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Everything posted by GreenGuy42

  1. Hello, Ironhide.... If he's made into an Alternator, seriously, I think that an F-150 or RAM would do wonderfully.
  2. MMmm Silver GT... I've been buying Alternators up until now.... however... THIS one could only be appreciated in diecast..
  3. I'm with gobotfool... and, *SPOILER* for those of you who have not seen Trigun (crazies...) Wolfwood.... 2nd best, lapping at Guld's heels...
  4. *shrug* I wanted one, badly, but could not afford it at the time. I am a little incensed that I have to pay over 250 dollars for one, so I guess I'm out of luck.
  5. ah, you're right. but really, there should be some big changes for a shadow alpha... different intakes, some body work, not to mention hands and head need changing... Ah, dude, I don't think that's a shadow..... It's just a display piece, that like was said, to show this release has the promised die-cast
  6. lol, not my video... just found it... LoL.. not quite what I meant... I mean, thanks for findin' it.. And MAN do I wish I could have seen the Shadow... They have the profile... and the animated picture.. not fair... I cannot believe I'm so excited about a bloody Toynami release ...and I MUST HAVE the Futurama figures...
  7. It's small, but looks pretty stiff... I'm hopin' the production version will be the same way without the floppyness of the VF-1 MPC. Edit: .....based on Exo's video... thanks man.
  8. Amen. Hell, half of what we discuss on this site's campy kid's stuff. I mean, music stopping an alien invasion? But, that's the thing. It's FUN. I mean, I guess you could find some intelligence in the OT, but wasn't it intended to be a campy, cheesy take on older swashbuckling movies and whatnot? Still, I didn't much like TPM, but I enjoyed AOTC.
  9. No no no no SKIP Wheeljack..... ...I like my still mint in box fleamarket find.....
  10. I'm damned glad it was restored. I saw KITT sitting in a car museum not too long ago falling apart (along with a whole HOST of classics... rust on a Hemi Cuda?? bastards)
  11. It looks like a tekkaman figure to me.
  12. HUZZAH!!!!! The one, the ONLY Transformer gesalt I never completed.....
  13. If you liked that, check out their other cartoons. Cooking with Clinton is quite amusing.
  14. My condolences... You'll be in my prayers.
  15. Tracks in on my "to buy list," now.... ...and they called Meister Jazz!! Huzzah!! ...Wasn't there some issue with Honda on that?
  16. Besides the fact that it'll probably be the only VF-0 toy made, the only other reason to buy one is that you can put it next to the monster in the same scale (1/100, right?) Frankly, I wouldn't want to tarnish the Monster by putting such a thing ANYWHERE near it...
  17. Haha. Try Gainesville, FL..... It takes about an extra four months for us to get anything new in, and it's not limited to "mainstream" geek stuff like the Alternators. It took me three extra months to get a gaming book in, and Best Buy doesn't even have copies of the latest Last Exile DVD (still shown as "in transit.") I hate central Florida...
  18. GOD... You know, I never thought I'd ever do this but... I'll be picking up the MPC Alpha before I buy this hunk of junk..... ....sigh... Well, there's always the Monster..
  19. Wow. Just wow.
  20. Whoops.... actually.. MAcross. Sorry guys.. I'd place the Zentran at the TOP of the list. One battlefortess? Plot points aside, BOARD THE DAMN THING IF YOU WANT IT SO BADLY! I still love the series, though.
  21. Damn, thanks Keith. I loved that series back when it was on TV.. Yea, Saban did a hack job, but it kept me interested... I even submitted myself to Tekkaman Blade II...
  22. CID, Honestly, the demand doesn't seem to meet the supply in my area.. We're jam packed with Smokescreen and Side Swipe... ...that's why my local stores are going to take for FRIGGEN ever to get any new Alternators in..
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