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Everything posted by justvinnie

  1. Sounds like delimiter mode to me. vinnie
  2. Why do people in here not think spiral power in gurren lagann is not the same as anima spiritia? They both seem pretty similar. both are driven by a persons feelings and convictions. vinnie EDIT IN: Not to mention the similarities between kamina and basara. Hated them at first but then understood them. Only difference was kamina served as a vehicle for growth of the protagonist while basara WAS the protagonist.
  3. Peter, Sylar, Maya, Nikki, these are the ones that should die to further the story. They suck and prevent new and interesting plots from happening due to power balance or gernal over all suckiness. Also agreed, the company is no longer very... intimidating. I loved season 1. this season blew.
  4. character development this season blows. Hiro, Peter, Mohinder, its like they all took the stupid pill. Case in point: Victoria: You killed Kaito and the others didn't you? Peter Petrelli: No we're saving the world! Victoria: He broke into the lab and tried to release the virus. (See at this point Peter should use his mind reading powers on her and Adam...) Hiro: He killed my father. He must die. Peter: No! I need him. We're going to save the world! Seriously, the guy can't take a hint. vinnie
  5. Holy crap, I just listened to the podcast. Wow, this guy is... a really big fan of Robotech. vinnie
  6. Not to get all PC, but do Japanese people really get offended by that term? I'm Vietnamese, and no one seems to mind being called Viet. Furthermore do Asians really get offended by "ch..k"? I've just never been offended by it ever before. It seems so trite to get bent out of shape by something so trivial. Lastly is it really a racial slur? Wouldn't it be an ethnic slur? The aforementioned c word would be a racial slur. vinnie
  7. I don't mind missing episodes at all and just catching them when I can. After the season finale, I wasn't that interested. If only they killed off Peter and Sylar, that would have created a different dynamic for this season. New and more interesting characters. Instead they kept them because the fans insisted in lieu of artistic integrity. All the story arcs are boring, and I hate that everyone is related to each other some how. Season 2 definitely kept you coming back. vinnie
  8. does anyone else think the very term "Robotech" is a bit hokey and lame? I just much prefer Overtech. It makes more sense too. Why the hell did humans called alien technology "robot technology"? It's not like we don't have robot technology of our own. But Over Technology is technology above that of human technology. Sorry, just something that's been irking me for years. vinnie
  9. while not the greatest toy, I don't think its that bad. It's just decent. It's not a playing toy but more of a posing toy. Mind you it can't do very dynamic stances, but you can pull off some nice poses. I like it. What it lacks in playability, it makes up for in presence on my shelf. vinnie
  10. http://ga.sbcr.jp/mreport/007657/28.html
  11. You can't prevent yellowing. The reason the VF-1A Hikaru yellows more easily is because it lacks pigmentation at all whereas all other 1/60 VF-1's have some form of pigmentation in the plastic to mask the yellowing. Exposure to air is enough to yellow but even if you vacuum sealed it, entropy would still eventually take over. Physics... until we learn to bend the rules of physics, we'll have to make do. vinnie
  12. What's with all the the Batmans?
  13. Like the topic says.... vinnie
  14. what I really dislike about the 21 is that the feet don't have a movable heel. So posing is always an issue. Based on the image, I'm guessing they aren't going to add one. Otherwise looking good! vinnie
  15. No offense but I think the 1J head is hideous too. Esp. look at how it just seems to float on Max's. Picture courtesy of jenius's site. vinnie
  16. How the hell did Neville pull Godric's sword from the hat? Griphook had it last running out of the bank, but then it magically can be summoned by the hat? I know that the line in the flashback with Dumbledore was supposed to show you that only in times of need and with great courage can the sword be called upon. So I guess the hat can just conjure the sword as needed, regardless of where it is currently. The scene at the beginning with Charity Burbage was unnecessary. Its sole purpose was to show that Voldemort was evil. But we've never even heard of her until now. At least I don't think so.Also post wedding and pre Hogswart felt like it dragged on and on. Aberforth was a complete surprise in the sense. It was like, hey, look Albus has family too! As a series entertaining over all though. Wouldn't put it on LOTR and thing like that though vinnie
  17. So cruel, if only the real thing could look like that.
  18. Glass half empty or half full? A ripoff or inspired by? vinnie
  19. Isn't the gravitational and superluminal event in 1995 to justify the divergence of timelines from our own? I took it that way so as to explained why the ASS-1 didn't crash in 1999. vinnie
  20. If someone renders Battle 7 and/or 13, you can make a model out of it? Hint, hint model masters! It's got to be transformable though!
  21. Not even Uwe Boll? vinnie
  22. Bah! Destroids, Glaugs, etc have all existed in some scale as models or toys already. Give me something never been done before. BATTLE 7! That would kick so much ass! vinnie
  23. I think its about time someone here builds a 12" Battle 7 model. And better yet if it could transform. Doesn't have to be perfect transformation even! I just want a kickass model of this ship! It's by far one of the coolest designs in all of Macross! It has never existed in physical form. Sure destroids and battlepods are cool, but there have been models and toys of them. Never has Battle 7 been given its fair due. So how about it??? vinnie
  24. 1. Nope. FH asked CP to "Save the cheerleader, save the world." because he thought that if Sylar didn't have Claire's power, he could kill him and thus prevent the bomb. See "Five Years Gone" again. FH would not know that Claire would spur Nathan to have a change of heart. How could he? He only knows what has happened and unfortunately in his timeline, Claire was already dead or he was absent to find out what happened. To answer Carl, Sylar was never stabbed! CH jumped to the future and thus created an alternate timeline where he did not participate in the events leading up to the explosion. CH had to go back in time to fix that little problem. 2. THe nature of Peter's powers are rather unexplained. He doesn't seem to get everyone's powers he comes in to contact him. For instance, he didn't get the Haitian. He didn't get his mom's power. He didn't get Claude's when before he met him when he was a hospice nurse in the same damn building. He got Sylar's TK but not his super hearing and eidetic memory. It was hypothesized that they had to use their power in his presence for him to copy it. But Sylar used super hearing, and Peter never got it. Then Landslide threw that out the window because, Ted never used his power when he first met Peter. Peter just passively absorbed. So apparently they don't have to use the power for Peter to get it. Peter has been shown to use two powers at once (ecluding his native power). However, this only happened in the FYG. In his first appearace, Peter was invisible AND used TK at the same time. BUt FP is pretty badass so maybe CP can't use do that yet. vinnie
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