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Everything posted by GreenGuy42

  1. HAPPY NEW YEARS... ...and back to drinking!
  2. LOL, I love TF:TM as much as the next Transfan, but holy crow does the soundtrack suck. "YOU'VE GOT THE POWER!!" I haven't seen any of the later Armada episodes with Unicron yet, but I'm not in any hurry. Besides, Old Cron is bound to make yet another comeback in Energon, wearing his freaky, trippy, black-light friendly Halloween paint job. <_< There's absolute heresy.. The Touch is a WONDERFUL and uplifting song. How bout that Junkion song where FNAR everyone breaks out dancing to it Dude, the whole lot of them.. I swear.... energon treat my ass... that stuff was hot..... all happy.. partying.. tripping... Edit: Check out Grimlock's eyes when Wheelie kisses him.. all dilated.. hrmmm?
  3. In the Go Go flashback scene the gross nerd asks her what she thinks of Ferraris, and she says they're Italian trash. Thank you. Graham Yep, Kill Bill certainly doesn't have much (if anything) in the way of memorable, quoteable dialog. Nice fan art tho, BoB. YEa, I was rather hypnotized by the bloodshed.. ..oh yea.. your avatar... new Mustang... Mmmmmmm..
  4. Plan 9 From Outer Space... classic s**t, served rotten.... ...but oh so much fun...
  5. LOL, I love TF:TM as much as the next Transfan, but holy crow does the soundtrack suck. "YOU'VE GOT THE POWER!!" I haven't seen any of the later Armada episodes with Unicron yet, but I'm not in any hurry. Besides, Old Cron is bound to make yet another comeback in Energon, wearing his freaky, trippy, black-light friendly Halloween paint job. There's absolute heresy.. The Touch is a WONDERFUL and uplifting song.
  6. Aw MAN.. I missed the Hasbro release at KB toys by a matter of minutes.... ...the guy said he had six in this morning, and they were all sold out by about three.... was there at 3:45..... <_<
  7. The trailer reminded me of Shadowrun for some reason. It certainly perked my interest.
  8. Tons of clothing... One smokescreen.... and.. THANK YOU KEVIN! My Esca arrived today, at LEAST three days before I intended to see it! New Slayers movies, new lifting gloves, and Prime is on the way!
  9. I FINALLY snagged one at Wal-Mart and cannot put the damn thing down! I'm definately collecting this series.
  10. I know I might get stoned here for this, but I actually liked alot of the bgm in Robotech more than I did in Macross: DYRL and Macross the series. I much prefer the Robotech theme song to the Macross theme song. I don't care for Minmay's songs in Robotech at all. The only song that I really like and think is quite good in Macross is the one that Minmei sings during the battle in the movie. I dl'ed that one. Some of Yellow Dancer's songs are good in Robotech, but most of the vocal stuff is pretty bad, IMO. I'll definitely check out the Bubblegum Crisis stuff and what's been suggested so far. Thanks, guys. ..and here I thought I was the only person with that opinion.. lol Try the Last Exile soundtrack, real neat.
  11. I've looked.... nothing yet. It's odd. Normally, these new releases are EVERYWHERE in Clearwater. I've got some down time today. I think I'll go by Target and Wal-Mart, and ask the employees to check their computers... haven't bothered doing that yet... lol
  12. Does anyone know how far south the Alternators line has made it? I live in the Tampa area of Florida and I've had NO luck finding Smokescreen at TRU or Target. Hell, I've even checked Wal-Mart...
  13. GreenGuy42

    How To?

    Go to the MW main page -> Toys -> Yamato. Under the 1/60 VF-1A Hikaru there's a guide to its transformation.
  14. 20, and 21 in Feb, ONE day before bloody V-day.. -sigh-
  15. O-V-E-R-R-A-T-E-D!
  16. <_< Dude, scary.
  17. -sigh- Oh well. Methinks I'll pick this up and a Yammie CF... I've got the 1J, and an armored CF is a dream come true...
  18. How's the quality on the Sentinel?
  19. Does anyone have an approximate cost for shipping?
  20. not a hugely popular series.. but Crest of the Stars' dub was awful.
  21. I was under the impression Graham was the site admin That description was priceless Some people will buy anything. Well, I'm sorta more like an honorary admin. I have the power, but Shawn, when he's around does most of the actual admining. As for the Mods, well they've just been given full licenses to kill and been let out of their cage. They're lean, mean wildmen that shoot first and ask questions later, so it pays to be polite. Be afraid, be very afraid. Graham Aw Graham... Honorary? Take the power! Don't let those "mods" push you around!! ...You got the touch..... You got the powaaaaaaahhh!!! YEAA! Note: GreenGuy has exams. Exams have broken GreenGuy's mind. Please disregard madness. Thankyou.
  22. Hey, there's not such thing as bad publicity, ya know?
  23. It could be hinting at some possible G1 story they never air... kind of a continuity thing... You see, Starscream is always fighting with Soundwave for Megatron's attention. But he NEVER gets quality time with big pistol man robot. So he gets it from big truck man robot. Red Comet is gonna love this. Or maybe in a less Hentai way... ...maybe that explains why Star Scream is so intent on dethroning Megatron.... ....perhaps he's on the Autobot payroll.... that's why it was HIS blast that caused the Autobots to rise in More Than Meets the Eye... yess.....
  24. HAH.. HAHAHA OOHAHHAHA! -bids- Graham? Asking the permission of the mods?! Does... NOT.. compute!! Does anyone else find the humor in this quite reminicent of Douglas Adams?
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