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Everything posted by GreenGuy42

  1. Haha. Beautiful.
  2. Well, somone's a UT fan... ...think you can do that in a Gator's theme? I'm in Austin, now. I can see why you all are so fanatical. The school rocks.
  3. I'm in Austin, Texas for the rest of the summer, and really don't know anyone in town.. I've been bored to tears, when I'm not job hunting.... If any of you are in the area, please, let me know. I'd like to start getting some connections in the community. Thanks, Chris
  4. I can only explain it as Obi and Anakin being quite even at the last fight. It was Anakin's overconfidence that cause him to lose (i.e. attacking with his fancy jump from low ground in order to prove Obi's 'don't do it!' wrong). As for him smacking Dooku, its quite possible that Palps was f*cking around in the background like a good Sith should. The novel was very thorough with that explaination... Dooku was holding back... Palpatine told him to lose, and that he'd provide him with amnesty... If he had been at the top of his game, Anakin may have very well lost another arm. Didn't work out.
  5. Man, the duel scene... The dialogue, especially early in the film, was quite excellent for Star Wars... The NOOOO scene... well.. like father, like son. I loved it... took my poor wheelchair bound mother to see it, as she saw the first movie in the theater.. She cried.
  6. ...the scenes above Coruscant.... breathtaking.. You know, if anything was redone in thr original trilogy, I'd love to see the Battle of Endor's space component redone to match what was available in the novel. The Executor wasn't taken out be one measly little A-wing going *SMASH* into the conning tower..... SOB was blasted to hell by the combined power of the Alliance fleet.
  7. On TheForce.net.. **EP3 SPOILER** The actoress for Aayla Secura claims her character didn't die, and that she's "waiting to hear back from Lucas" on a major part in the new TV series" I tried to make this as hard to read as possible, for those of you who don't want to be spoiled on the movie... Anyhow, my guess is that it will cover the flight of a group of Jedi, as well as the heyday of the Empire (assuming the above is true.) I'm REALLY skeptical, though. Lucas on TV... has never been good.
  8. New Prowl Proto Shots: Legs look transformed correctly (FINALLY...)
  9. Huzzzah! ! And yeeaa.. Incognito was pretty worthless.
  10. I think maybe its because Vader has plans to murder Palpatine by the end of Episode III. That's pretty much the nature of the Sith, though... Apprentice always lookin' to take the Master's place.
  11. The Sith were once a group of corrupt Jedi that were kicked out of the Order some millenia ago... ....they found a little out of the way planet (Korriban?) populated by a people, called the Sith... I seem to recall that these creatures either taught them dark magics and/or made good slaves.. ....either way, the Jedi interbred with the Sith until the two were indistinguishable and the former people went extinct. Now, the Sith are more of an ideology instead of a true people. Edit: The Jedi.. NO clue.. From what I recall from some of the EU, they're supposed to be older than the Republic itself.
  12. I've always assumed he'd lost two by that point. I mean, an X-wing SHOULD be able to survive on three engines (and honestly, two, especially in a vacuum, but it's Star Wars, so forget physics... ) But ya... losing 50% of your thrust and being in the Death Star's gravity well... I guess that'd do it.
  13. HOLY! I hadn't even noticed that! Wow, good call! That makes the happy ending in TPM all the more insidious then! What he said.
  14. I took the bloody gun to Greenpeace's website.. rather amusing at 4AM while preparing for an exam...
  15. Cutting 73, in my opinion, was a mistake, though. In the book, it really helped set a good picture of Anakin's changing personality.
  16. It's one of the many cut scenes from Jedi. Basically, Vader goes to see the Emeror but Jerjerrod says "Nuh-uh." so Vader chokes him. Then when Jerjerrod manages to gasp that it was the Emperor's wish that he remain undisturbed, Vader releases him. It would have been a neat scene, but it was ultimately a little pointless. But long story short, there was a scene were Vader reached out and touched somebody, but it was cut. Otherwise, who would he have choked? Piett? Piett - "Its an older code, but it checks out. I was about to clear them. Shall I hold them?" Vader - "No, leave them to me." CHOKES PIETT Or that nameless officer who brings Luke to Vader? Commander - "He was armed only with this." Vader - "Good work commander. Leave us. Conduct your search and bring his companions to me." CHOKES COMMANDER You know, if Lucas REALLY wanted to make a "special edition" of the movie, why didn't he include these scenes? I'd have loved to see Vader getting his Force on...
  17. Gah!!!! I'm loving it so far! Wow. I've grabbed all but four tracks from the soundscore, and so far, this has to be the best work I've heard on Williams' part. I've been using the guide posted earlier on this thread to grab tracks. So far, it hasn't let me down.
  18. I just finished the novel, and saw no sign of Binks. Go back and read again where Bail joins Padme when Palpatine is about to declare the empire. It notes that Jar Jar is there on the platform with Padme, looking worried. I'm prety sure this is the only place he appears in the novel and the movie. Almost a cameo, and no spoken lines I'm aware of. I'll be damned, totally missed that. Well, I guess totally exluding him with have led to questions. It's probably for the better he got a SMALL part. ...though, if he had been murdered by clones...
  19. I just finished the novel, and saw no sign of Binks.
  20. If the movie is HALF as good as the scanned chapters.....
  21. We had a toy store around here that overpriced Yammies, as well. Hell, they paid 80 bucks for my TOYNAMI VF-1J way back when.... put it on the shelf for 120.. AHhaha... suckers
  22. So ah, what is a 21 worth nowadays anyhow? Ebay only seems to get the FP versions.
  23. I don't know... I'm despirately trying not to get excited, but the way Obi-Wan shouted "You were the chosen one!..." Could it be that we're going to get a quality film?
  24. Watch then gun hand. The damn thing is fragile as hell. Yup, the fingers broke on me when I was trying to attach the gun on my blue alpha. Waiting for my replacement hands to come in, but now when I try to attach the guns on my other alphas I just connect it to the palm without wrapping the fingers around the gun handle. The first greenie I picked up lost part of his lower hand (below pinky.) My second one's holding up, but I'm REALLY careful when affixing the GU-XX.... Still, the first one still HELD the gun, and the fingers just looked slighly crooked. It's a pity. The hands have GOOD articulation and are very attractive. I just don't know why Toynami didn't choose a more malleable plastic like what's normally used in a polycap or something REALLY stress resistent, like Yamato's 1/48 hands.
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