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Everything posted by justvinnie

  1. That is one cute sassy looking Valk-girl! Very nice! vinnie
  2. Bah. Anakin/Vader was a punk/prick that needed some smacking around. vinnie
  3. The outcome is just as I suspected. It is the only logical outcome in the affair of the domestic release of Macross 7 Trash. Big West could not possibly allow a Macross derivative to have the HG stamp of approval lest they lose the whole franchise to HG. vinnie
  4. Why not Focker? Who else is better qualified to test new hardware then the ace himself? Especially if it's new hardware FOR new hardware? vinnie
  5. very cute! Where's albino Drew? vinnie
  6. I need: 1 Back Plate #BP09 VF-1A Hikaru 1 Rear Antenna Thingie #BP10 VF-1A Hikaru Please send me a price. vinnie
  7. I need: 1 Rear Antenna Thingie #BP10 VF-1A Hikaru Please send me a price. vinnie
  8. Superman is indeed lame. He's too boring as a character. Batman rules on so many levels though. Hoping new Batman movie will rock. vinnie
  9. I must be the odd one here. I don't watch that much anime. I only collect Macross toys and a few oldskool TF's. My number one hobby is dancing (ballroom, Latin, swing, country western, and folk). Aside from that I cultivate orchids (a very expensive hobby for the enthusiasts). I have lots of pets. I have a 10 gal tank that I breed guppies in. Any excess guppies are tansferred to my turtle tank. I have a cocktiel and a Himalayan cat. That's about it. My lifestyle does not leave me with time for much else. vinnie PS: Damn! How did I forget? Another of my all time hobby is women. Wine, dine, and dance them to their hearts content. This hobby, my friends, is an expensive and time consuming hobby not for the weak of constitution.
  10. Simple, Big West would refuse to hand over any materials (ie. films, line art, reference materials, etc.). It can also tell companies like Bandai and Yamato not to play ball with HG (as in releasing their Valk toys under the Robotech name) because it would negatively effect their business relations... otherwise saying, Big West may no longer give licenses to any company that goes over its head to work with Harmony Gold. If some of us are correct, Toykyo Pop may have put itself in this situation and may have a difficult time directly getting any kind of future rights or exclusives from Big West. This what I believed all along. BW would not allow TokyoPop to put HG's logo on Macross & Trash because it would imply that HG had some right to any of the Macross derivatives. BW being the primary producer of Macross derivitives cannot allow that because A) they would lose total control over the franchise and B) cut into their profits. It's as simple as that. I don't beleive that TokyoPop will release M7 Trash any time soon. It may explain the removal of all promotional material of M7 Trash from their site. vinnie
  11. I agree. I think people are often impressed by how many layers in Photoshop a comic can use on one page than the actual quality of the art itself. All the colors just serve to really hide the flaws IMO.
  12. if only people would read the instructions or check the boards before making such statements. How many times has this been covered? Or rather how many more times will people keep saying this? Heh. Didn't know this. Probably they wanted to save money. After all, they got a deal on some cheap white plastic. Painting it was a cheaper alternative then to used colored plastic that was higher grade than what they were using. vinnie
  13. Heh, are you serious? I think you're seeing things the way you want to see them. Interesting, that whole days posts were deleted but justvinnie made this comment: Dated Jan. 21, 2003 Link Wow, I'm famous for 5 minutes and no one even bothers to tell me! And yes, I have very strong suspicions that whoever wrote the article for ANN had simply read the thread on MW. There was an entire chuck of one of my post worded slightly different. In the ends what better source to go to (if not a little bias) than the rabid fans who knows the ins and outs of everything that public? vinnie
  14. I find it funny you can't talk about Macross toys on RT.com, but you can talk about any Macross series which in the end amounts to the same thing as talking about the toys since unless we are from Japan we have either import or illegally obtain a copy. In fact, if HG owns everything Macross, why the hell haven't they sued BW for creating derivatives of a show they own? The only reason we can't talk about Macross toys is because it would hurt their profits due to the shitty mechandise their licensee produce. I wonder if they'll ban talk about any other Macross show than the original once they release their new show? vinnie
  15. You must be using the saem source matrial as the Compendium cause your translation indicates only one gun instead of two at the wing roots. vinnie
  16. I'd like Kawamori's Lego Sv-51. Wonder if he'll considering publishing instructions? vinnie
  17. (Link here.) Yeah also from the Compendium: Mass cloning turned out to be a disaster. vinnie
  18. A mod has been tainted by the darkness that is Robotech. Let us tar and feather him! vinnie
  19. I like it a lot and I am a Spidey fan. The animation is a little.... wierd for my tastes but aside from that everything is nice. Also they show the previous week's new ep as the second half hour of this week. Kinda weird.... vinnie ----> wishes he had Mary Jane Watson pining away for him. Oh wait! Did I say that out loud?
