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Everything posted by GreenGuy42

  1. Good eye. Do you happen to see where his engine disappears off to? the engines are his arms. look at his "tricep" vinnie Oh, right. Hah.
  2. I'm sure the doorknob was ASKING for it!
  3. Good eye. Do you happen to see where his engine disappears off to?
  4. GreenGuy42

    News Drought

    Dude, look at it as a valueable life lesson in the art of patience. Trust me, it helps... <_
  5. I thought Waterworld was fun..
  6. I play with my valks. I don't know if I'd let a ten year old touch them, unless the kid had $130 dollar or so to replace it.. That being said, I AM careful when I transform them, though I will admit to doing it somewhat often.
  7. I miss hand drawn mecha. Mac Plus, although a weee bit expensive, was nothing short of triumphant. I LOVE the new CG valks, but nothing comes short of the detail in DYRL, or other series that still fashioned stuff not entriely produced on computer. Note: I now Mac Plus used some computer elements, which I dont mind. I just don't want to see the WHOLE process lost in digial images.
  8. I dont know why, but I think Magnus would make a good Hummer. It just seems to fit his whole "soldier" image... Personally, I really like this Alternator. I might even considering spending the extra cash on the Binaltech version.
  9. Enjoy.... http://community.webshots.com/album/107144107kJBbSU Transformation seems similar to Smokescreen. I like what they did with his arms compared to the old G1...
  10. There's no need to inform them about Japan, they just need to know that they know nothing about Japan. Good point. Agreed. Personally, I just ignore it. We all started ignorant. I'll point them in what directions helped me, and offer them a chance to view more titles and/or read some actual historical information on Japan. Otherwise, I don't much care.. lol
  11. GreenGuy42


    Hey, if they could get Escaflowne to stand on its little two dragon feet AND not use the tail as a damn third leg, I'll believe the Q-Rau can stand on its own. I'm not sure if I'll have the cash to buy one, but I envy those of you who will.
  12. For new releases... Check out Last Exile. The animation is absolutely fantastic, and I sense a story worth following. Other than that, I haven't seen much I really enjoyed.
  13. My 1S's wing is a little loose, which CAN get annoying, but I certainly do not regret buying it... The head seam isn't really noticeable, either.
  14. Special titles for special people, eh? I'm happy with my oddly inspiring avatar. =D
  15. Simply beautiful. Pictures like this make me want to take a chance on one of MY 1/48s. It wouldn't turn out so nice, though.
  16. I just fear the tabs that hold the legs together breaking. The rest of the toy seems unusually sturdy, but I've got a small stress mark on one of 'em, even AFTER careful transformation.
  17. I love your dragon pose, Sithlord. How long did it take you to balance the damned thing?
  18. I view the recent popularity of anime as a double edged sword. On one respect, I'm happy that I can so easily acquire the series I love. On another, I enjoying see people from all walks of life enjoying our little hobby. However, it seems the studios as a whole are producing more cookie cutter, boring, repetitive series like Yu-Gi-Oh or Pokemon. Hell, even Transformers fell to the "Gotta catch 'em all" mentality. I just hope that we can still count on licensing companies picking up more intellectually stimulating series in the future.
  19. You guys ever the the old Russian submarine? I believe it was used in the not so hit movie K19. That sucker sat in a St. Pete harbor for ages. When I interned at USF, I ALMOST got my hands on its battle flag... <_<
  20. One of my ex-girlfriends wasn't just open to buying toys for me, she bought 'em for herself. My incessent need to collect toys is normally one of the first things that I confess to a girl. It's worked so far.... Even that sorority chick I dated thought my 1/48 was pretty cool..
  21. When is Sideswipe due for US release?
  22. I caught today's ep on Cartoon Network.... ...so depressing. Unicron seemed to... grunt a lot. And HOW could they have made Wheeljack a traitor? Bah!
  23. Any advice for a loose 1/48 wing? My 1S doesn't seem to like ANY additional weight under it....
  24. Signed. Good luck on your quest. I wouldn't mind a new hovertank toy.
  25. It's so beautiful.... I've got mine in dragon mode with my 1/48s.... steals my friends' attention from the Macross stuff...
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