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Everything posted by GreenGuy42

  1. like I told ya over AIM, man, Disney did Pirates right. It's the same sort of humor. Have hope.
  2. Those figures don't look terrible at all. I'm really surprised, seeing as I haven't been fond of the new Transformers (excluding Alternators, of course) at all.
  3. http://hitchhikers.movies.go.com/
  4. hasbro.com has pictures of Windcharger up, so it won't be too long until we start seeing it in stores, I'd assume. I just found Meister at Wal-Mart in my area..... someone was hiding him behind the Star Wars toys. I saw a red box out of the corner of my eye, took the chance... and viola! sucks to be them.. Oh well Edit: My vote is for the NSX, too, but that's my bias for RWD talking. Honestly, the RSX is a fine little automobile, and either way, I'd be buying it.
  5. Not really... I'm more upset that the Vette's headlights can't pop up. Otherwise, I LIKE my new Tracks.
  6. http://www.retrojunk.com/ They. Have. Jayce. And. The. Wheeled. Warriors. 80's Themes and more
  7. LMFAO.... Well, seems like Padme has some healthy competition.
  8. That's just.. so cool. What episode??
  9. Well, from the game trailer, it appears: - Anakin kills Dooku (which was well known) - Anakin at least fights (if not kills Mace..) He force throws him about 1/4 through the trailer. Interesting.
  10. ....and don't miss the US government spaceships stolen from the aliens who crashed at Roswell and our secret bases on the dark side of the moon... Oh, and bigfoot says hi.
  11. Aye... exactly why Vader's voice is off. I don't believe that JEJ has recorded his lines yet.
  12. not working... any other non-AOL/Hyperspace sources? Ihad to borrow a friend's AOL name. Sorry, I was in the process of pulling down that link, and uploading the movie to my webspace.... Should be there now... Incidentally, that trailer is the second size version, not the supersize that is available to Hyperspace members only or something like that. However, if you watch it in QT, and go to Movie then Double Size, it looks just as good. Thanks a whole hell of a lot, man!! Good quality, too.
  13. Nevermind, delete this post
  14. For the (few) Macrossworld ladies, straight from ancient Rome: Link
  15. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...5930444060&rd=1
  16. Up until recently, I'd say yes... It's coming from a liberal organization with a bias. I'd say it's political..... If it was from, you know, jibjab, who rat on both sides, naw. ...but hey, Bush bashing is k00l!!! So, by all means, enjoy.
  17. Whoop-de-friggen doo.. I guess everyone's gotta win sometimes.
  18. Wow.... my protein shake just doesn't look nearly as appetizing now.. Poor dude. Wow.
  19. Found this on msn.com while sifting through the tech/science area. Interesting.
  20. O_o O_o @_@ Three engineering tests... headache.... Florida Football's darkest hour... migrane... This... this just ends my day of utter mind rape. Thank you, Agent, I'm certifiably insane.
  21. That's hysterical.
  22. I'm sold. I was afriad he'd be a brick, with as big as his legs were... guess not.
  23. Since they're emulated: Super Mario World/Allstars Donkey Kong Country 1 and 2 Final Fantasy IV, VI Galaga (to reiterate its greatness)
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