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Everything posted by justvinnie
I don't know about "Days of the Future Past".. That's why Peter dies. He's not skilled enough. His containment of a nuclear blast and subsequent absorbption of the fallout radiation using Ted's powers kill him. Because face it, he's invincible right now. Moreso than Sylar. I like the characters of Peter and Sylar. But they need to die for the sake of balance in the powers. I liked Hiro as a character until the last 3 eps. His characterization went down the wrong path at that point. For someone who wants to be a hero and has seen what the future is like, he sure can't do anything right. This arc is called "Genesis". Their existence should have became public by the end of the beginning. The finale sucked because up until the end, the writers have proven that they can do wonderful stories. That made the finale a complete letdown. vinnie Sylar can stop bullets but gets run through with a sword by a little Japanese man cause he just stares at him. Peter "I'm never quite gonna explode until all the monologus are over" Petrelli. I agree with the guy on 9th Wonder that there was no sense of urgency like in "Company Man" when Ted was about to explode not to mention the SFX were so much better. He looked like he was going critical instead of just his hands glowing.
farting stupid writers! Hana's now a ghost in the machine. It gets worse and worse. vinnie
American entertainment, ruled by what the masses want, even if its stupid. But when you yield to the lowest common denominator, you just get crap. Look at the crap Hollywood has spewed forth. Look at reality TV. Tim Kring has yielded to the masses. He kept Sylar. He's not changing the cast. The season finale was sucky IMNSHO. Sure it wrapped up the bomb in NYC plot, but didn't elicit the excitement or emotions that "Company Man" did. I didn't yell and scream. I didn't get all sad. Here's how I would have ended it. Peter, Hiro, and Sylar engage in an apocalyptic fight that brings NYC to the brink of destruction. Hiro finally gets to stab Sylar. Sylar goes critical. Peter uses his TK to create a blast shield around them so that the explosive force funnels upwards, thus fulfilling Isaac's painting. Hiro teleports to save himself but is thrown back in time. He's stuck forever in the past and figuratively become Kensei's sword. And thus a cycle forms for the Nakamura family line where Kensei is the ancestor of Hiro. In generating such a massive shield, Peter dies from the total exhaustion of all his strength. Sylar dies cause he can't regenerate. As it stands, Isaac painted something that didn't happen. That's something that has NEVER happened in the series. The 3 most powerful people are still alive (Peter, Hiro, Sylar). Nathan's alive (God knows how). The only good part of this ep was when Niki whacked Sylar good. I have low hopes for next season. vinnie I agree with this thread on all the naysayers.
Clear your mind, youg Padawan. Let the Force be your guide. Matt can only hear thoughts. If you have no thoughts... vinnie
Crap, it's going to be a season end cliffhanger. Sylar is definitely back for Season 2. We'll find out exactly how he obtains other people's powers. Hopefully he'll die the first ep of the season along with Peter. vinnie
For a guy who can hear thoughts... Matt's kind of... useless. Ted should have gone nuclear the moment he saw Sylar just out of principle especially when his skull started getting cut. My truck turned over, creepy guy that some how sheared the door open... Yeah... this is normal. Given that he knows Sylar is after him... Also why the hell invisible Peter didn't try to rescue Ted is beyond me. Sylar's TK is WAAAAYYY too powerful. I'm sorry, flipping an armor truck is impossible. They need to start putting human metabolic limitations on these powers. Sylar must eat a lot to be able to have the energy to do what he did. Otherwise we'll have a DBZ on our hands. "Hahaha, I am way more powerful than you." "Oh yeah?" Proceeds to power up. "Now I am ten times stronger than you." But yeah Sylar needs to die or else this will never end. I think Peter and Sylar need to kill each other off. Its the only way to balance the stories. The only reason Peter loses when he meets Sylar is because he's too chicken. There's no reason he can't beat Sylar. Not with Claire's ability which Sylar does not have. There are so many ways Sylar could be killed. Hell DL could have done it. You can't hurt someone who is out of phase. Honestly, the early stories are better than the end. The Sylar storyline is getting fafetched. The connected-ness of everyone is farfetched. Sure its a small world, but it AIN'T that small. Kaito being a super swordsman. Farfetched. Hiro mastering swordplay in one after noon. Farfetched. Also the idea that some powers are unstable should have been further explored. Ted's is one. Instead Ted, Peter and Sylar all controlled it pretty well. Nuclear reactions aren't exactly easy to control... They didn't need to have Micah say Candice eats a lot for us to know that Candice is probably a big girl using her powers to look attractive. I say "Company Man" was the best ep the entire season. Well, let's see what next week delivers. vinnie PS: I read that Sylar might come back for Season 2. I hope not. We need new stories with new villains.
