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Everything posted by Fly4victory

  1. Why couldn't this have come out two or three years ago? So what level of debt are we looking at to get this.
  2. Thanks for the picks and the absence of an IWSP and no sky grasper is equally bad.
  3. Do believe that yellow stripes on red is cannon. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=21567&st=35
  4. I don't think there was a 5 and 6 this Thursday. I have the DVR set but there was nothing recorded.
  5. For a "just get her done" model it looks really good.
  6. After the X-9 Ghost, Yamato can make the VF-11 drone.
  7. Super Packs???? I thought they put the engines on the wings so that the YF-29 wouldn't need super packs. Guess it is the Tim Allen valk.
  8. There should be some broken 1/72 VF-11 toys floating about to easily get a set of fast packs for the model.
  9. Sorry, That was a joke on my part. I wish we could have lego's cast in the colors we want.
  10. That's why I do everything in MLCad and stopped with the YF-19 as the last real world build. It should be lego castbyme so you can get the colors you need without paying through the nose on Bricklink or doing without if never made.
  11. Future unemployment never looked so attractive. I will actually have time to build what may be my last Macross purchase for sometime.
  12. Fly4victory

    1/60 Yamato Glaug

    Fish Head!!!!!! That is why I stay off the internet March 31st and April 1st. Good Job.
  13. That Macross looks great and the 1/32 VF-1 is huge. I made a Lego monster a long time ago. If was fun to build but the mass of the Legos really made me hate the thing. MLCad is a great program and really helped to build digitally then in the real world. I don't have the program loaded on this computer but here is a screen capture of a YF-19 I designed. I'd have to dig to find photos of the finished model since I sold it last year.
  14. Blue Angel set sounds interesting. The LV version looks really good. Didn't think it was possible. Need to make that in 1/72.
  15. Thanks for the photos. It looks better than the Alto version.
  16. Buying the Bandai Hi-metal VF-19 Kia was a stretch but have just been pushed out of the market with this new sticker price. The crappy US dollar exchange rate doesn't help my ever reducing budget either.
  17. Second the request for the release date, please.
  18. Just buy the Alto Tornado model for the pack, repaint and put on a regular VF-25G. Exclusive distribution defeated.
  19. This is the only Guitar Hero game that I would buy. With the new motion sensor controls the movement of the guitar could also control the motion of the aircraft. Just make sure it is for Sony PS3 and not Wii.
  20. I will buy a Yamato and a Hasegawa if they print the Manga in "Engrish" and release an OVA.
  21. I like to take my PSP and hook it up to my Sony Flat Screen while it doesn't look as nice as my PS3 it still looks better than nothing. Can 3DS work on a TV? And if it is region locked I hope all Macross Games stay on PS3 and PSP. If some is looking for a development idea how about a Macross based Thrustmaster controller than can hook up to PSP and PS3 to use with all these new games.
  22. While a company doesn't wholly own the Macross property, they do have limited exclusive rights to a particular series. That limited monopoly limits competition and better products for the consumer but without exclusive franchise rights nothing may be produced since a company may not risk the capital to develop a product without that protection. Just based on economy of scale, size of production not the size of the model, there is a point were the unit cost is lower because the cost of production can be shared over more items. And if you want an ugly non-matching scale Bandai model, just look at the old Zaku Tank. That will make any of the current prototypes of the YF-29, "look golden Jerry!" Is anyone else thinking about rescanning the Sheryl or Ranka decals for use on the VF-25? Sheryl's all blue VF makes it look like she is replacing Klan.
  23. Not really, just look at this as an opportunity to restore an old friend.
  24. Thanks for the heads up, Capt. Great pointers from the True North Strong and Free. Too bad I don't have a Canadian Tire or a Boston Pizza near by.
  25. I wouldn't doubt that government regulation is part or the major source of the problem...but I do know that shipping companies have changed their rules for shipping paints. Whatever the reason, it sucks, not like I can fly to Japan and bring back paint in bulk on the airlines. Has anyone tried automotive putty/fillers and primer?
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