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Everything posted by GreenGuy42

  1. Is it the same reason why Jazz is no longer called Jazz Honda owns it now. It'll be the name of a small, subcompact, I believe. the Honda Jazz/Fit is not a will be but already exists. Imagine a 4 door version of the Honda Civic Si hatch back that we have here in the states. Picture's not working for me, man. Ooh, right. I was referring to a US release. SOrry 'bout that.
  2. Is it the same reason why Jazz is no longer called Jazz Honda owns it now. It'll be the name of a small, subcompact, I believe.
  3. Seeing as he's 26, I'd get him the Yamato? Why? I think it's better for a more mature collector.. and besides, it'll get him started on the Yamato addiction, maybe urge him on to get a 1/48...
  4. First I've ever heard of this. Can you cite a source? Personally, I believe the anime ending was very well done. The anime didn't try to tell the whole of Guts' life, but rather a specific series of events; specifically how he became the Black Swordsman (who we are introduced to in the first episoded). That's totally official..? Give me time.
  5. Recently, I just pop in an episode here and there, but I've been slowly falling out of anime. I used to watch as much as I could stand in a day, though.
  6. Well, Berserk was, admittedly, cut short due to finances. It's a pity, too. The Manga was impressive. EDIT: Wasn't Hellsing in that boat, too? From what I recall, the (OVA?) was quite enjoyable. IIRC, the person behind the manga decided he did not like the animated treatment given to his work, so he cancelled all the further releases.
  7. I don't have a stench, my lawn is messy since my mower doesn't work and having to fight w/my weedwhacker to get it started, I am overweight and yes we have two cars, atleast they are parked on our driveway rather than the street or lawn... like the rest of my neighborhood has done... each house has atleast almost 4 cars enough to fit 2 on a single lane driveway, one on the lawn, the other on the street. But will damn them to hell, if I see one of these fools at my local wallymart or kmart... trying to scalp and sell on ebay. I too want these new alternators, and it is getting harder and harder to find them... so far I got the first 5... Silver Streak, Smokecreen, Hound, Deadend and Sideswipe... still haven't found Swindle, Tracks or Grimlock. Well, then, you don't fit all the pre-reqs.. I'm just really sick of these folks, so I tend to be rather bitter when I speak of them.
  8. Check the scalper's dens in your neighborhood. They're normally characterized by a putrid stench, unkept lawns, with cars parked out front covered in witty sayings bumper stickers. Oh, and they're normally very, very overweight. I saw a guy pick up the whole lot of Alternators after I got my Tracks.. told me he was selling them on E bay... guh.. loser.
  9. best way to disarm a Jedi, really... and no, no pun intended...
  10. Interesting...
  11. Now thats just fruity This just made me cry.
  12. Wow. Civilization had its priorities straight.. Remants of 9000 yr old wine found
  13. Oh. Wow. A Prime repaint. If it has his armor, I'll be super impressed, otherwise, meh.
  14. hey you took my idea!!! haha I was thinking the same thing You know, the front skirt looks easy enough, and I can even epoxy over the hood holes. I'm kind of worried about the side skirts, though.
  15. Poor, poor supra bot. He's got a nice big hole in the center of his shield. I'll snag if it I see it. I'm sure I could remove the wing, repaint the car, and maybe file down the body kits to a more reasonable level. I love Supras, so it deserves that much love.
  16. Yea, most of the automaker approved kits are normally OKAY... ...most of the aftermarkets though.. yyyyech ...never did notice the headlights... Wow. I might just pass on this.
  17. Yes, to the first no.. but no no no no no body kit, please. I mean, if they're trying to make it look like the Saleen concept, okay. Otherwise, please, no. Most body kits end up makin' a car look silly, anyway. ...and yea, the wing REALLY bothers me. I'd be happy with the car as-is, minus that offending piece of plastic. Bleh, I'm a Wheeljack fan, so I'll still get it. The spoiler will go, though. Shockwave(blast?) is nice, though... one of the few well-executed body kits I've seen. I hope the color stays that same hue with the Alternators release. They've been good about keeping the metallic finish intact so far.
  18. Oo.. Juggernaught... cool... Though, I'm kind of sad Lucas didn't include Deadnaughts and Victories into the Clone Wars.
  19. Wow. Shockwave looks totally badass.
  20. That is so awesome. I miss my GIR avatar. It died.
  21. Yea, pics, please. I really need to start watching this show.
  22. I'm gonna go with the Nousjadeul-Ger. I mean, it's a nub... a silly, little, ugly, nub.
  23. I'm tempted.... You know, taking a business minor has given me the opportunity to do something I've never been able to: play video games in class. Hrm.
  24. Okay... There's something immensely cool about seeing some poor sap Gundam tanked near such a wonderful example of Macross mecha....
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