  20. I'd have to disagree. I think their mastery of genetics is close to absolute. The mere fact that they were able to genetically guide numerous planets evolutionary trends indicates so. More than anything, I don't they wanted a perfect soldier. Who will police the police if the Zentraidi are superior? So instead of making them perfect and giving them the most powerful weapons, the PC made them normal from stock PC genes. They gave them second rate, mass produced weaponry. But they gave them unlimited numbers. Cannon fodder in the purest sense. As for the training, I think that again has to do with the class a Zentraedi belongs in. I think that some members are capable of more "battle creativity" then others. Namely commanders and aces were given better education programming to elevated them from the common fodder. vinnie
  21. Neither sexual or asexual reproduction are better at the dissemination of "beneficial" alleles (variants of one gene, in theory we already have all our genes, just a different set of alleles). Keep in mind that asexual organisms tend to breed at a much faster rate then sexual organism. Only one organism needs to gain the beneficial allele for it to be present in the population at significant levels within hours (assuming that it confers extreme benefits). You are correct though that sexual reproduction allows the masking of harmful alleles by genetic shuffling. The problem with this is that the allele is not eliminated. As such progenies continue to carry the gene and express it at some point. Over time without selective pressures to keep the frequencies of the allele in check, it will enter equilibrium with all it's counter part despite it's "harmfulness", an example being my myopia. Simpler organisms undergo what is called conjugation to exchange genetic data only. Also they often have the ability to just pick up genetic information that is present in the environment that originally came from other organisms that somehow burst and spilling the DNA out. Back on topic: The Zentraedi used cloning as their soel method of reproduction. However, they themselves are unaware of the genetic engineering principles. If what Keith says is true about their use of in vitro DNA mixing, then by chance a warrior may arise that happens to have the most beneficial alleles in him or her. However, most of the warriors would be average, unless there is a selective mechanism in effect. That may explain why so many of them sucked as warriors. Also the base gene pool must be taken in to consideration since it determnines the average ability. However, I do not recall an instance where this was mentioned. It seems to me that the series implicitedly or explicited states that the Zentraedi are really clones of individuals. Remember when Misa sees the cloning chambers? It is also apprent I think that each Zentraedi falls in to specific class. Otherwise you would see Bodolzaa class individuals fighting as grunts and Exedol class individuals as commanders of entire fleets. It's seems too structured especially considering the militaristic nature for this to be true. My opinion is that because the Zentraedi were cloned from exisiting members of the PCsociety, there spans a spectrum of abilities. However, the education methodology clearly is used to suppress many of the simple abilities that all societies have. Instead all education is geared towards making warriors. They after all are cannon fodder and so whether they are fit for warrior hood is not important. vinnie
  22. Back in December of 2001, AnimEigo was about to release their remastered SDF-Macross boxset. The had published some pics on their site to show how hard they were working to get the sets out in time for the holidays. One fo the pics was of Shin Kurokawa, who headed the remastering, holding a boxset over his coworkers who were all abjectedly bowing to the boxset. AdianK, resident photoshop guru, added a picture of Kawamori's head ripped from a Yamato 1/60 promo to this pic with added lightning effects. The lightening came from Kawamori's eyes and shot to the boxset which then shot to all of the bowing workers in a "blessing" of sorts. Because of this floating picture of Kawamori's head, he has since been called the Floating Head, but in Engrish would be the Froating Head. There you have it. vinnie EDIT IN: If anyone has a copy of this picture please post it so that our newer brethen may be blessed by the Hory Froating Head.
  23. not true. both sexual and asexual reproduction will introduce mutations over time. Mutation is the well spring of natural selection. All cloning will do is put the gene pool of a population into stasis, asssuming that mutations that spontaeously occur are irradicated. vinnie
  24. I see that they did not use the proper sculpt for the Dark Legioss. vinnie
  25. Why? I think it is the future of medicine. As is with any science there are ethical issues to address. Using viruses to carry genes will pave the way to gene therapy. Imagine a world where no one has to suffer any of the countless numbers of genetic disorders. Is that not worht striving for? Humans have stopped evolving due to the lack of selective pressures and better survival rates despite genetic shortcomings due to modern medical advances. There will come a point where we will have to guide our own evolution. We will have to start weeding out the deleterious genes that accumulate due the to survival of members of our society that carry that gene thanks to modern medicine. People like me would have never survived in a hunter-gatherer society due to my extremely limited vision (I'm legally blind). Only because of our "advanced" society do people like me have a chance of surviving. However in guiding our own evolution, we must ensure a diverse gene pool. Do not make everyone the same. This is kill any chance of long term species survival. Back on topic: Using viruses to evolutionarily guide the development of humans is a great idea for sci-fi. It makes sense because you can create a series of viruses that will only become active once the proper evolutionary point has been reached. This will then allow you to guide the development of generations after generations of an organism. This time delay is necessary to allow an organism to adapt to its changing gene pool. The other thing about viruses is that they are self replicating. As such you only need to creat a few and you could genetically engineer en mass whereas to change each and every cell of every individual would be time prohibitive. vinnie
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