Based on the writers comments, Candice alters people's perception. She can manipulate what people perceive by all 5 senses. She does not bend light or warp reality. The light shimmering is merely for us to understand that some sort of manipulation is going on and not to reflect that anything physical has changed. That's why her powers are mental in nature. She affects people's perception of reality. It also explains why she can create illusions of people she hasn't met before (Simone). The affected individuals see what Candice wants them to see but it is up to them to fill in the details based on what they know about that specific illusion. This is also why she can project illusions over large areas, since she is manipulating the senses directly. And while she may be able to fool all 5 senses, she can't not fool people's knowledge of that person. Micah sees through the illusion because he knows his mom would not act the way Candice did. vinnie
Cause the writers said so? vinnie
weak episode. nothing of significance or memorable occurred. More of a set up for the last two eps. I hope the payoff is worth it. THis is the first ep that left me leaving... unsatisfied. In FYG, Future Hiro wants to recruit Candice, DL, and Molly. Apparently, he's not aware that Sylar has gotten to Candice and DL. Sloppy work on HRG's part. Another thing that really bothers me is that writers mention that its important that Candice's powers are mental in nature. In other words she fools the senses as opposed to actually physically changing herself or the environment. This is impossible. Sylar impersonates Nathan as the President. This would mean that every time he gets on TV people would see Sylar and not Nathan since there's no way the illusory powers can affect people over the tube. vinnie
Future Matt is ruthless. He shot Hana point blank. He shot HRG point blank. He tortures current Hiro. I don't think he has a problem with sending Claire to her death at all. He's got power and respect, what he always wanted as opposed to directing traffic for 11 years. Matt probably knows that the President is Sylar but chooses to play along. The question is why is the Haitian working for the government? Does he not know that Sylar is the President? Why can Hiro stop time before he gets to the Haitian, go up to the Haitian, and then dispose of him? There's no way that the Haitian's power works when Hiro is already in stopped time. vinnie
That was Hana Gitelman, the walking human Blackberry. David, in the original timeline Sylar was the bomb. Saving the cheerleader made Peter the bomb. There will be a third timeline now that Hiro is back in the current time again. The Peter was the bomb is due to Hiro jumping to the future and not participating in the events leading up to the bomb. vinnie
Agreed! Though I must say this episodes rings of X-Men quite a bit. I was so not expecting that twist with the President. So Matt knows about the President? Does the Haitian? Because its obvious that Mohinder doesn't and neither does Peter. If the Haitian can stop powers, why didn't he when Peter escaped him the first time. Also why couldn't he stop Sylar's powers at the Bennett house? Secondly, how come Peter never copied that particular power? Lastly, wouldn't Sylar be outclassed by Peter the moment they fought. Peter would get all of his powers. It seems our girl Candace won't be around much longer. vinnie
Sylar has eidetic memory. it was shown after he escaped Odessa and learned how to drive the truck by reading the manual. On the same note, another of Sylar's powers must be accelerated hair growth. If the timeline is right he hasn't escaped but 2 weeks and he already has a head full of hair. I'm sure hair doesn't grow THAT fast...
