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Everything posted by GreenGuy42

  1. I think it goes without saying that this is rather sad. I mean, the man practially defined persistence, considering he never did give up on his own handicap, let alone others in his situation. He will be missed
  2. Wait.. wait.. human responibility with something with that much destructive potential? ....growing past war? Haha..... HahahHAh.. Ahah. AHaHAHahaHAHAHAH!!! ....sorry, the cynic in me never sees THAT happening.
  3. Brown valk.... Cannon fodder as in, first one in, first one dead.
  4. Clear your cookies and internet files. It didn't work for me either, at first.
  5. Well, we now know why Star Scream had such a high voice, anyway.
  6. You know, I would agree with you, but the new Charger... a FOUR door?!? Yuck. Car & Driver has some shots from Dodge..... Poor, poor Charger. sigh. Oh, and Windcharger's awesome.
  7. Gainesville's the same... strong gusts and rain... I'm just waiting for the dirty side.
  8. Got this. Figures.
  9. Dammit.. Why can't it hit Monday??? Bloody Business Law exam.... meh.. NOAA claims Lisa will be no threat. Judging by God's apparent hatred of anything Florida, I'm beginning to have my doubts. ....so, who's waiting for Ivan, take three....? *mutter*
  10. ...found another OT change.
  11. Your super power is You can change wine into water. Probably something you will never use The color of your costume is Orange Your Battle Cry is "I WILL ENJOY WATCHING YOU DIE!" Your side-kick is A Flea
  12. Actually, Hamill's comments relate to the plot ideas of George Lucas from about 20 years ago. Hints suggest that the two TV projects to possibly be released sometime in 2006 may relate to storylines between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. Oh, okay. I didn't listen too closely to Hamill, but that makes sense. Honestly, I'd love to see Vader kicking the remaining Jedi around, though, stuff along the lines of Knights of the Old Republic would also be a welcome breath of fresh air from the rather played out characters from the movies.
  13. ...and if anyone wishes to donate some extra cash to said MW members, ABSOLUTELY feel free to PM me....
  14. I'm really achin' to get Tracks, especially considering the US version will be blue.
  15. *shrug* As long as it's big enough to keep Yamato producing SOMETHING for us, I'm cool.... Most of the people I expose to Macross Plus, including those with less than positive opinions of anime, seem to love it, if that's any indication. That OVA/Movie alone should keep it alive.
  16. That should be interesting. And George won't be directing so it should be great! And wasn't the clip of Mark Hamill discussing 7-9 more of an anecdotal story? I think that conversation took place before GL dismissed the idea. not sure, though it wouldn't surprise me that said TV series represented the events after ROTJ. Hell, the EU spends SEVERAL thousand novels detailing the continuing fight between the (New Republic) and the Empire.
  17. So, it seems we're going to see a SW TV series... http://www.theforce.net/holonet/index.shtml#24770 ...Oh, and listen to Hamill's audio clip about it, toward the end... It seems we may just see 7, 8, and 9....
  18. Yea, his arms are a little sub par, though the limited articulation isn't what bothers me... Every time I look at that little angled black piece of plastic that acts as his shoulder, my mind just screams fragile... I LOVE Hound, though. He's probably the best looking Alternator to date.
  19. ...do take a look, though.. The gap in the hood is terrible. I THINK it's been transformed poorly but I'm not sure.
  20. Hasbro's website has Tracks blue.
  21. I know that feeling, man. Hell, my mom feels guilty enough now to help me pay for Alternators and other stuff, soo...
  22. It's a tie between MP prime and my 1/48's, honestly. If Prime had a bloody trailer and not some cardboard cut out, he's clean the 1/48, though... ...next in line.. Alternators I love the fact I can pay twenty bucks for something so amazingly well thought out.
  23. That's badass.... much respect...
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