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Everything posted by robsthingies

  1. wow that is one great looking jet . lucky shawn put online the old boards again ill search out your other works i didnt have and put them on my site also before these will be deleted or something.
  2. kewl thanks shawn thats much better.
  3. ah it has been moved hehehe , okay toy it is thanks guys hehehe Chris yeah i got your name on one
  4. uhm maybe from battle angel alita or something ??(it was called like that was it not? )
  5. you can find prices in the for sale section of my site. but they will sell for 85 euros thats about $100.- plus shipping .
  6. Well i dont really know where to place this now but as it says resin heads in the explenation under the title i asume anything recast should go here also if not please move this to toys forums mods. Okay so here goes the latest update on the GBP recast. I did the booster packs and their connection bar , ill still have to do those covering plates from the boosters though . Pics are here comming along nicely and i hope to finish it soon.
  7. 1\60 = 7 1\72 = 9 1\48 = 1 (would like more but cant aford it right now)
  8. i guess the faq would do also . now the tread was kinda hihihi. es hidden.
  9. well as someone allraidy took my old id *rob* i had to get a new one ,so robsthingies it is prefered my old one though but oh well thems the brakes kiddo
  10. well yeah a news section is necesary as i didnt see the welcome to our new forums thread that was under the movie section. i posted in the toys forum about the new forum and jeez my thread allraidy got deleted. that was fast . i think its necesary for anouncements and sort as i normaly dont go into other forums then the toys or models ones. im sure im not the only one.
  11. okay so i see the new forums and arg someone had my old mw name allraidy hehehe. ohwell i guess robsthingies isnt bad eighter former rob... uhm still am just not my username anymore . oh anduh didnt think this post fits in any forums so i guess this place is as good as any
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