vis 1 with stealth fast packs!
  4. Is the new chest plate a result of the removable cockpit assembly?
  5. Ron, Thanks for reposting. I am saving your photo right now since I could never find the origional post. Really hope that Wave copies your work since the Imai kit is almost impossible to find.
  6. That sucks but it does make sense. He can't tie up capital in product that won't sell. I really liked the fact that I could buy one or two for kit/toy bashing. What truly sucks is I finally got a complete set of series 1 and they are being re-released. Looks like I will be buying a couple boxes just to get flight suits and will end up with extra "Barbies" Here is an interesting idea for CM re-releases... do it by type; Flight suit set, Cockpit set, etc. They tried it with Minmay.
  7. To make the Max Q competitive with the Miria Yamato needed to make some changes. Option 1 Add a Max figure. Option 2 Remove the Miria figure. Best advice for the buyer, wait a couple of months and buy them at a discount.
  8. Twin moon anime should have the individual figures up for sale. At least, they have in the past.
  9. Yamato needs to start selling whatever they are smoking in the marketing department. That is some powerful stuff to cloud their minds like that.
  10. Voted with my money, canceled both Alto and Ozma pre-orders. Make things limited/exclusive releases and Bandai is not getting my money. Especially since the Ozma is not made with the correct parts. If the fast packs and armor are general releases in the future then I may buy a 1/60 but right now I am sticking with the models.
  11. Excellent, Sir! Thankfully, I can afford one. Sadly one but better than none.
  12. Why not, Yamato did it on the VF-0 series and others have done it on other Hasegawa and Bandai models. The little rare earth magnets are perfect for the job.
  13. Looks nice but not worth 20% more. So is Yamato releasing the Max Q-ray? Hope for a pilot this time.
  14. Thanks for the comments your custom sounds like the Bandai model. Please post photos here so we can see your hard work.
  15. The re-release of the MS-06K has provided parts for a HGUC MS-05K kit bash. Thinking about not doing the additional leg panels.
  16. David, Thanks for the image. My bubble jet makes horrid decals but atleast this is a great start.
  17. Cockpit layout on the Havoc is all wrong for the Commanchero which is more Hind(ish). The wings are also Hind(ish). Best parts of the Havoc for the Commanchero would be the engines and part of the tailboom.
  18. Capt, has a point. The economy is having a big effect on what and how much is purchased. Haven't drove my jeep in over a month and have had to really cut back on models, toys, movies, and eating out. If the 25 had come out this time last year I would have bought two right off the bat. Sadly, have one Alto and canceled my Ozma pre-order.
  19. Male Power Armor tied for first.
  20. While everyone is working on VF-25's and other fun mechs. I'm painting hockey sweaters. Did finish a flight gouf but missed the mail today so I didn't get the display stand.
  21. Interesting Point, Dizman. Looking at the pictures again, I wonder if it is possible to open the feet without the ankles extended. While it would not be accurate at least it will make the battroid look better.
  22. Mix .4 ml X21 to 10ml future. It is more satin than dull. I have a marked eye dropper. Since I thin the Future X21 mixture by 50% with 91% alcohol use the eye dropper to transfer the alcohol and it gets most of the X-21 out. Also when mixing keep running the mixture in the dropper. Yes, that stuff is think. There is a solid ring about an 1/8 of an inch thick inside the bottle. One bottle that I tossed out had white flakes floating and never mixed properly with the future. Guess it doesn't age well.
  23. My wife gave me a nail buffer last year and those things are great. For unfinished plastic yes it will shine more than the unpolished Bandai plastic. Yet, If you clear coat to protect decals or dull coat then the shine completely disappears and blends perfectly. Have started using the Gundam markers to color in the nub area after using the cut then knife trim method. Plus, have ordered the flat cutters from HLJ and a set of Gundam markers hoping that they will be close to the Macross colored plastic. Other than landing gear, cockpit, and position lights I don't see much painting. On an interesting note, I used X-21 mixed with future sprayed over the white stripe foil stickers on a Flight Gouf and they didn't lift or peel. Time will tell if I do the same on the 25.
  24. Plus Jarrod's "Bandai" model VF-25 looks better than the toy. The toy and model were developed at the same time by the same company so... how can the design of leg, ankles, and feet be different? First bit is not a bash but an honest question. The bash: We can not see the landing gear so what is Bandai trying to hide!!!! Oh look,There it is again, Malice in my own shadow.
  25. WTF????, The exclusive bit is getting old. First Yamato, then Revoltech, now Bandai. Thanks for the photo of the decal at least we have the basis to make our own.
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