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Everything posted by Liottel

  1. I enjoyed Cosmo Warrior Zero in a really lame childish sort of way... I definitely think Leiji is running out of good ideas. But, I thought Gun Frontier was really good. I think Gun Frontier was one of the most entertaining things I've seen in a while. But, none of his new stuff is up to par with his old stuff. I'd still like to get a hold of the full series (subtitled) that came after Arcadia'. What was it? Endless Odyssey SSX? There was another series, "Endless Orbit" or something, but that's not what I'm talking about. This series was about 26 episodes and was fromt he earlier 90s I believe. I have the opening on a "Toei Openings" dvd I got. ~Liottel. P.S. Any of you seen Zipang? The tv series about a modern Modified Kongou Class aegis destroyer of the Japanese SDF accidentally being sent back in time to WWII, and the dilemma of the Japanese crew whether to try and turn the tides? Because it's based on a massively long manga, the TV series ends abrubtly without any real conclusions, but I thought it was still very good. Edit: P.S. #2 A lot of you have pictures of naked women as your avatars. Being that the Finnish have never been part of the ratial nonsense that the symbol you guys are offended by is synonomous with, I find no reason why I should change it. While flying this symbol, the armor and aircraft of Finland managed to become one of the few militarys to repel Russia's vicious invasion, and then even counter attack, breaking deep into Russian territory, only to be screwed during the armistice, because after all, Russia attacked them first, and they fought back - that means they were Axis forces. For all I know the reason Finland still exists, is because they flew the Hakarista, a good luck symbol. Being mostly Finnish, 'damned if I'm changing it.
  2. It's a Hakaristi. ~Liottel.
  3. Amazon.com... Animeigo release of the DVD and the VHS. DVD used for 14 bucks, VHS used for even cheaper. Don't buy the old dub tapes. I'm of the belief that no true anime fan will watch a dub over a sub. Go listen to modern R&B if you really enjoy hearing a nice language turned into something foul and nasty. ~Liottel.
  4. Two of my favorite anime are DYRL and Megazone 23. DYRL is an epic, well told story with stunning visuals, and the crescendo at the end sends chills up your back it's so cool. Megazone 23, borrowing heavily from Macross aswell as Robert Heinleins "Orphans Of The Sky" novella, created an incredible storyline with memorable characters that ended in Part II leaving you mind blown. But, neither of these really affected me. I enjoyed them incredibly, but it had no prolonged significance in my mind as I went about my daily life. The third anime I will mention, I shall call my favorite anime. Arcadia Of My Youth, is a story that could not be made in this day and age. I watch it every now and then and I am moved by it. It is the most amazing anime story of all time. And I believe it is a story only men can appreciate. I do not believe women, or lesser males, would "Get It". I can gurantee you that if I made my friends girlfriend watch it, she would giggle her way through it and laugh at it. Because she is inferior. In Arcadia Of My Youth, the earth is subjugated, and most humans are entirely content to be controlled, and manipulated. Like sheep, they are complacent with whatever happens to them - as it is in reality. Only a few characters in Arcadia' have the mindset to realise it can be better, and they take the chance. Who else thinks that this film is one of the greatest anime storys of all time? This message is for the oldschool anime fans... "Cartoon Network Is My Life!" fellas need not apply... ~Liottel.
  5. Machine Saurer was an old Magneto toy that Go Nagai designed. It eventually got taken into the Diaclone line, and it is what spawned the Dinobots. Machine Saurer is Grimlocks grand-daddy. Later on, Nagai created a one volume manga of Machine Saurer. It's absolutely hilarious, incredibly violent, awesome to the max - aswell as extremely out of print. I spent an arm and a leg grabbing the only copy I had seen on Ebay Japan in months for a sum of money. I scanned the first chapter at really high resolution, and I've been searching for someone with the power and the will to translate it and put it online. Machine Saurer is a piece of history!!! Long live the giant cyborg dinosaur with a cockpit in its head!! Interested? Dig the samples: (The really big samples. 33K users, beware. And these are only half the size of the full ones.) http://s2.simpload.com/04084438857b4d4b6.jpg http://s2.simpload.com/0408443885afbb281.jpg http://s2.simpload.com/0408443885e430b39.jpg http://s2.simpload.com/04084438861671ea8.jpg http://s2.simpload.com/04084438863ed6039.jpg ~Liottel.
  6. Ok folks... You know how Trekkies can talk for ages about the specific pros and cons of plasma conduits? Well, I'm gonna take a drive down that sort of alley now. In Megazon 23 Part II, the FX-101 takes off along with squadrons of Tivar IV fighters, and four FV-11 escort ships. In the big battle, the Tivar IV's fire their missiles and retreat, no match for the Dezalg. Then, the escort ships engage, firing anti-air missiles. These are shot down by the Dezalg, who proceed to move in and annihilate the 00 Harguns and smash in the escort ships bridges. Facing defeat, the captain of the FX-101 battleship orders the elite unit led by Captain Woodsman into action. Woodsmans Wild Sow and two 00 Harguns launch from a hangar bay and engage - eventually the Dezalg kill everyone on the FX Fleet. Now... Something they don't really go into - when you see Woodsmans units launching, where are they launching from? It's not the FX-101, theyre comming out of some ventral hangar bay on one of the escort ships. Or at least, that's what I gathered. It's too bad the lineart nor the images in the OVA show where this hangar bay is located on these ships!! It'd be cool to someday have a kit of the ship, with little Hargun figures to put in the bay. It's a neat looking ship. Reminiscent of the Oberth destroyer. What do you think? I'll attach a collage of pics of the FV-11 escort ship. Oh, on a different note... Now that Yamato has made a Garland, do you think they'll make some other Megazone mecha?? I'll attach a collage of Megazone mecha I made. Did you know the 00 Hargun has the option of mounting two big 2-Missile packs, one on each shoulder, aswell as carrying a huge 14 missile box on its back? The lineart doesn't show that. With the missile packs, the 00 Hargun would make one -awesome- Yamato figure. (the Part 1 'Space Hargun would too, with it's shield and huge gatling gun! Love its colors too!) Enjoy! Post http://s1.simpload.com/040844387be37a057.jpeg http://s1.simpload.com/040844387c2b29747.jpg ~Liottel.
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