LOL, I love TF:TM as much as the next Transfan, but holy crow does the soundtrack suck. "YOU'VE GOT THE POWER!!"
I haven't seen any of the later Armada episodes with Unicron yet, but I'm not in any hurry. Besides, Old Cron is bound to make yet another comeback in Energon, wearing his freaky, trippy, black-light friendly Halloween paint job. <_<
There's absolute heresy.. The Touch is a WONDERFUL and uplifting song.
How bout that Junkion song where FNAR everyone breaks out dancing to it
Dude, the whole lot of them.. I swear.... energon treat my ass... that stuff was hot..... all happy.. partying.. tripping...
Edit: Check out Grimlock's eyes when Wheelie kisses him.. all dilated.. hrmmm?