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Everything posted by GreenGuy42

  1. Trailer: http://media.ps2.ign.com/media/623/623153/vid_787638.html Hmm.. good graphics.. anyone know about gameplay?
  2. 1) I'll believe it when I see it (didn't think this would have the popularity to have a toy..?) 2) If it's true, I'll be in heaven.
  3. PICS!!!!! I can't wait to get those two Binaltech's rolling behind my Prime, Smokescreen, and Sideswipe. and tomorrow I attack Wal-Mart and Target. =D Where do you live? Edit: Checked your profile, NM. Good thing to know they're on the East Coast
  4. One more comment 'fore I leave this threat alone... <redneck> That there girl's got CHILD BEARIN' hips... </redneck>
  5. Keep in mind that the legs are meant to sport the fuel tanks as well. I'm sure that'll help.
  6. You know, that thing's so ugly I like it. It's oddities like this that make me wish I had skill with resin kits.
  7. I think both are pretty disturbing. I just could never find a cartoon attractive. However, from a humor point of view, that's just awesome. It's gonna make a LOT of eyes twitch.
  8. I will.. have this.. DAMN... The animation is quite impressive, and I hear the series is good. I've been SO far behind in the anime world... never picked up the torrents or anything..
  9. Yea.... I bought my 11B from them. However, they worked with me, and I ended up keep a huge discount on another purchase. Good service, IMO
  10. I finally broke down and joined in October of 2002 after an indeterminate period of lurking.
  11. I've never really given a damn about how people view my collections. It surprises quite a few people when they see my room. I've been accused of looking like a frat boy. I'm built, and match when I'm dressed.. lol I'll openly TELL people I collect robots. Personally, I get a kick out of their reaction. However, I've never lost a woman, or significantly scared her. Usually, they find it eccentric, if not cute..
  12. For those of you anywhere NEAR the Clearwater area... There are SEVERAL MP Primes, Side Swipes, and whatnot at the Super Target on Gulf to Bay I was down there for my friend's wedding, and stopped by.
  13. Wow. The music/audio was part of what drew me to this show. I just picked up DVD 2 from Anime Nation when I stopped by Clearwater for a friend's wedding. I've been slowly falling out of anime recently (nothing new of interest, save Zero) but Last Exile has been holding my interest.
  14. Well, Dead End... I like... The red headlights look odd, but fit with the car... I'll bite. And, yea, I hate Tracks' color, but damn, I just know I'll buy it..
  15. Transforming toys..... Actually, I don't even really watch anime anymore. I just have a facination with the engineering put into these things.
  16. It's not that anyone is anti-diecast, it's because 95% of people don't give a crap wether there is any diecast or not. ..and actually, I DO have paint chipping on my 21... and 11B... and the 1/48 swing bar... That's why Prime stay safely away from prying hands.
  17. You know, someone released a campaign pack for Cthulhu not too long ago.. Kanata has one....
  18. As-is, yea, it's ugly. With the improvements Graham says will be implemented, this could be quite a neat little toy. I mean, the VF-0 is quite a bit uglier than the VF-1 in the anime. Hell, that's half its charm to me.
  19. I want to see a production version before I pass judgement. Oh, and I'm cheap.... I'd say, oh.... maybe fifty..?
  20. That's a big fat no, sarge... 1/48 is as big as I ever want to see a Valk get. Massive, clumsy transformers are just not cool.
  21. Agreed. Oh, and bloodcat, I don't think I could have put it better myself. Kudos.
  22. I think it's a killer idea. MWers have been starting threads regarding that for as far back as I can remember... ..not to mention, it'll bring some attention back to the main page.
  23. CF, I hope... I have fulfilled my dream of a Super CF in 1/60, but if I had one in 1/48.... *DIES*
  24. Stunning is the only word that comes to mind.
  25. I shall wait, as patiently as I can.. Oh and WDC, I love your avatar.
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