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Everything posted by GreenGuy42

  1. GreenGuy42

    MW Updates

    huzzah! New stuff to read!
  2. It's the head. That orange just looks slapped on.... I mean, if they'e going to make the Alternators series a throwback to G1, KEEP with morethan a head design.. ....what's the opinion over at TF forums? ....does hasbro have a tendency to modify designs when protos are ripped apart? I LIKE the sculpt; I just hate the color.
  3. Wow.. that clear plastic on Tracks REALLY makes it look like a cheap energon toy or unpainted proto. It NEEDS blue. That yellow's just. ugh.
  4. I shall wait until I see a production model.
  5. I saw the first three episodes, and lost interest. Yea, the mechanics are neat. Yea, it's pretty.. ...so is Zero and the story/characters are FAR more interesting.
  6. I FINALLy snagged a Sideswipe.. some guy managed to get it placed behind quite a few riced out model cars..... Hehe, sucks for him... Sad about the decep alternators. I dunno if I'll buy them.
  7. Yea, what he said.
  8. FOur in G-Ville.. SOLD last night @ Wal-Mart before the sun came up.. !*#*&@!!!!! sideswipe, that is...
  9. A friend of mine is OBSESSED with this series. She imported the Manga and translated it herself... I've read her stuff, and LOVE IT... I have the Gattu Black Swordsman figure, and it just rocks..... gotta love the boxed set...
  10. I said it once, and I'll say it again. Gainesville stores suck, suck, suck... All I see is a few Smokescreen.. I. WANT. MY. VIPER!!!!
  11. Here's an idea. Everyone who's owed an item... TRY to get a hold of someone.. anyone at the house. If things are going well, let them know that you're sending someone to pick up and ship the items for them. I don't want to show up at someone's door not knowing what to expect. Also.. on shipping, I hate to do this to you guys, but I don't have the finances to dump on (what five?) 1/48 valks. Would you want me to ship 'em out, and THEN reimburse me? Keep in mind, I'll LET you know it's in the mail (with valid documentation) before you pay me back... Guys, reply here or PM me. I can work this individually or with everyone as a group. It's up to you. Oh, and while I'm passing through, any Orlando/Daytona Beach MWers in the area?
  12. Guys, I'm busy as hell this week with tests, but I plan on visiting some friends in Daytona Beach some time soon. Now, I don't MIND looking into this for you all, but I don't feel like getting slapped with a harassment charge or something by this guy demanding items that are technically not mine.... For all your law types, how can I SAFELY approach him, without getting in any sort of legal trouble? PM me if you can help. Oh, and Kanata, I'll give you a call later this evening. I've got some stuff I have to do.
  13. No, dude. He should be a Pontiac Aztek. Give THAT honor to the usurper Rodimus Prime... Feh, Hot Rod killed Optimus... stupid meddler..
  14. I PMed Pfunk, but I'll say it here. I'll do what I can to help.
  15. Wheelie.. so we can hate him AAAAALL over again!
  16. Monkey, can you find one of those things for LESS than fifty bucks shipped? It's my 21st this friday, and this.. this.. would be SO perfect....
  17. GreenGuy42

    Gualg CG

    Nice work, dude. I always love to see new works.
  18. If we're lucky, it might come with the magic bicycle....
  19. Man, if only.... Graham unfortunately said the chances of two seaters are SLIM, and the CF didn't sell very well IIRC..... If I had the cash, I'd shell it to Jung to MAKE me a CF....
  20. I held off on the 1/60s in hope Yamato would do this. I'll be selling a BUNCH of old ST/SW collectables this summer when I get to my mom's new place in Austin, Texas (Bye bye Clearwater... sniff..) I know I won't get TOO Much cash for 'em, but I KNOW I can get more than ~400 dollars. I'll pick them up as soon as money allows.
  21. I just got redirected here from your build up.. WONDERFUL model!
  22. Shin, you can create twenty topics and it's not going to change Yamato's mind. SALES will make or break chances for what you want.. Dude, no offense, but can you PLEASE give it a rest?
  23. That's... awesome.
  24. or was a Florida driver.....
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