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Everything posted by GreenGuy42

  1. yea, agreed. I don't mind, and even LIKE many of the changes in the DVD, but this just seriously bothers me. I'm still snaggin' them as soon as I can, though.
  2. He can get in line, and it starts behind me. I've always wished I had stayed in Oregon. This just makes me wish I had even more. And no Dangaioh, you can't call the island "Bob". It's name it Murry! Mwuhahahahaha! Dude, I'm out of here in a year and some change... off to grad school in Austin... I am really looking forward to getting out. To LowViz: Ah.... I see? Dunno man, I'll read through it, but I'm usually quite skeptical of conspiracy theories. Still, underground cities? Sounds like a lot of engineering, and I need a job.... BRING IT ON!
  3. Okay... out on a protein bar hunt at Wal-mart (ran out of my good stuff.. meh..) ...so I head to the toy isle... THANK YOU HURRICANE FRANCES!.... They just brought up the LAST of their toys... among them... one Dead End, one Hound, and one Silverstreak...!!!!! Thing is, these things' build quality seems a bit down from my first two. Some of the parts seem to be extraordinarily thin and fragile, especially with Dead End... ...anyone notice this?
  4. HAH... I was telling my mom exactly that the other day... ....better to dump them in the Gulf now as a sacrifice..... yes....
  5. Roy, if s**t really hits the fan, and you need a place to crash, you still have my number.
  6. NOAA has Ivan landing RIGHT where Charley made landfall... Weather.com shows it in the Gulf, possibly swinging into Tampa... Conclusion: God hates Florida... I'm still more or less "inland" Florida, here in Gainesville, though we got the dirty side of the hurricane and almost as much rain as you guys on the east coast (and, in some cases, more.) Our sewage systems can't take a cold front right now, let alone a major storm. I'm at a total loss this season. I don't know how UF's going to fare now with Ivan about to make landfall.... know a few students who withdrew from the semester to be with their families while they rebuild what's left of their homes (mainly Charley's doing..) Hey, well, maybe FL Macross World members can uh, meet at a shelter and have a mini con of some sort....
  7. The link doesn't seem to be working.
  8. Yea. My room mates bought tape to reinforce our windows... ....of course, in their brilliance, they seem to have snagged masking tape. I'm SURE it'll stand up to the stresses that a hurricane can put out.... Aw well, I'm landlocked in Gainesville, so still not particularly worried.
  9. Dude, I love that picture.... used to have a larger verson for a desktop background... How's it down where you're hangin'?
  10. Agreed! We need a bloody Florda meeting! Anyhow, the storm's a big wimp now.... not too worried.
  11. Good luck, Ladic.
  12. Oh... and check weather.com... Tropical Storm Ivan's sittin' about where Frances started... ....joy...
  13. I hear you guys are going to get another pounding in Orlando.. good luck man.. Gainesville's in this monster's way. We've taped windows and are ready. I'm stayin' put.
  14. I'm assuming it's dubbed. Actually, IIRC, I think it's subtitled, thought I might be confusing it with Hero.. ...still It's gonna be in GAINESVILLE!! Huzzah!
  15. Still no luck, in Gainesville or Austin.... meh
  16. Well, I just talked to a friend in Deltona... The town's getting nailed pretty hard with rain and wind.
  17. Hey guys, good luck. I'm in Austin right now visiting my mom, so I'm out of the storm. ...what sucks is my car's in Clearwater (where I left it before heading out here) in an area that's been evacuated... *groan* Yea... sucks for the folks in Sarasota.. I've been keeping in touch with a friend of mine going to New College... poor girl left all her stuff behind at her apartment...
  18. Ishikawa (stone river?) Kaito (big dipper of the ocean...) I guess Christopher being the dude who carried Christ across the river would SOMEWHAT tie into that....
  19. Excellent. I'm liking it. I was a little worried when I saw the poorly transformed proto shown not too long ago.... If I had have put away all my toys in the closet, I'd snag it.
  20. Blegh, get in line. People on RT.com have been predicting THAT one since the game was announced haha, well, I guess I'll remedy my unoriginality by hanging out there, hmm? I wouldn't want to steal any intellectual property from Robotech.
  21. man.. I can already spot the "plot twist" Locke isn't the man he thinks he is... The soldier you play at the beginning died in the Invid labs... He's a stage 5 Invid, given amnesia to help infultrate the resistence... Sound familar? Still, looks really cool. I'll be gettin' it.
  22. That pilot's hilarious!
  23. Of course. A valhyrie is the retarded, older step-sister of a valkyrie in Norse myth. Unlike their more illustrious sisters, they sheparded those who died in sad and pathetic ways to a "special" place in the Underworld.
  24. Ha... looks awesome, though it seems he would have serious issues walking with those stocky legs.
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