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Everything posted by GreenGuy42

  1. are they very prone to breaking? Not really. I've never broken any of mine, but I think I've read of maybe 2(?) MW forum members who have broken theirs. The key words are really be gentle and don't use force. Graham Mine broke, but the amount of fatigue a wrought iron DVD case places on a plastic toy isn't really what these things are made for. In all honesty, I'm surprised that ONE of the pegs made it through, let along the rest of the valk. Improvements: 1) Panel lining 2) Like many have said, do something about the bloody hands... 3) Make the wing flaps with a more sturdy method of staying on (which I hear was done with the Max 1A and beyond?)
  2. -sigh- I didn't see this thread... I didn't see this thread...
  3. I picked up my first Yamato about a little over a year ago.... was my YF-19A. I remember yanking off the tabs, and getting quite annoyed at the whole endeavor. It was all worth it.... ...to all but my finances.. heh.. So started my addiction...
  4. I read that the other day. Assuming Engineering doesn't give me 10+ hrs of homework, I'll go some night...
  5. Okay, I take it back... I LIKE the light/medium designs. However, I think the anime effect on the heavies is a bit much...
  6. GreenGuy42


    Well, the partof the leg that wouldn't move, yes... However, the thrusters are a seperate piece, and it also appears that the leg isn't attached to the fuselage. Hell, I've seen some amazing stuff done with models, and with time, and a dremel, I'm SURE this can be made to be transformable.
  7. I think it would be safe to presume that the size of the -19 would be in or around the old GI Joe Tomcat toy (probably a wee bit shorter...) I think it's worth the price, however. THe -19's just too cool of a design to pass up.
  8. that's a long ways away... Precisely. That's why I'm not getting overly excited about new Macross stuff. I've got enough trouble trying to keep up with what already HAS been released.. heh. I'm still torn on whether to get two sets of FP armor or the Elint and Super-O... hrm.
  9. Where do you see the YF-19? It's been three years. I really miss it. GreenGuy42 will have to let me know to b/c I don't see any sort of YF-19FP in that picture (Yamato's anyways). The partial flightsuit and helmet look absolutely great though....it's too bad they didn't get a Hikaru look alike to cosplay it. That'd pretty damn cool IMHO. I didn't say FP, just YF-19... It's probably a Hasagawa, however, with the 1S and that silly cosplay thing both being new Yamato releases, I can only hope...
  10. That is, by far, one of the cutest/coolest things I've ever seen....
  11. Never met a good player piloting a light 'Mech, have you? It's possible and even probable that a good player conning a light can rip a heavy apart easily. Seen it happen, did it once or twice. I admit I haven't played since college, but I don't recall being light weight giving any statistical advantage and a whole bunch of disadvantages (less armor, less/lighter weapons, less damage capacity, etc.). What could lights do that heavies couldn't do better? I'm geniuinely curious here. Move quickly, and you get more bang for your C bills. My friends and I played on a credit system, and having three smaller mechs made for some nice gangbangs. Oh yea, if I'm running circles around you, and knocking your to hit up to levels beyond god, well, your P cannon's just gonna be a big, nice toy. Yea, my to hit's horrid too, but I invested in small, light weaponry, going for the million papercut ideas.... I'd throw in a tag or two, and like I said, let off with some stupidly powerful artillery piece (usually an equipped heavy, guarded by more light mechs in case of attack...) and pound away...
  12. I rarely if ever used heavies in the tabletop games. Hell, a few light mechs with (IIRC... level three rules..?) tags and maybe ONE heavy acting as a fire support/Arrow IV equipped mech worked quite well in taking apart enemy mechs cheaply.. ...and I don't know if I like the Japanese designs. The lumbering utilitarian fugliness of BT was part of its attraction to me.
  13. IIRC, Graham said we should wait until Spring to see all the "cool stuff" planned for Macross with Yamato.
  14. ...and that's why I find Macross so interesting. You can only watch so much Gundam before it just starts repeating itself.... -sigh-
  15. Funny. Among 1/60s I own the Strike, Hikaru Super, and the Hikaru 1A. Among 1/48's, I own the Hikaru 1A and 1S. Maybe I should go for some variety, hnnnm?
  16. THe Chogokins are just so.... small. I saw one at Animenation the other day, and for a 100 dollars, I'd rather pick up a 1/48. However, the accessories are quite amazing.
  17. Interesting... perhpas I should persue this horror. No, don't. Seriously, you'll hate yourself for it.
  18. GreenGuy42

    1/48 VF-1A CF

    I don't care either way. I just WANT a 1/48 CF. THe 1/60 color is just.. horrid... I saw one at a local store (100 bucks, btw.. ugh..) I much prefer the darker brown.
  19. Wah. You make a videotape making a fool of yourself.... ....and then get angry when someone HAPPENS to find it.... I'm sorry, you mess up, you deal with it. I'm so sick and tired of people being so sue-happy.
  20. Guys... look up just right of the 1/48s... ....is that a YF-19 I see? Hmmm???? ....and is that a 1/48 VF-1S with FPs?
  21. Your icon scares me, bro.
  22. I got my avatar back.... w00t!!
  23. This thing is still horrid. I KNOW it's my only choice to have a Unicron, but, I think I'll pass unless I find one cheap enough to repaint it.
  24. Just for my info, what improvements over the original 1A (beyond the head...) are included with this?
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