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Everything posted by GreenGuy42

  1. Yea. I found that rather ironic, considering he's one of the American cars planned for the series, and looks more "samurai" like than Smokescreen.
  2. i hear that..... I was planning on justifying it away as furniture...
  3. First off.... that's a real pity. I was REALLY proud of how the rover was doing... Secondly.. the Glaug... was.. scary.. ...looks like it's from the Zentran "Alternate Lifestyle" Battalion....
  4. I'd want an updated NOUSJADEUL-GER from Mac Plus... ...always wanted to set up a diorama with my VF-11FP in the bayonet scene.
  5. I'm liking Tracks, though I would have preferred a C6. Edit: In regards to that WONDERFUL LS1 powerplant (auction link) Mmmm.....
  6. I'm just waiting until spring. Honestly, I'm kind of glad that we have the lull. I'm TOO broke to buy anything right now.. Graham told us to expect pictures in the next few days, as we're all aware. I'm sure they'll be posted.. ...just trying to give you a halfway serious answer..
  7. I'm in the same boat.. I don't much like the character designs, but I WILL admit to liking the minor tweaks to the Evas themselves. 01's head looks terrifying.
  8. At least one didn't fry your poor hard drive. I lost about 2.2 gigs to something I COULDN'T find..... Norton, McAffe... tried 'em all... On topic: If I can find a place where I hird 400 dollars, I'll get 'em.
  9. I'm going to check my local Wal-Mart and Target. Wish me luck.
  10. lemmie check the New Smyrna Beach walmart.... You find one, and I'll come pick it up!
  11. Nothing in FLorida.. but that's to be expected....
  12. Hey man, those puzzle transformers were pretty funny... I had the car... THINK he was Smokescreen.
  13. Dude, snag the soundtrack. It's worth every penny.
  14. He's just in denial. He'll fall sooner or later. Everyone does.
  15. Yes the animation is amazing, the story is good but nothing that is going to knock anyones socks off. The Vanship racer scene puts the Ep1 pod race to shame, not like thats hard to do though I loved what I saw. The animation alone is enough to keep my interested. I was bad, and downloaded the next ten episodes as well. I REALLY liked what I saw.
  16. Gotta love penny arcade.
  17. If you want to try to increase stability. Remove the legs from the hip, and put some clear nail polish on the balls. I have two coats on mine, and it stands pretty well. With the backpack, just.... get used to some floppyness. PErsonally, my 21FP is staying in fighter without the packs. The sleeker body shape looks quite nice. I have my older non-FP behind it, in battriod mode.
  18. Prime has no doorknobs... ...but will he settle for a door handle? I think Prime has two of those. I don't know if Prime is worthy of my "Knighthood ritual for doorknobs" or whatever you want to call it. [ghetto] OH! You did not JUST GO there, nuh uh!! -snap- [/ghetto]
  19. I haven't seen him in a while.
  20. Yup. Check brickshelf.com, or.. actually.. the guy who makes a HELL of a lot of cool lego Macross stuff posts here. Check the link under either For Sale or Auctions for the Mac II Monster he made.
  21. Macross Cowboy Bebop Slayers Gundam OVAs Trigun Nadesico Excel Saga Transformers: The Movie Berserk Wizards (old, old favorite..)
  22. I'm going to have to take a look at one of 'em when I head home to Cleawater this Friday.
  23. "Chief got his teepee back" That THAT refrence, David. Edit: NM... didn't read Yosho's post... <_<
  24. GreenGuy42

    My dream..

    I spent about three hours to CAREFULLY drill the holes in the backpack. Other than that, nothing was done.
  25. GreenGuy42

    My dream..

    I'll BRING you thr 1/48 to play with, as soon as I get my FAST packs from Kevin.
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