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Everything posted by GreenGuy42

  1. Yea, Skids' bot mode is by far, the best of the line. I keep my Alternators in car mode, but this one will be the exception. It's for the best really, as I can't really stand the xB.
  2. I'm lovin' the airborne pose, though.
  3. What can I say about it? I love the series, I mean, really, really love the series. I'm about halfway through A Feast of Crows. From what I've heard, it's the least popular in the series so far, as it's been focusing on minor lord/characters that don't drive the story, but I'm liking the break. When's Dance due out?
  4. I found a Decepticharge at Target today. I was surprised, they had three more, plus a Swerve, two Swindles, and IIRC, a Battle Ravage. Edit: This one'll stay in 'bot mode, without a doubt, although the plays on the usual rice stickers are pretty amusing, with my favorites being the destron racing fuel/oil. I really with this had been clean, like Windcharger. My buddy's got a yellow s2000, and it's a beautiful car.
  5. aaactually, you're right on the money with Blaster. He's a tricked out xB...
  6. How strange that my crappy old 96 Mustang doesn't rattle.... Then again, I take care of it, keep it well lubed, and do most of my own engine work...
  7. My boss? I'm working as a bouncer to pay off some debt (thanks to UF cutting back my funding.) I've got class MWF, and have it in my hiring agreement NOT to work Tuesday, Thursday, OR Sunday (early ass class.) Now I'm working, with nothing done for tomorrow's class (due to a sick friend.... God bless good deeds. It's becoming apparent that human decency is about as productive as an American auto worker...) So, I work tonight, and somehow have to manage six hours of aerospace-related homework, at a bar.... I guess, on the bright side, I AM allowed to beat around "trouble markers," so I guess I'll have plenty of opportunity for anger management.
  8. My feelings are with ya, man. One of my best friends here lives (lived) in Lakeview. Hell, I stayed with his family not more than two weeks ago on my way back to school... can't believe it's all submerged under, what, fifteen feet of lakewater?
  9. There's also that little thing of Adama possibly being a Cylon. After his conversation with the Chief and reaction to Boomer in the morgue (reminded me of her reaction to the Raider, really) it wouldn't come as a surprise at all that he's another double agent.
  10. Too lazy to attach.... just see avatar.
  11. Yea, and I have to drive 1100 miles from Austin to Gainesville next week. 17/24 MPG just isn't looking too exciting, especially considering how overloaded my car's going to be.
  12. Well, I just went Turncoat. I've driven F-bodies now, well, since I got my license. My stepfather's a Pontiac guy... and I buy... ... a 96 GT. The woman who owned it prior took impeccible care of the vehicle, too. I swear, the interior still smells new. I've checked it out mechanically and had it checked out mechanically. It's pretty damn good for a 9 year old car (50K miles.) Oh, and I think it's the first stock Mustang of that year I've ever seen.
  13. Found this on edmounds.com: Challenger?
  14. I think I read on the boards the repaint will be in silver. I agree, a red ironhide would be the obvious choice. or Traildreaker or Brawn could be other possibles. 317844[/snapback] Well, if Tak/Hasbro has DMC's permission (ala Viper,) I'd put Ironhide as a Ram and Brawn as a Jeep Liberty or somesuch.. Come to think of it, considering Brawn's utilitarian nature, wouldn't a Nissan XTerra be more appropreate?
  15. From what I've heard, either GM's going to work it off the next gen Zeta, an elongated Kappa, or the Sigma-lite (platform that killed North American Zeta.) Now, odd thing is, a friend of mine who works for GM SWEARS that the Camaro's heading for a MY 2008 release, not 2010.
  16. This makes my little GM-centric heart quite warm. It's going to take long enough to come out, though. I'm hopin' that they'll cut down the damn lag period. Concept in 2006, and product in 2009?
  17. Rock on! Assuming I'm not flat broke, I might snag one of these... always loved his anime colors.
  18. There are two Grimlocks @ the Target off of 183.. er... down by, Burnet, I want to say? It's the one being rebuilt.
  19. I found Swerve at a small, ghetto Target in Austin, and must say, I'm pleasantly surprised. Perhaps it's the color, but he just looks better then Tracks in bot mode. Maybe his head? It looks like it belongs on some sort of heavy weapons platform. I like the red plastic better than Windcharger, as well. It doesn't seem as thin and ready to break.
  20. New skids pictures: Skids You know, I HATE Scion, but this particular one looks nice in robot mode. I'm impressed.
  21. Try 50 plus... Eh, if I find Swerve, awesome. Otherwise, I'm sure I'll survive. lol
  22. Er, ah, on topic... Pity, Scotty was about the only thing I liked about the original series. (movies aside...) I'm not a big Trekker at all, but there was just something really likable about him.
  23. I've been lookin' for one, but TRU here told me that they sell out right when they open, and seeing as I work during that time.... Some guy there told me it's an employee who buys 'em, too.
  24. Oh, according to the binalternators site, Swerve has been released in the US
  25. You know, that was seriously bothering me through much of the movie. I just did my best to ignore it.
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