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About GreenGuy42

  • Birthday 02/13/1983

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  1. Fredericksburg reporting in.
  2. My wife works for a NYC-based company. She’s scheduled to visit the home office sometime in the next few months. It appears I have more reason to join her. 😅
  3. Just got one from a MW seller so that I knew it wasn’t a broken mess. I never thought a toy could feel so solid yet so fragile at the same time.
  4. I have an old PS1 that I used the above technique and it hasn’t re-yellowed. Begs the question how much it’s tied to the chemistry of the plastic. I’m curious if that product from BBTS would help prevent yellowing after re-whitening the plastic. The only issue with any top coat is it’s likely not easily removable to re-whiten if it doesn’t work.
  5. A bath in a hydrogen peroxide mix and exposure to a UV light will do it. I did this to restore an old, white Kenner TIE fighter. You’ll have to do some disassembly and need to expect any stickers to degrade.
  6. Sure. I’ll reprocess it on my laptop when I get home and edit the post. I’m a bit in love with the Locust IIC. It’s a pulse laser monster.
  7. Do you still have the broken bit? It may be worth trying to use some plastic weld cement and some styrene on the sides to reinforce the break.
  8. I‘m a huge Battletech fan, so the chance to own a mech in LEGO-like format was too good to pass up! You gotta love the Locust for its tendency to be a PITA to hit and propensity to exploding spectacularly when you finally manage to bonk it.
  9. Got ya covered. I’m looking forward to displaying it next to my 19.
  10. I think the best way to sum up how I feel about this remake is “unnecessary, yet delightful.” My wife and I will definitely go see it!
  11. I just rewatched Macross 7 for the first time since… forever on bootleg DVDs. Thoughts: - Basara’s petulance really wore on me. While I groaned at his constant “listen to my music!” moments, it was his general dismissal and outright hostility when anyone asked to to not act like a selfish brat. - I will always adore the VF-17. I wish we’d get a release of the M7 version for the Hi-Metal line. - Generally liked Gamlin at first, even if cultural differences make the idea of a 19 year old guy dating a 14 year old was… oof. I like how he developed as a character and learned to be more than a military man. By the end of the series, he was my favorite character. - Martial strife bleeding into administration between Max and Milia made for some genuinely funny comedy. Loved the petty quips and snark. - I forgot Exsedol wasn’t just sticking his head into the bridge. Caught me off guard when he was stomping through the Protoculture ruins. - Reused battle animations got super old, but thats common in this era of animation. - Sivil’s shriek was so annoying. - Gigile’s my favorite antagonist, by far. Overall, it was alright. I prefer my Macross more serious, (M+, M0,) but it was entertaining and added some interesting lore with how the Protoculture basically destroyed themselves. Off to M7 Dynamite and the newer shows next!
  12. Trailer just felt so underwhelming. I’ll see what early reactions are once screening starts.
  13. I owned the old VHS of the OVA. Definitely jumping on this for the quality alone. It’s an odd show, but my head canon is that it’s just simply an in-universe sci-fi.
  14. I'm really debating pulling the trigger on this fighter in spite of the reported issues because my YF-19 needs a friend. Has anyone used the Tamashii Nations Amazon store? If so, and you got a YF-21 with reported issues, did they work with you? I live in Northern-ish Virginia and I don't know if we have a local store where I could look at it in person.
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