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Everything posted by GreenGuy42

  1. Watch then gun hand. The damn thing is fragile as hell.
  2. I went down to Clearwater last weekend, to visit friends, so I decided to pack up a TON of anime DVDs I didn't care about anymore and trade them back into AnimeNation for an MPC... (just couldn't justify buying one with all the issues people are having) Well, the first one I grabbed had some paint issues and the canopy has stress lines in it. I took it back, and got a near perfect example. Based on THIS piece, I love it, though I'll be making any further MPC purchases in person and at the store. I must say, it's a REAL pity Toynami skimped so much on the construction of this toy... I really like the sculpt, considering its size.
  3. Shockblast has been reported in Ohio and some other mid-western states. Keep your eyes peeled.
  4. Swerve, now with robot mode images: Swerve
  5. yea, I'm watchin' it...
  6. Man, that's awesome.
  7. Well, as soon as I can cough up enough money to finally get my hands on a Monster.... Alternators - cheap, and cool to boot Toy collecting... is generally too expensive for me. I come from a poor family AND am paying for college out of pocket... though.. I was hoping, once I had graduated, to pick up stuff at that point... It's a real pity that that will not be the case.
  8. Honestly, as much as I love it, Macross just has been on the decline... How many people do you know actually liked M0 anywhere near as much as the original or Mac Plus? Perhaps the latter spoiled us, I don't know. I'm guess Yamato saw that the franchise just really lacked the spirit that originally propelled it. To me, the newer stuff (zero, seven) just seemed like half-assed effort. Of course, IMO
  9. Robot mode looks a little akward, but I'm sure that's due to poor transformation. Otherwise: cooool.... looks like a simplified version of Grimlock's transformation.
  10. Satanic Bugs? Looks like Zim meets Looney Tunes.... ..and we wonder why today's generation is all kinds of f*cked up...
  11. Hey!!! I want that gun barrel!! Where can I get one?!?!?! I finally picked up windcharger and he's all I ever wanted in a alternator The Vechicle alt mode is flawless. It looks great with or without the roof. I was going to wait on the binaltech version but I gave in (hey, Im weak hehehe) As for the robot mode, it has all the things I wanted in an alternator... The waist turns. It has mid-bicep swivels, mid-thigh swivels and very light on the ball joints. (which are concentrated on the wrists and the ankles of the figure) This isnt neccessarily a bad thing. The swivel joints in the shoulders and thighs guarantees no limbs or panels popping off during transformation!! Its also not hollow like most alternators/binaltechs are and has very little "back pack" kibble. The only complaints that I have about the figure are how stiff his knees are. And when you do get them to bend, its limited because the thigh hits the side panels somewhat. His feet, though on ball joints, seem a little floppy and somewhat limited in movement. ( I had trouble transforming his feet/calves because the instructions failed to mention there was a swivel you had to move ) His head sculpt is ok, his face sort of reminds me of Mr. Incredible (must be his chin Lolz) His weapon/sheild looks kind of blah without the barrel, but doesnt distract too much from the overall look to windcharger. With all that being said, WindCharger isnt a bad figure. Its not on top on my list but I like it. Strongly reccomended!!! eagerly awaits the release of Alternators Shockblast/Shockwave!! Check ebay. They're going for 14 bucks with shipping
  12. From what he told me, the sheer number of shelf warmers prompted a lot of stores to order smaller batches of Tracks and Jazz. These, obviously, sold out quickly (last Tracks I saw was here around, oh, December..) so they're ordering more Grimmies and whatnot. If you want, I'll PM you if I find a Tracks/Jazz around here.
  13. Yea, they are. A friend of mine who works at Wal-Mart told me that the last Tracks/Meister shipments ended about mid-December.
  14. FINALLY... Gainesville restocks. I found Grimmy and Battle Ravage last night, at Wal-Mart. My friend picked me up Swindle for my birthday, so I'm all up to date again.
  15. His legs suck? He has a knee joint... Yea, the erm... gun sucks... Mainly, the quality of the plastic seems to be plastic. Mine's almost translucent.
  16. I'll be checking with my local Wal-mart this evening, when they get stocks in. The toy department manager's supposed to be on staff, so I'll ask her what's up. Edit: here's the thing, as long as SOME Alternators sit on the shelf, nothing will be reordered. She told me that the computers are set to automatically request more stock. In short, even if you have Smokescreens sitting there, gathering dust, chances are that you won't see any new Alternators until those are sold. Energon toys aren't moving, and most managers kind of lump the two transformers groups together when judging popularity. A friend of mine who works at another Wal-Mart is going to try his manager to order some boxes. If so, I'll FINALLY have my Grimlock.
  17. They haven't restocked Alternators here since before Christmas. It's odd, sightings are coming in from all over, within the last week or so. Have things been picking up on any of your ends?
  18. I've heard that carrying in new shipments of Alternators has been left up to individual stores. Mine choose not to carry them.
  19. Well... It's... not bad, I guess. The dirty look, well, I bought the Takara version of Prime, if that's any evidence of my standing. His head really bothers me.... Is his neck REALLY that skinny, or is that just the lighting?
  20. HHAAHAH That's f***in' great, roxman.... I just picked up the Jedi Starfighter kit from Lego. I have to say the design's growing on me. ...and legos now have pink skin instead of the classic yellow?
  21. My most recent was Meister.... mutter...
  22. It's not just your area. Wal-Mart apears to have taken Alternators off it's official modular, so it's up to the heads of the toy departments at hte individual stores to decide if they want to continue buying new Alts. I haven't seen too many stores around here, bringing in new ones. My local Wally World doesn't have a space for them, any more. Considering how rarely I've seen Alts at TRU, and that all the Miejers that I have access to still have mountains of Smokscreens, it looks I'll be buying my Alts online, from now on. That's how I got my two Deadstreakers. Wonderful... so I guess it's off to overpriced E bay I go..
  23. It's not you, it's practically every Wal-Mart and Target in the U.S. Here in the L.A. area, Alternators newer than Autobot Hound are hard to come by (except Swindle, as nobody cares about him). Last week, I drove as far as Newbury Park (40+ miles away from Burbank) just to buy an extra Meister (and I was actually out looking for Grimlock). (But then again, Solscud007 will tell you how far he drove just to get Windcharger...) I'd take a Swindle.. Hell, with Alternators, I've turned into a completist.
  24. Have Wal-Marts recently forsaken anything newer than Meister, or does Gainesville just hate me?
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