I've always held that Peter gained the power to permanently keep abilities because he met up with Sylar. It's also how he got telekinesis. So the question is why does he not have cyrogenesis, superhearing, and eidetic memory? It could indeed be that he can use only one power at a time. After all if the powers are a result of one gene as is implied it would make sense. The gene would have to rearrange for each ability. That would place the same restriction on Sylar too though. So unless Sylar uses those abilities in Peter's presence, Peter doesn't get them. I also wonder what Granny Petrelli's powers are... and when Peter is going to pull it out of his file cabinet. As for Sylar, why does he not have The List committed to memory with his eidetic memory? He saw the list in the computer screen, unless its a fake list. That or it wasn't in English and his memory doesn't work unless he understands what he is reading. But it was shown that the list was in English. vinnie
I thought it was the funniest episode ever. Almost as good as Batman: The Musical. vinnie
wow, that was Itano Circus overload. The montage of Macross at the beginning was way cool. It shows that SDF:Macross has animation that still stands up well today. vinnie
Battlestar Galactica Discussion
justvinnie replied to HoveringCheesecake's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Also, why is Hera so important? The chief and Cally had Nicky. So Hera's not the only half cylon baby around. vinnie -
Battlestar Galactica Discussion
justvinnie replied to HoveringCheesecake's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Inconsistent tactics. It's been shown before that the Galactica sends scout raiders before the main fleet jumps as a precautionary measure against surprises. So what was different about this time? Given that they were jumping into a gas cloud, one would think that would be something they would have done, especially since they have no idea what was there. I do like the acting during the "OMG, we're cylons!" It was very powerful. As for Lee, I'm so tired of his emo, soul searching quest. vinnie -
Dude, that cover pic is awesome on its own! The right half of the chest lifts up as well as the forearm armor to enable greater freedom of movement. Sweet! I always thought some thing that big would limit finer motions. This gets around the bulkiness of the armor. vinnie
Many species of plants are self fertile. Others use wind to pollinate. Ever had a nice dusting of pine pollen on your car? Lastly some plants reproduce vegetatively (think strawberries and runners or the spiderplant). Oh yeah decomposition doesn't necessarily have to be mediated by microflora either. Everything degrades naturally as a part of the entropic process. It's just faster with microbes. Having said that, if you would to terraform a planet, it would be in your best interest to have all forms of microbes there to quickly cycle nutrients. Otherwise the terraforming process would take much longer. Of course introducing mircobes is quite easy since all you really have to do is step out planetside. Your normal flora (the microbes on you) would just spread naturally. That's why I said the mere presence of our buddy on the planet would indicate that there are such organisms there already.
Your buddy will decompose without maggots. It's very difficult to sterilize the human body if not impossible. The fact he is even on the planet means that it has protozoans, fungi, and bacterial microflora. These would begin the process of decomposition immediately upon death. That is unless he dies where his body can get frozen or he dies where his body will dessicate quickly.
Why is it Urban if they are stationed in space? vinnie
First of all Sylar should have heard Suresh's heartbeat as he schemed. Secondly, why would Peter have a scar? He can heal! Claire has no scars! Oh, and Sylar is going to have a nasty surprise when Peter heals and then proceeds to use his other powers to whoop Sylar's ass. Sylar's going to run with his tail between his legs and hunts down Isaac in an attempt to even the odds. Lastly, the new girl, Candace, is a quite a b*tch isn't she? I wonder why she is working for the OWI? The show never did explain why some of the specials work for them. After all, they do seem to treat other specials with less than... desirable care. What do they tell the new recruits that makes them agree to employment? Eden seemed like a decent person and she worked for them. With Hana, they just lied to her. Is that what they do to everyone. It doesn't seem so since Candace, Haitian, Claude, and Eden seemed to know much more about the company than Hana did. I want to see what happens to HRG. What about Sandra and Lyle??? I think HRG is slacking, he should have set up a safe phrase with his wife knowing the kinds of powers the people he works with have. And exactly what did he tell Hana to do??? vinnie
eh, this weeks ep isn't really anything. Its just a setup for the next ep. Last weeks ep reigns supreme IMO. vinnie
Oh one last thing: Since Peter has to think about how he feels when he met someone special to use their power, if he doesn't know they have a power, he can't use it. In other words, since he is unaware of Sylar's cyrokinesis power, he's not able to use it, even if he has it in him. Theoretically, Peter could have tons of powers he is unaware of due to having casually passing people who had powers. Also, Simone's father HAS to be involved in this somehow... It just seems too coincidental otherwise. vinnie