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Everything posted by GreenGuy42

  1. Hell no.. if it was 6000 Yen, I'd be supplying my own carrier force...
  2. You'd think Hasbro would have learned its lesson with Jetfire... guess not... I actually LIKE the 1J head, so I'm looking forward to seeing more.
  3. It's a new concept for Yamato... and Macross fans ARE horridly picky. Hell, I remember people complaining about the 1/48's cockpit.. Give it time. If the details are as soon as Graham claims, hell, this little community might embrace it wholly. ...and for me, it's the PRICE that makes me shiver. If it IS as tall as a VF-11, I'm sure I can let that slide, too... but I DO want a larger scale VF-0 at SOME point.
  4. I assume we will probably see the SV-51 in the same scale, no? ...and can you allude to ANYTHING outside of Zero being released in the near future (excluding VF-1 stuff, though I AM getting the GBP and M&M 1.48s if I can help it..)
  5. It was a vampire soap opera. I think it met its final end when the lead was killed in a motorcycle accident... I wasn't too fond of it, myself.
  6. Update: 2 1/48s 1 Set of 1/48 FPs 5 1/60 2 Original VF-11B 1 FP VF-11B 1 Original YF-21 1 FP YF-21 1 Blue YF-19 ..and Escaflowne, but that hardly counts...
  7. A-a-and Yoshi..... he isn't Yoshi?!?!?!?! Vostok 7 I... caved... <_<
  8. Yen price was what, about 4000? Isn't the yen -> dollar rate pretty much equal? ...so.. forty bucks off the shelf...? ...plus shipping? It's gonna be HARD to justify away this thing unless the swappables are minimal and the detail grand.
  9. I know some BASIC stuff about it (stopped caring about other WoD lines about the time it came out.. Mage, Vampire, or Werewolf.. the others can bite it..) But.. Hunters are imbued by the messengers (Angels) to "inherit the earth" from all the nasties that prance through the dark (while writing gothic poetry that laments their undead lives....) Anyhow, they're pretty weak, and often go insane, but they're good guys... I think.... I know their powers are based off "charms," which are similar to WW's other new line, Exalted, as well as the Gifts from Werewolf (I THINK...) Oh yea, if you like Final Fantasy, Hong Kong blood operas, or just fantasy anime, check out Exalted. It's quite a bit of fun, being crazy epic and all. I've been running a game for about three years now that's quite successful... I'm proud to say I've turned to frat boys to it...
  10. Refunds are goin' to a set of 1/60 GBP, one more FAST pack, and an MPC Prime.. . ...or MPC Prime plus M&M 1/48's.. =D
  11. Yea, huh.... Gehenna was pretty neat. 'Sides the Lilith ending, I loved it..
  12. Gundam: *snicker* Alpha: *Tear*
  13. Macross Zero is the new wave right now. Mac Plus, although wonderful, has been out for some time. From what I've gathered from the boards, Valks SIT on the shelves and cronicallly go on clearance. I bet Yamato'll just go head first into Zero products, hoping they'll sell better.. I'm not holding my breath on a 19 for a long, long time.. IMHO, of couse...
  14. Erm, fifty? I have to agree, that's a bit much. I don't have huge characters in my sig. Save a small MXC quote, and news of an ALBUM (which I would remove, but I don't feel like having to kill my MXC quote to get rid of it,) I don't have...much. I'm fine with no custom titles. I'm fine with no images in our sigs, but this is getting a little ridiculous. <_< I DO agree with Duke on the large characters, though. That CAN get annoying, but it's hardly affecting my ability to read posts.
  15. Oh my good lord.. THe paint... That's just amazing... I'd never transform it... chipping one BIT off of that... endangering one sweet little flake... Sinful, sinful....
  16. I think that pretty much takes care of itself. He might as well rip out the passenger seat because no chick is going to ride in that thing. Quite true, but I have known females who actually *like* this sort of thing..... I mean, masochism is not exactly uncommon...
  17. Were we separated at birth? I thought I was the only one that liked the big suckers. Anything less than 1/60th is second string for me, and 1/144 is so much worthless crap. Feh. MSiA are SO much fun to put into obscene poses. I have a line of Zakus doin' the YMCA dance.... gets a chuckle out of even my most die hard frat boy friends...
  18. hell yeah! I'd so wear that if I had a motorcycle. hehe, maybe if that day were to come where we can where these helmets we can start up a motorcycle MW crew. What, like the Star Wars "Road Squadron" guys?? Scary man, scary.
  19. Megaforce? I had a shite TON of the stuff back in the day. I gave it all to my little cousin about a month ago... Fun toys, I'd say.. Oh yea, for future refrence, topics not dealing with Macross belong in the "other" forum, even if they are toy-related.
  20. First off, I'd like to throw my congratulations to everyone expecting. I'm sure all of ya will spread your love for fantasy/sci-fi and creativity with them as they grow older (and we SORELY need it...) On the VF-0... I like the scuplt, but I'm not TOO sure of the swappable parts idea. The price is right, the scale is OKAY. I like the MSiA series and have quite a few of them, including the "transformable" Gundams. They're nice, but just don't feel the same as say, a Yamato valkyrie. I don't mind removeable legs. Hell, the little arm inserts on early VF-1's were okay. I'm hoping that the swapping is kept to a minimum. I don't like going through a box of parts to find the new hip joint/cockpit for battriod mode. I love Yamato, and have a LOT of respect for the company, so I'm sure they'll strike a balance I like. Graham, thanks, as always, for your site, your help, and your info. I probably would have lost all hope of acquiring my first Mac Plus valk (as I don't like dealing with Ebay...) Here's to a coming spring of Macross goodies! Edit: fixed smile
  21. God. And when one becomes THIS geeky, one should NOT reproduce....
  22. a retard AND a Chemical Engineering major.... I agree he acts the part, but anyone who completes THAT field has my respect, and I'm Aerospace...
  23. 1/48 Cannon fodder with Strike armor.....
  24. Batou, agreed. I'm going to preorder the VF-0 as SOON as VE gets some sort of shipping date. HOWEVER, more than Zero, and the arms, I WANT a YF-19FP. That sculpt we saw ages ago (kitbash) was simply amazing.
  25. I see swing bars....
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