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Everything posted by justvinnie

  1. I'm so tired of Macross stories about variable fighters and military backdrops. vinnie
  2. "The results [blending of CG and cel] is stunning and at its best moments, it's reminiscent of 2004's superb Appleseed." Either the chose the shittiest CG possible for the trailer, or these guys are just as blind as the RT.commers. Hell they might be RT.commers themselves... And the comparision with BSG is ridiculous. vinnie
  3. true, but I thought maybe its a red herring. Haitian wasn't present with Sylar but he still can't use his powers. Also Haitian dude's powers seem mental based so may he can suppress only those. vinnie
  4. I wonder HRG can suppress people's powers? vinniw
  5. LMAO. That's a good one. I still shudder when I think of N'trprse and it's captain K'rkk... vinnie
  6. I just hope "trailer voice guy" isn't ubiquitously present in the "OVA". As a child I didn't notice how grating the narrator was, but I can't stand to watch RT at all in part because of the narration nowadays. I pan it for the defects I see: the animation and voice acting. The RT fanatics praise it for the animation and voice acting. I don't know it's story so that's not my criticism at all. That's why I think the RT fanatics are either blind (literally or by nostalgia) or retards to think that the animation is awesome. Times change. We judge things within the context of their surroundings. Animation in the 80's shouldn't be compared to animation today. When I was a kid, stick figures were fine, but not so anymore. The fact that the animation is about what it was in the mid 90's is a sign of the lack of effort/funding in this "OVA". As for story from what I heard, it uses the Sentinel storyline from the novels. I've read those novels, and I seriously doubt anything that is base on that could be better than average considering the source material was average at best. EOTC was pure crap though. I still own it and I don't know why. vinnie
  7. Out of morbid curiosity, I wanted to see what the RT fans thought of the new trailer. They PRAISE it! What the hell, are they blind or just retarded? That has got to be one of the worst trailers I've ever seen. If what they claim is true, that this is better than the previous two trailers, then I have no hope for this "OVA". And they even compare it to BSG. I really tried to keep an open mind before I saw the trailer. A properly done RT OVA could be pretty good. But this is hardly properly done. vinnie PS: They promote people like Memodominion or something like that to commander? I thought it was pretty bad when they hired bankofkev, but seriously it's like if you worship all things RT, they'll promote you even if you are a retard.
  8. 1/48 for similarly spec'ed valkyries is my guess. This would include the VF-4, VF-9, and VF-3000 if they would ever make these. Basically, I think they will scale to be about 1 foot tall. vinnie
  9. I thought the animation was supposed to be OVA quality? I find it funny because it's being touted as the "award winning Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles". Holy crap was that ugly! That CG was state of the art like 10 years ago, probably 15! I can't believe no one's mentioned how ugly it was in the reviews. And I don't know who Chase Masterson is, but she sounds very annoying. dialogue was definitely cheesy. I came into the trailer with an open mind because everyone's been saying how it's not that bad... well that trailer either highlighted all the worst parts or it really is that bad and people are in denial. vinnie
  10. Eden's power... are rather persuasive... They found him. So what happens next now that he is incapacitated? Hollow him out, completely? vinnie EDIT IN: Sylar can stop bullets but not recover from a fall?
  11. Here you go. Kawamori Interview
  12. Sigh some people just don't read very carefully do they? I said the idea for M+ predates Top Gun. In an interview dated 1985 given after DYRL, Kawamori stated that he had a story idea for the advanced valkyrie fighter and how it is about two test pilots competing in Project Supernova. I seriously doubt Kawamori had the inside scoop on Top Gun's development.
  13. It was shown in an interview that the idea for M+ (or Project Supernova as it was called) predates Top Gun by a year. vinnie
  14. What a tease!!! How come Sylar doesn't attack Jackie? I mean how does he know about Claire??? With Jackie's publicity... it would make more sense. Guess Peter will borrow some powers too from the looks of it. vinnie
  15. Surprised no one has tried to dissuade him from getting those... BTW jenius, you just like arguing don't you? vinnie
  16. Now, really, tell us how you really feel about M7. Don't hold back. Seriously dude, you're way too worked up over a cartoon show. You sound almost like A1. "Thou doth protesth too much." vinnie
  17. Basara was not involved. Ray was. As an ex ace pilot with pacifist tendencies, it is only natural that Ray mediated Project M. The Fire Valkyrie is not Basara, it's the military's. He only pilots it because they let him and why it was so hush hush from the rest of the fleet. Fact is Basara wanted nothing to do with the military and would have probably refused to pilot the valkyrie if he knew its source. Ray recognized Basara's passion and talent as both a singer and pilot. That made him the perfect candidate for Project M. Is it so hard to believe that if battroids existed that there would exist difficult to execute maneuvers? After all they exist for jet fighters. QM-69 is a battroid maneuver that one to accelerate while performings rolls and strafing action at once, subjecting the pilot to intense stress. I just finished the series again and damn if it doesn't hit the spot for me everytime. When everyone has succcumbed from the spiritia drain, and Basara starts singing again while in his visions, Exedol said it best, "And still, Basara sings." And while we are talking about science, if I don't have a problem with it I'm not sure why everyone else does. I'm a practicing research scientist for almost a decade now as well as plenty of degrees to follow after my name. I'm pretty sure that very few members on this board come close to the level of research and science training I have. vinnie
  18. Project M. They made it quite clear that Basara's valkyrie belongs to the military trying to reproduce, for lack of a better phrase, "The Minmei Effect". Basara only pilots it, not own it. Max authorized it. More than anything, I think Max didn't want to have to fight all the time. This was a way to resolve conflicts if it could be reproduced. He put it under the charge of Colonel Barton who is hardcore military. vinnie
  19. Indeed an excellent setup for the next few eps. HRG is rapidly becoming a favorite character... In a way I see his point. How do you go up to someone and say, "Hey you have powers and we want to study and monitor you." The redhead is cute!!! I hope she comes back! vinnie
  20. Never saw the movie version. I know in my version of the OVA, he was called Alpha One during that scene. vinnie
  21. You mean Alpha One when he flew the YF-19. He was Eagle when when he flew the VF-11 or as Chaser 1 when he was recording Guld's flight.
  22. oh and as for Basara not growing. He does grow a great deal from the beginning of the series and at the end. He knew where he wanted to go, but not who he was. In rewatching you see him as he discovers himself and realizes his goals. Unlike other characters though is growth is a subtle one. It is not one of change but rather embellishment. vinnie
  23. Damn! The Gigil dying, the Stargazer eps... these all hit you hard. vinnie
  24. It was just some really hard move that Gamlin hadn't master. From what I understand, there are such moves in real life that pilots of skill can pull off with more facility than others. vinnie
  25. I don't want a SDF-Macross... there are plenty of those out already. I want a Battle 7! THat would rock. vinnie
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