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Everything posted by Fly4victory

  1. Hawx could have really gained some market position but their customer service and initial development was really bad. It was the PC hackers that made something of it but if you are a Yukikaze Mave fan someone made the Mave to use in Hawx pc. Non-standard aircraft are fun. I really enjoy having the YF-19 and Super Sylph in Microsoft FSX. Sub-orbital IFR to Hawaii is interesting just have to watch the dynamic coupling on approach. I am not opposed to expansion disks with new aircraft and more missions. I like expansion if the base game is a good program but I want a physical disk so when my system fails so I have a backup. Plus other gaming forums have talked it to death but don't announce DLC content in September for a game being released in October. Good or bad business idea... doesn't matter...the anti-DLC crowd will not buy the initial release. They may have been on the fence about risking their money to see if the game is any good but then are pushed off by a cash cow plan before the game is on the street. The thing that turned me off on ACAH was this marketing plan and failure to answer a simple question. "The Phantom II aircraft is going to be exclusive only to the Limited Edition, so you might as well place your pre-orders now while stocks last." It was very simple in the beginning. I didn't care about close combat, DLC, or exclusive aircraft that were included in all prior AC. The only thing I cared about was, "will Hotas X on the PS3 work with ACAH?" and I get... buy from us now to guarantee you get an F-4. My answer was very simple a thanks but no, Hawx and Hawx2 both support Hotas X and got both games for less than $20, I can wait. Since it has come out that the Hotas is not supported. This is now a $9.99 game if purchased at all. The marketing and development team do need a good lecture. First for AC6 Xbox 360 exclusive with flight controls and then ACAH no Hotas support for hardware that is supported by what should be lesser games. Its not that hard... just make the ACAH compatible with a Hotas and have player options to remap buttons and AC6 didn't sell well because you released it on the wrong machine. All your fans have PS3 systems because your software has always been on Sony systems. Edit: Just to end on a high note. I will buy a model kit of the ASF-X, they can re-release the ADF-01 Falken and introduce a model of the ADF-X Morgan. I willing spend money I don't have for plastic dust collectors.
  2. Edited to add photos
  3. Now that is a game I would get on release day. Found on Gamespot forum that ACAH doesn't support any flight control stick. Neither the HOTAS X on PS3 nor the AC6 stick on X360. This just became a $9.99 or less purchase from the unloved bin at Walmart.
  4. The V1 Ozma's were already web exclusive. If they didn't sell well ...not difficult to wonder why?
  5. The news agency would need a fast aircraft for filming the news/propaganda. Interesting looking aircraft. Add some more orange and it'll be an Irish VF-11.
  6. Those are the facts but just as HG doesn't care about a quality product we aren't interested in reality. I know those people in the commercials had nothing to do with Windows 7 but it nice to see who to blame for crap. Carl's vision is just another name for histotoxic hypoxia.
  7. HG hasn't had an original thought so I blame you for planting the idea.
  8. For those that get this and have the Thrustmaster Hotas X please see if the Hotas is supported and if the functions/buttons are reprogrammable. In a holding pattern without further clearance time on this one. Probably get the new Macross F hybrid first.
  9. Have to second Keith's recommendation of a PSP with a TV look-up. PSP looks good on 26 inch Sony and best of all you can play games from Japan.
  10. Thats the point. In this game you wouldn't know. Hovering to the right while masked.... can't move anymore must be a building. I went out of my way to find the flaws in the flight dynamics since trees, wires, and buildings are part of the problem flying NOE. Just browning out during landing and a little lateral motion has resulted in the loss of a crew and aircraft. I knew the ASE/EW was going to be wrong, suspected that mud huts would be hellfire resistant, all I wanted was it to fly like a helicopter with my flight controls. When using a HOTAS, I like to have the throttle set-up as the collective, or thrust control level in a 47, but just like an aircraft left hand equals up and down. Here it is moving the targeting retical and using buttons for house gets big/house gets small don't like it.
  11. Crapache!!!!! describes this game. Downloaded the demo to answer my own question. The intermittent "unsupported audio" on an all Sony set-up squelch aside. This demo still sucks. You can fly through trees and power lines, bump your tail rotor and stabilator against building and water towers without damage. Hotas X is not supported and can't remap the controls, specifically the collective functions, on the stick so they make sense to fly a helicopter. No Hotas or control remapping equals no sale.
  12. Might have to buy AC:AH just for the helicopter missions. Just replace Assault Horizon with Attack Helicopter. Has anyone used the Thrustmaster HOTAS X with this? Since HAWX 1+2 and IL2 were HOTAS X compatible hope this will be also.
  13. Its just George Lucas using Jar Jar as a warning about having idiots in position of power.
  14. Wish there were no DLC and everything was on disk.
  15. One of the few SHE kits that I don't have. Would very much like to see more VA-3's on the street since all I have are the three modes in 1/200 from the fighter collection.
  16. I love the old Star Wars as imperfect and limited as the special effects are. Am very happy that I have copies of what was originally released and not what Lucasarts has altered. So I will be staying away from this Blu-ray fiasco. There is one great benefit to this waste... With Lucasarts so busy continuing to screw-up Star Wars they don't have time to F-up Indiana Jones. Or is that the title for Indy 5, Attack of the Revisionist.
  17. Has anyone wondered what is happening in certain video games as far as Political Correctness or even revision history. Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb the bad guys were Nazis and wore swastikas. Yes, it is a horrid game, Staff of Kings, and ruins the Indy franchise but the baddies are "Germans" and the swastikas are replaced with Iron Crosses. Indy doesn't even do a quarter of the fighting moves in Staff of Kings compared to Emperor's Tomb. I wonder what I will get when I receive Captain America will the Nazis be totally replaced by Hydra. Its like the Nazis agent in the movie OSS 117 said, It's the 1950s we don't always have to be the bad guys.
  18. So we have a Iron Man Mark IV exclusive, Iron Man Mark VI, War Machine Prototype release date October, and the Iron Man Mark V Prototype. Will we see a Mark I, Mark II, and the then easy to make Mark III? Haven't seen it in the early photos but I wonder if the new War Machine will have shoulder missile launchers like the Hasbro Walmart War Machine exclusive. Plus how long will we have to wait for a RDJ head?
  19. Almost every day. Edit: what is that second aircraft. It almost looks like a mave with electric camouflage minus the red.
  20. For $129 I hope they repair yours, if that is your desire, and return it with hard drive intact. I hated getting a re-manufactured X360 and it found its way to ebay. I am worried that my 60 may fall by the wayside. It not just the money of a new system or repair but I actually have and enjoy some PS2 games.
  21. Odd that Yesasia.com only has the DVD version showing and not the Bluray/game combo.
  22. HDP= Half-a$$ Destroid Plan? What a stupid idea sell the top as a kit! Why not just release a 1/60 destroid set like the 1/100 Takatoku. The result is the same left with bits and parts unused.
  23. "You're life for this ship, row well and live"
  24. There should be a version 2 because Bandai has been lacking when it comes to Grace love and easy nose paint removal. Plus, the fact I own neither of 27's and almost all the 25's, none of the tornadoes. Really got the moldy fig with that selection. I will wait and see what the word from the field is on V2 and see what other exclusive non-sense Bandai pulls.
  25. On regult markings, the box art for the 1/72 Bandai model has large markings shown like those on the revoltech battlepod. When looking at the Toynami battlepod the markings are so small, almost to the point of why have them, when compared to the first two offerings mentioned. Has anyone considered using the 1/72 water slide decals from the Bandai on their 1/60 Yamato? Also, HLJ has the Bandai model listed as "discontinued" so no chance to get an easy sheet of markings.
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