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Everything posted by macrossvf-1msx

  1. Rainclass Assault ship
  2. Damm Thats look mean I like it
  3. http://un-spacy-qmtdb.com/macross/un_spacy...ross_cannon.htm this is the best I can get
  4. Midnight Class Type Battleship/Gun/Carrier. Number of Ships 2006 mostly used to lead large fleets into battle and defensive situations where lots of firepower is needed Dimensions: 9 Miles Long 2.1 Miles Wide 3.6 Miles High Speed: Max Seed 0.89%Light Speed
  5. I was going for Macross/protodevilin ship is it good ?????
  6. Neutralizer Class
  7. this is My Macross cannon lol the Tormentor
  8. here i new one
  9. LOL
  10. nice anymore suff
  11. That's really cool of you yellowlightman I Got Alot ship darwing
  12. Ever body for the fun of it make a ship post it
  13. I like this good work
  14. thank you That why I call it a SuperBattleship this a Imperial Marduk BattleCruiser
  15. Imperial Marduk Fleet Command SuperBattleship by me what do you think Length 8075 Meters; Width 1300 Meters; Height 295Meters Single-Barreled Heavy Converging Beam Cannon in the center of the vessel and is fired by separating the dorsal and ventral hulls; it is capable of firing a 56 Megaton pulse every two minutes
  16. I Love Macross 2 it intro me to Macross before it all i kew was Robotech but it has it faws but its cool Not as good as Macross 1984 wish their was more actions/Sbattles B/c from what I readed we only see a small part of the war come on their where 120 Macross canons
  17. new pic
  18. Class Da Dirty South class Type Flagship/Battle/Gun/carrier mostly used to lead large fleets into battle and defensive situations where lots of firepower is needed Dimensions 19.2 Miles Long 8.5 Miles Wide 4.4 Miles High Speed & Propulsion 38,857 miles per min Space fold system Maximum Range Unlimited 1-year overhauls & Refit after 30 years Power 10 Neutron Nuclear reactors Armament Main cannon - "Super dimension energy" cannon capable of taking out multiple spacecraft in a single shot. Range 238,857 milesDestroys EVERYTHING in its path, The only way to avoid obliteration is to avoid being in the path of the beam. B/C of the size it called A Super Cannon 69 heavy Cannons 10 Plasma beam cannon 1360 Laser Cannons 738 Rail guns 540 Mines 200,203 Missiles 6250 shield cutters Nuclear Missiles Note: some are nuclear and have multiple nuclear warheads A side from the main cannon the ship as a few Super weapons: 8 Neutron Stampeder and 2 GENESIS (Gamma Emission by Nuclear Explosion Stimulate Inducing System) Cannons (unlike the GENESIS Gundam seed and Neo GENESIS in Gundam seed destiny the GENESIS Cannons can fire multiple times) Defense & Shields Pinpoint Barrier Defense System, Phase Shift Armor, and TAX-3287 Armor (what the hull is made of) X Lightwave Barrier System, 2,500 Anti-Beam Depth Charge Close-in weapon system (CIWS) Aircraft & Mecha Complement 1,125 Fighters 852 Valkyries 780 Mobile Suits 347 Destroids 3,000 Auxiliary craft Equipment Long range communications, Radar Aegis System, Laser Radar, Gravity Control System, Antigravity Propulsion System, Life Support Systems Crew Complement 53,053
  19. Update Type Flagship/Battle/Gun/carrier mostly used to lead large fleets into battle and defensive situations where lots of firepower is needed 19.2 Miles Long 8.5 Miles Wide 4.4 Miles High Main cannon - a "super dimension energy" cannon capable of taking out multiple spacecraft in a single shot. ( like macross) B/C of the size it call A Super Cannon 69 heavy Cannons 10 Plasma beam cannon 538 Rail guns 360 Laser Cannons 200,203 Missiles 300 Mines Note: some are nuclear and have multiple nuclear warheads has TA-32 Armor An air group of 1125 fighters and B/C I love macross An air group of 852 Valkyries and B/C I love Gundam too 700 Mobile Suits A side from the main cannon the ship as a few Superweapons (AS some would call them) 8 Neutron Stampeder and 2 GENESIS(Gamma Emission by Nuclear Explosion Stimulate Inducing System) Cannons (unlike the GENESIS Gundam seed and Neo GENESIS in gundam seed destiny the GENESIS Cannons can fire multiple times ) and 250 shield cutters nuclear Missiles
  20. Well hear it is
  21. it wont let me or I dont know how
  22. you can see it haer http://www.scifi-meshes.com/forums/showthread.php?t=29165
  23. Main cannon - a "super dimension energy" cannon capable of taking out multiple spacecraft in a single shot. ( like macross) B/C of the size it call A Super Cannon 169 heavy Cannons 438 Rail guns 560 Laser Cannons 200203 Missiles Note: some are nuclear and have multiple nuclear warheads has TA-32 Armor An air group of 825 fighters and B/C I love macross An air group of 1000 Valkyries
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