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Everything posted by justvinnie

  1. Max indicates that Basara actually flies and is quite proficient at doing so, though no where near the level the former in his prime. vinnie
  2. Youtube is great. I've forgotten how fun M7 is. You know, now that I'm watching an ep a day, it's even better. Doesn't seem too repetitive. And the music is unforgettable, catchy as hell. vinnie
  3. Forge powers, huh? Nothing like his parents. And he's been aware of Jessica. Radiation dude is cool. One of those not very practical powers. Then again Nathan's right... fly around saving cats from trees... vinnie
  4. True this is all fiction. And my personal interpretations of the powers is based on my knowledge of science. Generating net motion in a group of molecules is easy. But controlling the motions of individual molcules in random motion enmasse is a lot harder. It's not a matter of fine control, but rather the sheer amount of control. As an analogy, imagine controlling one ant in an ant farm. You could push and prod it certain directions. Now imagine doing that to all of the ants at once. It's neigh impossible! But you CAN move all of the ants at once by moving the ant farm so that even though each ant is still moving randomly (relatively for the purposes of this analogy) but they still all have net motion relative to you. For Sylar to have thermal control he could need to be conscious of each molecule to counter its random motion. If the writers say he can do that, than I am going to really hate Sylar as a character. Anyways, let's end this debate here.I agree yes TK can cause thermal control but would require a level of consciousness and control that would basically make a god. And I don't like that. vinnie
  5. I guess my problem with what you're saying is that Sylar has the ability to control individual atoms and molecules. That would give him God-like powers. There's no limit: fusion initiation, spontaneous combustion, nuclear detonation, molecular decomposition... basically if you can think it, he can do it. Think of it this way: just because you can carry a pitcher of water doesn't mean you isolate out individual water molecules to carry. For me telekinesis embodies only abilities involved in controlling the motion of a few items at the macroscopic scale. That is why I consider thermal control a different set of powers: the ability to absorb ambient energy to lower the temperature of the object you are absorbing energy from. vinnie
  6. Temperature is ambient thermal energy. Gas molecules moving at random speeds and in random direction. It's one thing to move a set of molecules in one direction and at the same relative speed, but to control trillion of trillions of air molecules moving in just as many directions? As for HRG and private plane, yeah that could be true, but its more fun if he had powers too. If he did have powers it wouldn't be teleporation. I'd say he can move really fast. Not fly but kind of like the Flash? I do not believe Sylar wears a bullet proof vest. What kind of villain wears bullet proof vests? Not the bad ass variety. vinnie
  7. So what is HRG and Eden's powers? HRG so gets around really fast... vnnie
  8. Thermal control is possible with telekinesis??? vinnie
  9. Heh... didn't realize the MPC prices went down. Neova sold me 2 1/48's for $100 (welcome back MW special). Yeah... $120 sounds about right for a new 1/48 shipped. How much is shipping at RT.com? The way I see it, the cost difference regardless is justified. Even as I pull my first 1/48 apart for some modding. vinnie PS: I mean $100 each.
  10. Bright diffused back lighting. Bouncing the flash off of white walls. vinnie
  11. So that's DL's powers... explains the Houdini comment. I still don't get Niki's powers... It's like there's another person inside her with their own goals and ambitions... vinnie
  12. $80 full reatil for the MPC with inferior design, subpar plastic and outdated toy technology. Or $100 for e-tailers like Neova for a 1/48. To this day I can't get over how superior the 1/48 are to every Valkyrie representation their is. vinnie
  13. I don't think that Claire's dad is a bad guy at all. I think they are a watchdog group aware of specials... and they don't want another Sylar on the loose. Their job is to monitor. I only say that Sylar has copying abilities because why else would he kill specials? vinnie
  14. So Claire obviously gets attacked by Sylar. That's not suprising since I believe he's been following her. The mysterious figure at the bonfire... and definitely the figure standing over her body in the painting. We know that Sylar has telekinetic abilities. Peter obviously mimics them in the painting were you can seeing the locker doors fly away from him (and presumably at Sylar to protect Claire). Obviously the combined powers of Claire, Hiro, and Peter are enough to drive Sylar away. Then again, Peter gains all of their powers if they are all fighting in close proximity. Can you imagine? Peter would be invincible. Why does Sylar attack "specials"? It might be that Sylar is similar to Peter in that he can copy other's powers. But unlike Peter, he can do it permanently if he kills them and does something with their brain. Note the child and how her father died? Frozen solid with his skull cap sliced off. Same with Isaac in the future except not frozen. That's another ability of Sylar control over thermal energy. He's an egomaniac trying to gather all the powers out there and that's why he has to kill Isaac. With a psychic predicting his every move, it's going to be hard to do anything. Lastly, Peter actually retains the powers he copies for a short time aftwerwards. It probably just fades away over time. It was cute how the writers led us on that Peter's powers were flight when it was really Nathan's. Now how long has Nathan known that he can fly? vinnie
  15. Ep 4
  16. I wonder if Peter got his scar from fighting Sylar? I mean if the two are in close proximity... imagine the kind of battle that would ensue! Now imagine other heroes near by... Peter would have the advantage... He'd mimic ALL of their powers. One thing for sure... Peter got the scar cause Claire wasn't around... vinnie
  17. Could be worse, he could have been a Marine mercenary. As my g/f pointed out on the back cover of the DOOM movie, that's ridiculous. vinnie
  18. Tell me more about how you feel concerning the SHE YF-19, Graham. Don't hold back. vinnie
  19. Most of the stuff that we call rubber is actually plastic mixed with a plasticizer. This allows the plastic to be softer like rubber. These are usually organic, lipophilic compounds that over time can leached out of the plastic and dissolve other things like paint which is made up mostly of organic polymers. vinnie PS: Incidentally, should check out the estrogen pollution theory concerning plasticizers...
  20. *wonders if omnipresent narrator is in Shadow Chronicles* Seriously, watching RT is like watching Macross through someone's window with the curtains closed. While its awesomeness is still evident, the image isn't so clear. I just don't think you should go mucking around with someone else creative work, regardless of whatever right you own. vinnie
  21. Quoted for truth! Best VF-1 bang for your buck. vinnie
  22. So Claire's powers are like Wolveerine, extermely fast cellular regeneration. Only thing she lacks is claws and admantium. Nkki's powers are the Hulk's. When she gets scared, the monster in her comes out to protect her. That monster has spuer strength and speed. And Sylar is a telekinetic. vinnie
  23. I was unhappy how low the nose can angle down in Gerwalk, so I shaved the back part of the calf for a greater angling. I think it allows for cooler poses in Gerwalk and it is not noticeable otherwise. vinnie
  24. Pink Pecker Special Forces. vinnie
  25. And unfortunately the opposite is true too. RIP Firefly.
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