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Everything posted by GreenGuy42

  1. I might start posting more. I still enjoy the series, but married life, job, and a new obsession involving WWII era plastic warships has eaten up my time.
  2. Oh God, why did I have to come back here and see that this is being released?! Perhaps I can buy one last toy.
  3. Man, it's been a long time since I've posted and/or read stuff on here. Guys, the forums look amazing. I'm glad to see this community still going strong and even recognize some of the posters!
  4. I think I'm in the minority, but I was REALLY hoping
  5. Dude, I would kill for instructions, or some sort of "how to" on that "Steam Viper."
  6. Operation Anchorage was fun, but woefully short. I do want to note that I completed it at level 20, though, so it was stupid easy. Gauss rifle is cool as hell, but you can't repair it yourself. Oh, and the armor you get out of the game is glitched. You were supposed to be able to repair it with conventional power armor, but that's not the case. However, it has something in the range of a million health. Overall, fun, but I wish it wasn't so.. linear.
  7. tfw2005.com has pictures of Animated Samurai Prowl, Waspinator, Wreck-Gar, and some repaint of Lugnut. The new molds look amazing. I've pretty much stopped collecting toys outside of the Animated line.
  8. I hate hate HATE the targeting system's wonkiness, however... ...I did get used to it. The graphics are awesome. The gameplay is awesome, and yeah, finding new, creative ways to kill Stormtroopers is by far, some of the most fun I've had on the 360. I even found the whole Star Destroyer scene fun. I do hope that the developers make a sequel, and try to iron out the one issue I had with it. I'd love to see this engine employed again.
  9. I'm on my first console, personally, after buying one a good year and some change ago... Still, I don't care for the console wars. I'm looking forward to the 360's new arsenal of games. Oh, and, lynch me, but I never had any love for the MGS series.
  10. Agreed. I was frightened when they first released previews of Animated around when the movie came out. So far, I've been nothing but impressed.
  11. Gotta change mine.. I just got a job with Schlumberger and can FINALLY leave Gainesville, FL for well, real life. I'll be in Lafayette, LA for two years-ish.
  12. I would not be surprised to learn that it's some other, new character, like this that I keep hearing about. The legends of the twelve colonies speak of the fall of Kobol and the one god who tempted man to rebel, right? There's obviously some connection to the cylons models and these gods. I wonder if the final Cylon could be this individual, or somehow related to them.
  13. Autobot Camp is up on youtube, under "FanTransformers." There's some love in the episode for Beast Wars fans.
  14. I'll be that other guy. I hated it.
  15. Man, she makes me look whiter than I am... This is why I hate being an engineer. I live in Florida. I used to be tan. I'm turkish. It's embarrassing. Thank God for weekends. This was taken on my 25th, about oh, last week. I was SO close to being a Valentine's baby.... dodged that one.
  16. Have you seen the new Malibu? C&D placed it JUST behind the Accord and new Altima, (ahead of Camry, etc...) and Motortrend had it second in the COTY awards. I've driven one, and while it's not my cup of tea (I'm a pony car guy,) the interior's nice, little noise in the I4, decent power, and is attractive, for a family car. My only real complaint is the four speed auto, but that's gone come the end of this year. Compacts, yeah, I don't know what Chevy's thinking, and Ford's Focus is nice looking, but HORRIBLY underpowered.
  17. I enjoyed it, but I also don't suffer from motion sickness at all. I still think the scaries part was Overall, enjoyable, though. On a side note, my friend wanted me to see Meet the Spartans with her. I'm glad she paid. God.
  18. Here I am with some of my favorite people in Gainesville. This is from Halloween, if you couldn't tell.
  19. ....what he said.
  20. That or OD. I don't know why, but this disturbs me more than the usual hollywood drug-related issues.
  21. Yeah, and the "hard" setting's a bit easy. I haven't had much use for the telekinesis power, but I'm playing with it now. Alas, my sound system doesn't really give me much to play with when it comes to finding the location of a splicer... need to remedy that.
  22. Have you picked up the Plasmid "Inferno?" It makes the game a lot easier, I think... torch 'em and hide. Also, if you can, equip the cloaking plasmid. When you're still, no one sees you, and it helps with those annoying drones when/if you set off an alarm. don't recall what it was called. I finished the game today (was sick, so I had nothing better to to the last two days) and enjoyed the hell out of it.
  23. Ah.. thanks for my new background... I'm in love with the DBS.
  24. Played Bioshock yet? The game's wonderfully twisted and the Unreal Engine makes for some fun, creative ways to kill people. I walked into Blockbuster yesterday to return a game, and they were putting it out. I'd suggest renting it, if you can.
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