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Everything posted by GreenGuy42

  1. Yea, but I've had downloads which ended up corrupt at some point during download. I've installed every codec I can think of, tried different players, and messed with every setting that came to mind. The download, thanks to our unreliable cable connection, was terminated several times during the night as well. If you have a better idea, PLEASE feel free to indulge...
  2. ...still nothing.... WMP doesn't even KNOW the format..... this is immensely frustrating..... Should I just re-download it?
  3. Nope, nothing. Quicktime won't even open it..... augh... redownload I guess... Hehe, I've had no luck with computers this week... just suffered a near fatal harddrive failure. I'm not sure HOW this laptop is still operable.
  4. Okay, I've installed all the codecs mentioned on this site, updated my win media player, and the file wont play. Apparently, it will not recognize the filetype. Am I going to have to redownload this bloody thing? Oh yea... checked the download with bittorrent as well... claims to be a complete "successful" download. I'll try another video player, I guess.
  5. I'm barely getting one bloody KB after I got kicked off. Gainesville cable connections suck, but this rather annoying... 15K upload.. -groan-
  6. Oh my good lord... Thanks... I needed something to snicker at. I cannot WAIT until they get this fansubbed. Hopefully, I can snag it in full surrond like Ep 2. With that CG... wow... Oh yea guys, check the "item" page for some 1/60 GBP action.
  7. Pppssssh... heresy... worst FF game EVER! I need to finish IX.... too good of a game NOT to.. Animation was awesome.. I'll watch it just for the eye candy... I have to say, as much as I disliked FF VII, it had the best boss music of any game I've played.
  8. http://www.usatoday.com/life/television/ne...amily-guy_x.htm ...hope for other animated, and now cancelled series, maybe...? How well is Futurama doing in DVD sales?
  9. Seriously. Getting Macross stuff is WAY more fulfilling to a man than burying his salami..... I would have agreed with you, when I was going to Embry-Riddle. The women there... -shivers- I don't know if they were anti-male to begin with... ....but I swear.. within one year at that dread place.... butch.. all of them... <_< Now, at UF, that's a WHOLE 'nother story!!! Still, Magnus, if you're ever selling your Macross stuff on the boards, and I happen to stumble on 'em.... I PRAY I remember this thread....
  10. O_o o_O Erm... -hands him a cigar-
  11. I'm glad someone else out there likes them....
  12. I don't think the designers looked for something that really hailed the suvivability of the pilot. Again, if Sentinels got THIS close to Zion, they'd all be dead anyway. Look at it as a final "at least we gave it our best" thing. Humans have an odd way of doing such things.
  13. gotta love how tall the VF-1 is to Invid mecha.. .....I can just see Fokker simply stepping on an Invid Enforcer..
  14. Last I heard, another legal battle has erupted. However, it was on ANN a REALLY long time ago, Keith. It's quite possible they cleared all that up.
  15. *twitch* Why would you want THaT piece of crap? I don't KNOW.. maybe a small attack bomber could be quite useful against a numerically superior and more advanced Imperial fleet.. =) I LOVE the B wing....
  16. Precisely. Just aim, fill the air with lead, and pray to whatever god you wish.
  17. Man, I'm looking forward to watching these. I've got two midterms Monday, and plan on watchin' them as soon as I get back from class.
  18. In all honesty, if Zion is forced to resort to their point defenses, how long do you think a pilot would survive armored or unarmored? Like Isamu said, human mechs don't last too long against the machines. I'd prefer an escape route, a little better mobility and heavier firepower than a few armor plates that would give me a false sense of security. About the only use they'd serve would be against project weapons, which the machines don't really seem use all that often.
  19. My Overdrive stands fairly well, it's just that his "hood" doesn't lower all the way, makin' him look like he's always staring into the sky...
  20. I seem to know this guy from somewhere...
  21. GBP looks nasty. Hah, beat that, Nora. Personally, I cannot wait for these to come out in a nice little transforming toy form.
  22. Aw man, those bookends are killer.. .....and I'll probably end up getting an Alpha MPC. The thing's one of my favorite fighters, and I'm too cheap to spend over 200 dollars for an old Gakken. I figure I'll check out reviews of the things 'fore I bite, but I do have high hopes for the thing.
  23. The Crow was a great soundtrack. so was Pulp Fiction. a great soundtrack also came from Ken Burns' Civil war documentary. to this day, Ashoken Farewell brings a tear to my eye. Amen to that.
  24. Ooh man.. how about what I normally listen to...? Well, I'm rather fond of Hellcat's Give 'Em the Boot 1, and assorted bands.... I'm a huge Bad Religion, Dropkick Murpheys, and hell, anything in that genre... I COULD delve into my CD collection.... I'll listen to classical when I'm doing some absurdly difficult engineering problem. Normally, when I read, I like to listen to some irish and/or celtic instrumentals. I'll also pop in some old rock, and/or early 90's rock (Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, etc...) or even older hip hop. Oh yea, new Outkast CD was a letdown. <_< All in all, I'll listen to anything once, and really DON'T have a general preference in music.
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